Athena Swan Silver Seminar 21st of June 2023

Jun 21 2023 Posted: 16:04 IST

L-R: D‌r Laura Loftus, Dr Caroline Murphy, Sarah Fink, Dr Maeve Duffy & Dr Helen Maher

A seminar on Silver Athena Swan Silver accreditation, organised by the OVPEDI, was held on Wednesday the 21st of June, the Aula, 10.00-12.00. In 2025, University of Galway will be applying for a Silver Athena Swan. A number of Schools will also be submitting Silver applications over the coming years. The event was chaired by Dr Laura Loftus, Programme Manager for Athena Swan, with Guest speakers; Sarah Fink, Athena Swan Ireland (The new Athena Swan framework vs the previous iteration, and the criteria that need to be addressed to achieve a Silver Athena Swan award) and Dr Caroline Murphy, Kemmy Business School, UL (Achieving Silver Athena Swan accreditation and the transition from Bronze to Silver). Our own  Dr Maeve Duffy, School of Engineering, University of Galway, talked us through the school's journey in achieving the School of Engineering Silver award status in 2022 status. 


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