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Gender Equality Students
Gender Breakdown Undergraduate Students
The University of Galway tracks and monitors a range of student data, disaggregated by by gender allowing the university to identify trends or disparities in various aspects of student life and academic success.
The tables below reflect Undergraduate students' Life Cycle from the initial offer stage to the final graduation stage. The data is presented by gender for all fields of study and then specifically by the Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) field of study.
Table 1: Offers- Acceptances and Enrolments by Gender:
Table 2: Undergraduate students' progression by Gender:
Table 3: Graduation and attainment rates by Gender:
Currently, our data indicates that females make up approx 60% of all student enrolments and graduates, but less than 50% of STEM enrolments and graduates. Therefore we have a range of supports to encourage and support equal opportunity and engagement for all genders in the key gender focus area of STEM as detailed below.
Outlined below are the actions that have been put in place to support the female student cohort.
Scholarships for female students
Johnson & Johnson Ireland Women in STEM2D (WiSTEM2D) Award Programme.
University of Galway in association with the pharmaceutical company Johnson and Johnson show their commitment to promoting females undertaking a STEM degree in the University of Galway by awarding WiSTEM2D Scholarships. WiSTEM2D stands for Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Manufacturing and Design. The aim of the Johnson & Johnson WiSTEM2D undergraduate programme is to inspire and support more women to pursue a career in STEM after university and increase female representation in the STEM2D workforce. The WiSTEM2D scholarship recipients receive extensive industry mentoring and leadership training to help prepare them to pursue a career in STEM.
Intel Women in Technology Scholarships
A number of scholarships, which include monetary bursaries in the amount of €3000 per person, will be offered to select female students who are pursuing an undergraduate Level 8 Degree in, Computer Science or Electronic Engineering.
Fort Wayne Metals Bursary for exceptional female students
The FW Metals Bursary will recognise and reward the potential of exceptional female students with an annual award of €3,000 to one student who is selected to complete their internship at Fort Wayne Metals Ireland.
Máire Brazil Scholarship in Civil Engineering
This scholarship is adjudicated annually by the Dean of Science and Engineering (or his / her nominee) and will be awarded to the eligible female candidate who demonstrates the highest overall grade in her First Year University exams in Engineering. Successful candidates will receive a Scholarship of €2,000 each year for 3 years of study, namely 2nd, 3rd and 4th year of her BE (Civil) degree. Retention of the scholarship from year to year will be conditional upon recipients’ maintaining an honours grade standard in subsequent year examinations (i.e. 2nd, 3rd and 4th year).
Gender Equality Actions
The creation of an overarching institutional student recruitment strategy with specific actions at college level to improve UG student gender representation
Targeted outreach and recruitment drives
Planned school visits to girls/mixed schools
Events with career guidance students targeting Junior Cert students to promote maths, engineering and computer science programmes
Interactive workshops with primary schools
Updated promotional material to raise profile of female/male role models
Short videos to highlight diverse and exciting career opportunities
An active campaign celebrating female staffin the College of Science and Engineering (CSE)
"Women in STEM" open days by the CSE
The "Women in Engineering" campaign in CSE
WiSTEM Societies
- CodePlus (Coding for Girls)
EDI News
Feb 6th 2025
Silver Athena Swan Award for the J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics
Jan 28th 2025
Athena Swan Gold Seminar: Queens University Belfast
University of Galway prepares for an Athena Swan Silver Award
Read more
Dec 11th 2024
Launch of the Sexual Violence & Harassment Prevention & Response Policy, Dec 11th 2024