About Us

About Us

Research at NUI Galway: Nothing about us, without us

Funded by the Health Research Board, the PPI Ignite Network @ University of Galway programme aims to bring about a culture change in how health and social care research is conducted. The PPI Ignite programme office:  

  • Supports researchers to involve members of the public in meaningful ways across the full research cycle
  • Delivers PPI training and education to researchers and to the public
  • Runs PPI clinics to support researchers, including providing support during grant writing on PPI aspects of applications  
  • Connects the public and patient and community organisations to researchers who are seeking PPI partners
  • Connects researchers to other researchers with relevant PPI experience
  • Helps researchers to evaluate the impact of their PPI activities

For more information on the PPI Ignite Network @ University of Galway, follow this link to subscribe to our newsletter.