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Latest News
Some explanations to help you in managing your paperwork
Handbook for Outgoing Erasmus Study Visits - Please make sure to read this handbook very carefully.
Erasmus Pre-Departure Readiness Session 2024/25 - This is a recording of the pre-departure information session that was held on Thursday, 9 May, 2024, for students going abroad on study visits that are starting in Semester 1 of AY 2024/25.
Erasmus Pre-Departure Readiness Session Presentation Slides (May 2024) - This is a PDF copy of the slides from the Erasmus Pre-Departure Readiness Session 2024/25 that was held on Thursday, 9 May, 2024. This PDF includes a link to the Erasmus student video testimonials you can watch online here.
- University of Galway Learning Agreement for Studies - for use only where it's not possible to use the OLA
- Grant Acknowledgement Form 2024-2025
- Certificate of Arrival
- Narrative Report
- Certificate of Attendance 2024-2025
I have to fill in various application forms - what are they all for?
The online Erasmus Grant Application Form is a University of Galway internal form; its purpose is to provide Global Galway with all your details for our records and to allow us to pay your Erasmus grant into your bank account. Please do not confuse it with the host university's application form: you will have to apply to your host university for admission as an Erasmus student. Make sure you know what you need to do in this regard; if in doubt, check with your departmental coordinator. Please make sure that you are aware of, and observe, the deadline of your host university in relation to your application. If in any doubt, check the relevant website. The onus is on you, the student, to ensure that your application is properly filled in, includes all necessary documentation, and arrives at your host university in time. Bear in mind also that a housing application form will need to be completed if you plan to take a room in a university residence abroad - early application is advisable.
How do I get the application form for the host university?
The first stage in this process is that your coordinator at University of Galway will officially nominate you to the host university, and after that you can expect to receive instructions by email from the host university about the application procedure. As there is a danger that legitimate emails can end up in your spam folder, you should check this regularly. If you haven’t heard anything from your host university a month before the deadline, notify your University of Galway coordinator.
Online application forms are widely used by our partner universities. However, you may have to print out the form or part of it and have it signed by your University of Galway coordinator before sending it to the host university by post. Make sure you observe the application deadline! You should receive a confirmation of acceptance from the host university within a month or so of the deadline.
What happens after I submit my University of Galway Erasmus application form?
In advance of the start of their Erasmus studies, Global Galway will send each outgoing student an Erasmus Pack containing your grant agreement, a letter of nomination, and other official documentation in connection with the Erasmus study visit. This will normally be sent via email to your University of Galway email address.
Please read all the material (as well as any emails from Global Galway) very carefully and follow any instructions given in relation to return of documents, etc. You will normally be required to complete two copies of the "Grant agreement for Erasmus+ Higher Education Studies", which is your financial contract with University of Galway; one copy is for you to keep, and the other copy must be sent to outgoingerasmus@universityofgalway.ie BEFORE you leave to commence your studies abroad, otherwise you will not be eligible to receive an Erasmus grant.
You will also need to complete a Risk Assessment and sign a Study Abroad Declaration, but these processes are managed by your College and not by Global Galway.
What's the difference between the "Grant agreement for Erasmus+ Higher Education Studies" and the "Learning Agreement"?
The Grant Agreement is your "financial contract" with University of Galway, setting out the terms and conditions of your study visit and your Erasmus grant. It's a four-page document that requires your signature alongside that of the University representative. It is vital that you return this document to Global Galway BEFORE you begin your study period abroad. You will have to provide the details of your travel insurance (policy name and number) on your grant agreement; without this information, your grant agreement is not valid.
Please do not confuse this document with the Learning Agreement, where you will list the courses you are to take while abroad. You will need to get the approval of your academic coordinators, both here and at your host university, for your course choices; this is indicated by their signature on your Learning Agreement.
Students going on Erasmus+ in 2024/25
Please note that this page relates to Erasmus+ study visits (to universities abroad). If you are planning to go on an Erasmus traineeship (work placement), please go to the Erasmus Traineeship web page.
1) Erasmus+ Grant Application
Students must apply for the Erasmus+ grant by means of an online form; the link is circulated by Global Galway to those students who have been formally nominated by their academic coordinators. (Application deadline: midnight on Friday, 8th November, 2024, for students going abroad in Semester 2 of AY 2024/25.)
Provided your grant application has been approved, you will receive a formal nomination letter from Global Galway. The nomination letter is an important document that you might have to produce as part of your application to your host university, on arrival there for registration purposes, or to complete administrative procedures in your host country. It may also be required as part of an application for SUSI.
2) Facebook
There will be a Facebook group for University of Galway's 2024/25 outgoing students, and we will send a link to all outgoing students by email, inviting them to join. You should request to join the group, as it will be an important source of information and support before and during your study visit.
3) Learning Agreement
This is a very important document in relation to your Erasmus+ visit and it should be completed before you begin your studies abroad. It may even be requested by your host university as part of your application. You should complete this in consultation with your academic coordinator, and Global Galway is not normally involved.
