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Monday, 7 November 2022
Race Equality Town Hall & Launch of EDI Annual Report 2021/22
We are pleased to invite you to the Race Equality Town Hall and the launch of the EDI Annual Report 2021/22 which will take place in the Aula Maxima, Quadrangle on Monday 7th November 2022 from 2.00pm – 4.00pm.
Register to attend In-person or Online
The schedule for the event is as follows:
2.00-2.40: Launch EDI Annual Report 2021/22
- 2.00: Introduction and Welcome: Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, University President
- 2.10: Overview of EDI Annual Report: Dr Helen Maher, Vice President for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.
- 2.15: EDI Annual Report 2021/22 launch: Sinéad Gibney, Chief Commissioner of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission.
2.40-4.00: Race Equality in Higher Education
- 2.40: Race Equality in Higher Education in Ireland: Dr. Su-Ming Khoo, Senior Lecturer and member of the Athena Swan Intersectionality Working Group.
- 2.55: Race Equality at the University of Galway: Owen Ward, EDI Programme Manager for Race Equality
- 3.10: Race Equality in Higher Education in the UK: Dr Arun Verma, former Head of Race Equality Charter, UK.
- 3.40: Q&A session
- 4.00: Close
Race Equality Town Hall
The Race Equality Town Hall provides an opportunity to learn more about the envisaged programme for progressing race equality at the University of Galway. This includes the establishment of the Race Equality Committee and working groups, in addition to the development of the University of Galway Race Equality Framework and Action Plan during this academic year.
Keynote Speaker – Dr Arun Verma is the editor of Anti-Racism in Higher Education: An Action Guide for Change, 2022, Bristol University Press. Dr Verma is former Head of the Race Equality Charter at Advance HE, and a leading strategic figure in co-creating and implementing equity, diversity, inclusion, and intersectionality initiatives into meaningful applications across programme, policy, people and culture functions in the United Kingdom and internationally.
Race Equality
Following the appointment of Owen Ward, EDI Programme Manager for Race Equality, we will commence a programme of work to support race equality under the auspices of the Office of the Vice-President for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in collaboration with UMT colleagues. This work will proceed in tandem with the implementation of the HEA ‘Race Equality in the Higher Education Sector Implementation Plan 2022-2024’ here.
Location: Aula Maxima, Quadrangle
Time: 2pm, Monday November 7th 2022
Monday, 8 August 2022
Celebrating Pride in the West of Ireland
The NUI Galway LGBT+ Staff Network has a series of upcoming events to celebrate Pride in the West of Ireland.
Our Network is open to all members of the LGBT+ community and allies. We are updating our membership database so please join or renew your membership here.
On August 6th, we will travel to Sligo Pride and will take part in their march for the first time. This is an important time to show solidarity to the LGBT+ community in Sligo given the tragic events there this year. We have organised a bus for which there is limited availability. Book your space here.
To celebrate Galway Pride, please join us for the annual flag-raising event in front of the Quadrangle on Wednesday August 10th from 11:30am-1:30pm. Following this, we will be hosting a discussion on supports for LGBT+ young people locally and nationally. For more details and to register your attendance, click here.
We will also be marching at Galway Pride’s Parade. For details, see here. We will be meeting at City Hall from 12.00 on Saturday August 13th.
Finally, we would welcome new steering committee members. Please email us at lgbt@nuigalway.ie if you are interested in helping us.
lgbt@nuigalway.ie | www.nuigalway.ie/equalityanddiversity/lgbt | @NUIGLGBT
Location: Galway & Sligo
Time: 8th - 12th August 2022
Wednesday, 27 April 2022
ISN Celebration of Spring event
The International Staff Network invite you to a
Celebration of Spring
When? Wednesday, 27th April 2022, 12:00-13:50
Where? The Hardiman Building THB-G010
Tina-Karen Pusse, Co-Chair ISN
Raghav Srinivas, Co-Chair ISN
Helen Maher, Vice President for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
After a long time of online events, we are very pleased to invite you to our get together on campus.
All are welcome, and if you know an international staff member who has not yet joined, be sure to invite them!
Lunch (sandwiches, finger food and tea/coffee) will be provided.
The event is free, please register via the following link.
Registration link
Location: The Hardiman Building THB-G010
Time: 12:30 - 1:50
Monday, 7 March 2022
International Women's Week 2022
The Office of the Vice President for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion is delighted to invite you to attend a series of events from 7-12 March to celebrate International Women’s Day 2022.
Please see below for registration/joining details.
