
UWN Logo
University Women's Network

There are currently over 500 members of the University Women’s Network, drawn from across the University. Membership gives you the opportunity to get involved in Network activities and receive regular updates about our work.  

Membership of the UWN is open, free of charge, to all University of Galway staff members, we welcome academic, professional services, research and technical staff of all genders, regardless of contract type or duration. Staff can register for membership here.  

Members can take on a leadership role by joining the Executive Committee.

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Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is made up of between 10 and 15 members, who can sit on the Committee for a maximum of two years. It holds an annual general meeting (AGM) every year to which all UWN members are invited, and at which elections to the Committee take place. If you’re interested in joining the next Executive Committee, please express your interest here

The Committee meets about every six weeks, and conducts much of its work through three sub-committees: 

  • Strategy and planning 
  • Membership and communications 
  • Budget and finance  

Executive Committee 2023/24

Ex officio member: Aoife Cooke, Office of the Vice-President for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Co-chair (academic): Dr Olivia McDermott, School of Biological and Chemical Sciences

Co-chair (professional services): Anne Marie Stokes, Access Centre

Academic staff members

Júlia Machado, School of Political Science and Sociology

Professional services/technical staff members

Jane Ennis, Office of the Dean of Students

Kathleen Hartigan, Access Centre

Lisa McCormack, Student Services

Kelly Moore, College of Science & Engineering

Orla Naughton, School of Business & Economics

Anna Ní Fhlatharta, Designing Futures

Josephine Walsh, Student Services

EDI News