Please note that we recommend that University of Galway students use the Online Learning Agreement (OLA). First, you will need to create an account:
If your host university is unable to accept the Online Learning Agreement, then you may use either an alternative version that they will provide, or the University of Galway Learning Agreement for Studies, noting that if you are a student of the College of Arts, Social Sciences and Celtic Studies, you should use the University of Galway Learning Agreement for Studies (CASSCS) instead.
In fact, your host university might require you to submit a version of this with your application, but in any event, a Learning Agreement must be completed before starting any Erasmus+ studies abroad.
If you make changes to your originally approved course choices after you start your studies at the host university, then you will need to note them as amendments to your original learning agreement, and have the changes approved by your academic coordinators at both University of Galway and at your host university.
Please note that the Learning Agreement is effectively completed by the Transcript(s) of Records that you will get from your host university after your studies there . Your transcript(s) will show whether you successfully completed the courses you chose. In this regard, the transcript is the final essential element for the recognition by University of Galway of your studies abroad.
4) Online Language Support (OLS)
If you will be studying through French, German, Italian or Spanish, you should take a OLS language placement test before you go on Erasmus+. You will receive a grade according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The result cannot be used to prevent you taking part in Erasmus+, but if you do not do well, it might be an indication that you need to work on your language skills to bring them up to the required level. Having completed the assessment, you can avail of free online language courses. It is highly recommended that you follow such courses as a linguistic preparation for your studies abroad. Please to to the EU Academy website to access the placement tests and courses.
5) Grant Agreement
An Erasmus+ Grant Agreement will be emailed to all outgoing students as part of their "Erasmus+ information pack". These essential documents include your nomination letter, a copy of the Erasmus+ Student Charter, and other material to advise and guide you. It is vital that you send us a copy of the Grant Agreement, completed and signed by you, BEFORE you leave to go on Erasmus+.
Please note that on the grant agreement, you will be required to provide the details of the insurance that you hold in relation to travel, medical treatment abroad, and repatriation. You should research and purchase a suitable private insurance policy in addition to the European Health Insurance Card. Your grant agreement will not be considered valid unless you can provide us with the name and number of your insurance policy.
6) Certificate of Arrival
WHEN YOU ARRIVE AT YOUR HOST UNIVERSITY, you should bring a blank Certificate of Arrival to the International Office there and get it completed and signed. You should not fill in the dates yourself; they should be filled in by an official of the host university. The start date is the first day you were required to be physically present at the host university, whether for a language course, orientation, or the start of teaching. The end date is the expected last date of exams (first sitting). You must email this form promptly to outgoingerasmus@universityofgalway.ie: without it we cannot pay your Erasmus+ grant.
7) Grant Acknowledgement Form
You must complete a grant acknowledgment form for every Erasmus+ grant instalment that you receive, and email it to outgoingerasmus@universityofgalway.ie. Please make sure to write in the correct amount and to SIGN the form. Please read carefully the instructions on the form.
8) Certificate of Attendance
BEFORE YOU LEAVE YOUR HOST UNIVERSITY, you will need to get your Certificate of Attendance 2024-2025 completed, signed, and stamped by a representative of your host university (e.g., International Officer or designated contact person in the faculty where you've been studying). The Certificate of Attendance is an official confirmation from the host university that you have finished your studies there. This means it should only be issued to you at the very end of your studies. You should leave it till the end of your time at the host university, or make arrangements in advance so that it is (a) completed to show the last exam date and (b) signed close to that time.
The dates on the Certificate of Attendance should be the dates between which you were officially required to attend the host university in person, and they may include an orientation programme or a language course (if applicable) and examinations, but should not include flat-hunting or leisure days at the beginning or holidays/leisure time at the end. The form should not be post-dated: it should be signed and dated at the time when you are finishing your studies/exams.
You must return this document to Global Galway, or you will not be eligible for your final grant instalment. Please send it by email, in PDF format, to outgoingerasmus@universityofgalway.ie.
And remember: you should keep a copy of this very important document.
9) Other things you'll need to do when you're finishing your studies abroad
A few weeks before you are due to finish, you will receive an email from a European Commission address requesting you to complete an online report on your Erasmus+ experience. Please check your junk mail/spam folder if you don't receive the email. The online report is obligatory for every student taking part in Erasmus. The Narrative Report, on the other hand, is not compulsory, but it will be greatly appreciated by future students if you would take the time to complete it.
If you took the OLS language test before your studies abroad, then you should take a second assessment at the end of your study visit.
You must be registered as a student here at University of Galway for the year in which you are going abroad.
You will be able to register online in late August, and you should follow the instructions, “Returning to my Next Year”.
Other things all outgoing Erasmus+ students should keep in mind:
- Check your junk/spam mail folder regularly, as important messages can end up there; for instance, messages from your host university abroad, or emails in relation to the OLS or other aspects of Erasmus+.
- Be aware that you will have to complete an application form for admission to your host university; check their deadline and be sure to adhere to it.
Registering at University of Galway
You must be registered as a student here at University of Galway for the year in which you are going abroad.
You will be able to register online in late August, and you should follow the instructions, “Returning to my Next Year”.
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