Book shelf

Registration, Courses, Timetables


You will be registered as a student of University of Galway before you arrive, your student ID number will be in your Letter of Acceptance  Before you are due to commence your studies at University of Galway, you will receive an e-mail containing instructions for activating your university e-mail account and your Campus Account (the latter will allow you to access University of Galway's computing services, WiFi and Libary systems). 

While you will be automatically registered as a student of University of Galway, you will be required to register yourself online for your chosen modules (courses).  You will be advised at the Orientation Session as to how to do this.  Module registration will usually open on the first day of lectures.

Information on Courses Available and ECTS credits

A complete list of courses available to visiting students in the various Colleges (faculties) and Disciplines/Schools can be found in the Visiting Student Academic Information Booklet - two editions are issued each year, one for semester 1 and full year courses, the other for semester 2 courses. You will find these booklets under the link Courses Available . You will not be permitted to register for any courses other than the ones listed in these booklets (unless you are a visiting Law student, in which case some additional courses may be on offer) . Information on course content is available on departmental websites or from your Erasmus academic coordinator at University of Galway. Here you will find a list of 

University of Galway operates the ECTS credit system, according to which a full year’s workload is weighed at 60 ECTS credits and a single semester at 30 ECTS credits. Your coordinator at your home university should inform you of the number of ECTS credits you are expected to achieve during your study period at University of Galway, and should also advise you on the appropriate course choice.

Course Timetables

It may be the beginning of the semester before course timetables are finalised.   You will usually find them through the website or office of the relevant Discipline or School, or via Canvas when you register for individual modules.

Exams, Transcripts and Repeat Examinations

Exam Schedules

Examination Timetables will be displayed as soon as they become available, at the following address:

Students should note that certain course combinations may not be possible if the relevant exams are going to be scheduled for the same time and date.
Queries regarding the exam timetables should be addressed to the Examinations Office, telephone (091)492316, (091)492283, (091)492304; e-mail:

Dates for examinations are set out under the Academic Calendars on the above tabs.


It is University policy that all Visiting Students (including Erasmus students) undergo the same assessments as Irish students.  Erasmus students should not attempt to make alternative arrangements with individual staff members.  Assessment is usually by end of semester examinations or essay(s).  Year-long courses are examined at the end of the course.

Exam Transcripts and Grading Systems

Semester 1-only Erasmus students: A copy of your Transcript of Record will be sent to you and your home univesity coordinator   

Full-year Erasmus students: A copy of your Transcript of Record will be sent to you and your home univesity coordinator for each Semester 

Semester 2 Erasmus students: A copy of your Transcript of Record will be sent to you and your home univesity coordinator   

University of Galway Grading Systems Mark
First-class Honours 70% and above
Second-class Honours, Grade 1 60% - 69%
Second-class Honours, Grade 2 50% - 59%
Third-class Honours 40% - 49%

Appeals, Rechecks and Repeat Examinations Warning Sign

Students should refer to the Exams Office website for information on the procedures for appealing the result of an examination or requesting a formal recheck of an examination result. (Click on "Appeals and Rechecks").

Students who have failed a module in the Semester 1 or Semester 2 examinations may request to attend the repeat examinations. Students who wish to repeat an examination must contact the International Affairs Office by e-mail at stating their name, ID number and module(s) to be repeated.

Requests to repeat must be received within three weeks of the issue of results.

Students are required to return to Galway for the repeat examinations, which usually take place in August (for both Semester 1 and Semester 2 modules). Alternative repeat arrangements are not permitted.

Please see our Repeat Exam Protocols 2025 for more information.


Academic Calendar 2024/25


2024/25 Semester 1
Orientation Thursday, 5th and Friday, 6th September 2024
Teaching begins                  Monday, 9th September, 2024
Teaching ends Friday, 29th November, 2024
Study Week Monday, 2nd December - Friday, 6th December, 2024
Semester 1 exams start** Monday, 9th December, 2024
Semester 1 exams end Friday, 20th December, 2024
Christmas holidays Saturday, 21st December 2024

2024/25 Semester 2
Orientation to be confirmed* 
Teaching begins Monday, 13th January, 2025
Easter holidays Good Friday, 18th April - Easter Monday, 21st April 2025
Study Week Friday, 11th April - Thursday, 17th April 2025
Examinations begin** Tuesday, 22nd April, 2025
Examinations end Friday, 9th May, 2025
 Autumn Repeat exams Tuesday, 5th August - Friday, 15th August 2025

Public/Bank Holidays: Monday, 27th October; Monday, 17th March (St Patrick's Day); Monday, 21st April (Easter Monday); Monday, 5th May; Monday, 2nd June; Monday, 4th August.

*To be confirmed

**Examination dates are subject to confirmation.  Visiting students should refer to the Examinations Office website.  Please take note that Examinations in First Year modules may take place in the week that is otherwise designated as “Study Week”.

Students should ensure that they arrive in Galway in time for the Orientation Session and start of teaching. Late arrivers may experience difficulties with registration and may find themselves unable to gain admittance to certain courses. 

