The Office of the Vice President for Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (OVPEDI) in collaboration with the Access Centre and the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Campus Committee (EDICC) is pleased to launch the 2024/25 EDI Project Fund. The fund is available to staff and students with grants normally ranging from €1,000 – €5,000. 

2024/25 Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Project Fund

The 2024/25 EDI Project Fund will support activities which aim to enhance a sense of ‘solidarity’ among the diverse university community and support the implementation of institutional policy objectives and actions as set out in the equality frameworks and action plans:  

  • Gender Equality/Athena Swan 
  • Race Equality 
  • Ending Sexual Violence & Harassment 
  • Widening Participation 
  • Universal Design & Access 

Further information is available here.

Applications for funding under the EDI Project Fund can be made in 3 broad areas. 

1. Advancing equality & inclusion at University of Galway (all grounds) (€15,000) 

  • Supporting the implementation of institutional policy objectives and action plans
  • Advancing awareness and understanding of intersectionality and multi-dimensional approaches to EDI  

2. Advancing race equality at University of Galway (€20,000) 

  • Supporting the implementation of the Race Equality Framework and Action Plan, including awareness raising activities and cultural events 
  • Advancing decolonising the curriculum, research, library collections and archives while prioritising perspectives of the global south, nomadism, indigenous and black studies 

3. Advancing widening participation at University of Galway (€10,000) 

  • Activities and events that support a sense of belonging and community for students from underrepresented groups in Higher Education 
  • Initiatives that support an awareness of higher education opportunities and supports for students from underrepresented groups 

To apply to the fund see here.

 The funding call is now open until 17.00, 24th October 2024.

More Information - EDI Project Fund

What is the EDI Project Fund?

The EDI Project Fund was established by the OVPEDI in 2017 with the aim of facilitating staff and student led equality/inclusion initiatives and to promote and celebrate diversity in all areas of life in the University. It is specially designed to facilitate innovative equality projects that might otherwise not receive funding.

The primary objectives of the 2024/25 Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Project Fund are:

What is the eligibility?

Proposals may be made by individual people and groups, or by two or more people/groups in collaboration; a Project Organiser must be appointed as the point on contact and responsible party. Proposals from individual students/student groups must be linked with an appropriate staff member/Unit/School to provide mentorship.  Joint staff and student initiatives are particularly welcome. Overall, a balance will be sought in the allocation of funds with regard to student-led and staff initiatives, and between a variety of diversity groups, where possible.

How can I apply for a grant?

Applications must be submitted using the application form provided.

The closing date for receipt of applications us 17:00, 24th of October 2024

Applications which are late, incomplete or do not display sufficient planning / attention to detail will not be considered.

What is the assessment and selection process?

The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Project Fund will be overseen by a sub-committee appointed by the University Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Campus Committee.

The Sub-Committee will consider the applications received by the published deadline and will award funds to selected proposals following the selection process outlined below.

The EDI Project Fund will be awarded as several grants, across a variety of initiatives, based on the information provided in the application form. Normally grants will range from €1,000 – €5,000.

The EDI Project Fund will support activities which will enhance a sense of ‘solidarity’ among the diverse university community and support the implementation of institutional policy objectives and actions as set out in the quality frameworks and action plans:

  1. Gender Equality/Athena Swan
  2. Race Equality
  3. Ending Sexual Violence & Harassment
  4. Widening Participation
  5. Universal Design & Access

Proposals will be judged according to the following criteria:

  • Relevance to priority theme(s) / project types (20%)
  • Expected benefit (impact) for University of Galway (30%)
  • Expected benefit (impact) for wider society (10%)
  • Originality and creative approach (20%)
  • Value for money (20%)

The EDI Project Fund Sub-Committee will reserve the right to only award funds to those proposals which achieve an overall score of 70 or higher, noting that this could result in the full fund not being awarded at any particular time. Depending on the number and quality of the received proposals, not all projects scoring 70 or higher may receive funding, and the Sub-Committee reserves the right to award any particular project an amount of funding which is lower than the sum requested in the application.

What are the conditions of the offer?

Successful project recipients are required to sign an acceptance letter which will include but is not limited to:

  • Start date and completion date for project;
  • A named “Project Organiser” who will liaise with the OVPEDI in all matters relating to the project;
  • A statement of activities and actions to be delivered;
  • Funding amount and funding draw down arrangements;
  • A ‘D’ cost centre is provided to transfer the funds
  • Agreement that all payments must comply with the university’s Procurement, Payroll, Invoice and Reimbursement guidelines;
  • Project review, reporting and financial requirements.

Projects funded under the 2024/25 scheme must be completed by August 2025, except in exceptional circumstances where an extension has been granted by the EDI Project Fund Sub-Committee.

Each project proposal must name a “Project Organiser” who will liaise with the OVPEDI in all matters relating to the project. The Project Organiser is responsible for:

  • The project's budget
  • implementing the project
  • ensuring that the project is completed in accordance with the EDI Fund Terms of Reference and relevant University policies
  • Submitting a final project report

In case of any query or difficulty arising with a project, the Project Organiser must contact the OVPEDI immediately. The OVPEDI will assist project organisers with:

  • Transferring funds to nominated cost centre
  • publicising projects
  • general advice and guidance

How will I receive the payment of grant? 

The awarded fund will be transferred to a ‘D’ cost centre nominated by the project organiser. All expenditure must be receipted and accounted for, and a final financial report provided as part of the EDI Project Fund Report. 

Will I need to complete a project report? 

All recipients must complete the EDI Project Fund Report provided upon completion of the project and submit it, together with any other specified documentation, to the OVPEDI. Project Organisers may also be requested to provide updates on their progress throughout the timeline of the project.

EDI Project Fund Awards

For examples of previous EDI Projects, please review the list of successful awardees.