
When the EDI Campus Committee was first formed in the 2016/17 academic year, one of the work streams highlighted was the inclusion of LGBT+ staff and students. The committee agreed to hold networking events to review interest and build a programme of work once feedback and engagement were developed.  Following successful events in 2017, the developments on campus led to increased awareness of the LGBT+ community and buy-in to form an LGBT+ Staff Network. The work to provide an inclusive and welcoming environment for all staff and students is ongoing and will continue to be led by both the EDI Campus Committee and the LGBT+ Staff Network through events, initiatives, and policy development. 

If you are interested in available training opportunities please visit the EDI Inclusion Training webpage.

Further Information

To find out more about ongoing LGBT+ work please contact the Office of the Vice President for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at 

Or contact the LGBT+ Staff Network at 

Students looking for support or information can contact their Students' Union Officer:

SU Gender and LGBT+ Rights Officer, 

EDI News