Go Purple Day 2024 (May)


Our University of Galway Sexual Violence and Harassment Prevention and Response Committee and colleagues across the University participated in "Go Purple”, a nationwide initiative aimed at raising awareness for victim-survivors of Domestic Violence. 

The "Go Purple" day took place on May 3rd, 2024. The Sexual Violence and Harassment Prevention & Response team, in collaboration with COPE Galway, asked colleagues to wear Purple for the day to send out the strong message that we as a community, stand in solidarity with victims and survivors. 




As part of the Sexual Violence and Harassment Prevention and Response programme of work, we are running the #Starthere campaign from the 16th of September until the 14th of October 2024. Did you know that Active*Consent and USI’s 2020 National Sexual Experiences Survey revealed that 79% of college students who disclose sexual misconduct (rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment) told a close friend.

Active*Consent and the Galway Rape Crisis Centre have developed the following tips for receiving a disclosure.

Don’t ask ‘Were you drunk? /Are you sure? /Why did you go home with them?’ – This sounds like you think it’s their fault. Try to listen without judgement.

Don’t say things like ‘I’ll kill them!’ Hearing about someone’s negative sexual experience can be upsetting – but take a breath and try to focus on their feelings, instead of your own.

Don’t rush them into sharing anything they don’t want to - Although it’s normal to want to know what happened, talking about a negative experience can be difficult for survivors. They might just tell you a bit, or they may tell you the whole story but don’t pressure them into talking about it.

Don’t say ‘You have to report it’. Pushing someone to take action they are not ready to take yet can be disempowering and re-traumatising. Making a formal report should be their choice, so let them know you support them either way.

Do say “I believe you”– Opening up about a negative sexual experience can be stressful. Let the person know you are listening; you believe them and will support them

Do ask “What do you want to do next?”  - They might not know what they want to rightaway, but what happens next needs to be their choice.

Do ask “How can I help?”  - You could offer to find out about support services like student counselling, SU Welfare Officer, the local Rape Crisis Centre or Sexual Assault Treatment Unit. Even just listening to the person can make a huge difference.

Do look after yourself - Hearing about someone’s negative sexual experience can be very difficult. Make time for your own self-care and mental wellbeing.

Existing policies and supports for students, as outlined below:


Student Sexual Harassment and Harassment Policy

Internal supports

Student Counselling |091 – 492484 | counselling@universityofgalway.ie| |

Chaplaincy |091 -495055 | chaplains@universityofgalway.ie |

Speak Out Anonymous reporting tool https://unigalway.speakout.ie |

External supports

Galway Rape Crisis Centre |1800 355 355 |  helpline@grcc.ie |

Sexual Assault Treatment Unit | 091 -765751| Contact via website


For further information on any of the above, please contact a member of the Sexual Violence and Harassment Prevention & Response  team:

Niamh K oval photo

Manager: Niamh Kavanagh| niamh.kavanagh@universityofgalway.ie |


Rebecca C oval

   Coordinator: Rebecca Connolly | rebecca.connolly@universityofgalway.ie |
Campaign on Gender Based Violence

Gender-Based Violence

16 days

16 days of Activism against Gender Based Violence

University of Galway’s inaugural 16 days of Activism against Gender Based Violence will take place 25th November [International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women] to the 10th of December [Human Rights Day] across campus and we would like you to get involved. The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign and we would like everyone (Students, Staff and community partners) to participate.

This is a call to action to join us in raising awareness and calling for the prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls. The 2024 theme “Every 11 Minutes, a woman is killed. #NoExcuse. UNiTE to End Violence against Women”. 


Schedule of Events


Date & Time

Target Audience  Venue Registration & Event Details

Library Exhibit

25th November - 10th December


Hardiman Library Foyer (inside turnstiles)

Library Exhibit Flyer

Social Media Campaign

25th November - 10th December






Creative Workshop 


25th November 

18.00 – 19.00


River Room

Register your interest here

Places limited

Coffee morning in aid of Cope Galway, Domestic Abuse Service

26th November 

10.00 – 11.00

All  Corrib Room (back of SULT)

Coffee Morning aid of Cope Galway, Domestic Abuse Service

Buckets available for donations on the day

Pop up event - Too Into You, Active*Consent, 

26th November 



Hardiman Library Foyer (outside turnstiles)


Panel Discussion; Violence against Women and Girls in Context of Conflict and Crisis



27 November

14.00 -13.00





Boardroom, Institute for Lifecourse and Society, University of Galway, H91 C7DK or online via Zoom



Panel Discussion; Violence against Women and Girls in Context of Conflict

Organized by: Centre for Global Women’s Studies



Creative Workshop 

27th November

18.00 – 19.00


BizHub Collaborative Space, Cairnes Business School

Register your interest here

Places Limited


Workshop: The Intersection of Technology and Sexual Violence with Lorrie Hayman

29th November 

11.00 – 12.00

Parents, and Mentors of young adults 


Workshop: The Intersection of Technology and Sexual Violence with Lorrie Hayman

All welcome, particularly suitable for parents and mentors of young adults.  

Webinar: Building Healthy Relationships

4th December

11.00 – 12.00


Live online webinar

Webinar: Building Healthy Relationships

Delivered by : DCM Learning

Supporting and Responding to Staff: Research Insights and Practical Skills

10th December

10:00 - 15:00


Croke Park, Dublin

Register here