In cases of sexual violence or harassment, when you are ready to share your experience, we encourage you to come forward to let us know something has happened. There are various options available for you to raise concerns, inform the university about the incident, and work towards resolution.

Reports of sexual violence and harassment will be handled with utmost seriousness, objectivity, and consideration for the rights and sensitivities of all parties involved.

If you would like to reach out for guidance on the supports available in incidences of sexual violence and harassment, for Staff & Students, please email Rebecca in confidence.

Rebecca Connolly  |  | Sexual Violence & Harassment Prevention and Response Coordinator

Reporting Anonymously

Speak Out is an online anonymous reporting tool available to all students and staff to disclose incidents of bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, discrimination, hate crime, coercive behaviour / control, stalking, assault, sexual harassment, sexual assault, and rape.

The information you provide using this tool is valuable as the data collated will help inform initiatives aimed at addressing bullying, harassment and ending sexual violence and harassment at the University of Galway. It is important to remember that as the Speak Out reporting tool is completely anonymous, there is no way of identifying or contacting any member of the university community who uses the tool. 

A comprehensive list of internal and external supports can also be found on the Speak Out page by clicking here: Supports.

Submitting a report through Speak Out ensures complete anonymity, and the university will not initiate contact with you. It's important to note that the Speak Out tool does not allow for naming the reported party. To identify the reported party, it is necessary to complete a formal report. Further details can be found below.


Reporting - Formally

At the University of Galway, we strongly encourage individuals who have experienced sexual violence or harassment to make a formal report.

If you wish to report an incident formally, please refer to the following:

Staff Harassment and Sexual Harassment Policy

Student Sexual Harassment and Harassment Policy 

Each policy outlines the procedures involved in a formal investigation.

The University of Galway provides Support Services to assist individuals who have experienced inappropriate behavior, as well as those who have been accused. If you are facing issues, it is crucial to talk to someone and access the available supports. Further information can be found here.

Reporting Externally - Gardaí [Police]

If you are a victim or witness to a sexual crime or child abuse you can report this to An Garda Síochána via the following methods:

Child Sexual Abuse Freephone 

Complaints of child abuse can be made over the phone and in a confidential manner 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to 1800 555 222.

Call your local Garda Station or report in person 

You can also contact your local Garda station in person or by telephone. Details of all Garda stations are available here. You may call to the Garda station I person accompanied by a friend or a support worker from one of the many victim support groups. Details of those groups, providing both national and local services, are listed on Cosc, the National Office for the Prevention of Domestic, Sexual and Gender-based Violence is an executive office of the Department of Justice and Equality.

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