The Equal Status Acts 2000-2018 (‘the Acts’) prohibit discrimination in the provision of goods and services, accommodation and education. They cover the nine grounds; 

  1. Gender
  2. Marital Status
  3. Family Status
  4. Age
  5. Disability
  6. Sexual Orientation
  7. Race
  8. Religion
  9. Membership of the Traveller community

Within the University of Galway, Data is a key part of understanding where there is disadvantage and under-representation and will enable us to devise targeted measures to address and mitigate disadvantage where it exists. Currently, there are significant gaps in the diversity data in our university. We have created an option for you to provide us with your data on our Employee Self-Service (ESS) Core Portal. In accordance with our EDI Privacy Notice, any personal information that you volunteer to the Service will be treated with the highest standards of security and confidentiality. This is a voluntary and confidential disclosure to assist the University in tracking diversity and representation among our staff. Please provide us with your diversity details by updating your profile on the Employee Self-Service (ESS) Core Portal, this is a quick 3-minute process. See the instructions below on how to update your details.