Monday March 7th, 4pm - 5:30pm Online, via Zoom |
Workshop by by Dr Ebun Joseph for NUI Galway staff, organised by College of Arts, Social Sciences and Celtic Studies and hosted by the Moore Institute. Find out more here. 'Understanding race, antiracism and identities in the workplace' *This is an internal event and requires a University email address to participate. |
Tuesday March 7th, 4pm - 5:30pm Online, via Zoom |
Discipline of Gender and Women's Studies International Women's Day Webinar 'Gender based violence and migration: Centring hidden intersections' Speakers include: Dr Nata Duvvury, Director, Centre for Global Women's Studies, NUI Galway, Professor Jane Freedman, Université of Paris 8, Dr Nina Sahraoui, Paris Centre for Sociological and Political Research, and Dr Nasrin Handoker, NUI Galway. Moderated by: Dr Stacey Scriver, Centre for Global Women's Studies, NUI Galway. Join via Zoom at THIS LINK |
Tuesday March 8th, 2pm - 4pm Lower Aula, Quadrangle & online, via Zoom |
Celebrating 10 Years of the University Women’s Network The University Women's Network present Dr Máire Geoghegan Quinn, Chairperson of NUI Galway's Údarás na hOllscoile and former EU Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science. 'Embedding Gender Equality at NUI Galway: challenges and opportunities' Join to to celebrate 10 Years of the University Women’s Network, in person or online. |
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Tuesday March 8th, 5pm Engineering Building
The College of Science and Engineering and the WiSTEM Society invite you to meet the inaugural winners of the NUI Galway J&J WiSTEM2D programme scholarships: Ailíse, Aisling, Aine, Brenda, Karen, Luka Anna, Rida, Sabrina, Shan and Thalyra. Come along to watch 'Picture a Scientist' and see how this programme and like-minded women are paving the way in the movement to eradicate gender imbalance in STEM related fields and are advocating for women in STEM to smash that glass ceiling. No registration required. |
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Wednesday March 9th, 12pm-1pm CA110, Whitaker Institute Seminar Room
Discipline of Economics Seminar 'Are economics conferences gender neutral? Evidence from Ireland' Dr Margaret Samahita, School of Economics, University College Dublin. Find out more about Dr Samahita's research here. No registration required. |
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Thursday March 10th, 1pm - 2pm Online, via Zoom |
'Supporting Women in Research: NUI Galway Grants and How to Use Them' To mark International Women’s Day in the College of Medicine, Nursing, and Health Sciences, Vice-Dean for EDI, Dr Kasia Whysall, will be hosting a panel discussion to hear from women who have availed of the Office of the Vice-President for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion’s two grant schemes – the Athena Swan Mid-Career Research Capacity Building Grant and the Research Grant for Returning Academic Carers. |
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Friday March 11th, 12pm - 1pm
International Staff Network (ISN) invites you to the Town Hall meeting on: ‘Progressing the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion agenda in Irish Higher Education Institutions’ Speakers: Dr Marta Kempny & Dr Lucy Michael, authors of the Race Equality in the Higher Education Sector in Ireland, and Ms Helen Maher, Vice-President for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, NUI Galway. |
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Saturday March 12th, 9am - late ILAS Building (North Campus) Tickets available via SocsBox |
WiSTEM Intervarsity - Hosted by NUI Galway WiSTEM Society and sponsored by the College of Science and Engineering and CÚRAM. Open to undergraduate, postgraduate, postdoctoral researchers and staff from NUI Galway, UCC, UCD, UL, MTU, GMIT, TUD, DCU (more to confirm). The WiSTEM Intervarsity is an event which sees WiSTEM societies from all over Ireland come together for a day of talks, guest speakers, career development, and networking.
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Location: On campus / online
Time: First event takes place Monday March 7th @ 4pm
Thursday, 24 February 2022
UCD Virtual Coffee Morning: Staff Disability Network in Higher Education
You are cordially invited to a virtual coffee morning with UCD's Staff Disability Network in collaboration with UCD Disability Subgroup, Thursday, 24th February, 11:00-12:30.
This coffee morning brings together employees, postgraduate students with disabilities and those with an interest in the area of disability in higher education to connect in an informal setting to discuss opportunities for raising awareness about the lived experience of people with disabilities and greater inclusion of employees and postgraduate students with disabilities in higher education institutions.
To register, click here.
Location: Online
Time: 11:00 - 12:30
Monday, 1 February 2021
Athena SWAN Town Hall 2021
Our colleagues on the Institutional SAT (Self-Assessment Team) are in the process of developing our application to renew NUI Galway’s Athena Swan Bronze accreditation.
The Office of the Vice-President for Equality and Diversity would like to invite all colleagues to join an Athena SWAN Town Hall on Monday February 1st, at either 11am or 1pm, via Zoom.
The purpose of this meeting is to provide an update to all staff on the continued Athena SWAN and Equality agenda and to highlight the action plan and the work that is still to be done.
We would encourage everyone to attend this information event, where there will be an opportunity to provide input and feedback as part of the Athena SWAN staff consultation process.
Join as at 11am via this link or 1pm via this link.
Location: Online via Zoom
Time: 11am and 1pm
Thursday, 14 January 2021
Intercultural Awareness & Communication
This course is designed to increase cultural awareness among NUI Galway staff members working with international students and/or in an intercultural environment, and to foster better interactions and communication between staff and international students.
The workshop will encourage participants to explore their own assumptions and preconceptions about other cultures, as well as creating awareness of their own cultural heritage and how it affects their world views, values and assumptions. The session also encourages participants to focus on their communication style, and how it is affected by culture, as well as the importance of non-verbal communication signals and the way these affect the communication process. The session is interactive and draws upon participants' own experiences.
The next workshop is taking place on Thursday January 14th 2020, from 9:30am-12:30pm.
Please register your interest on the Staff Training and Development courses page.
Location: Online
Time: 09:30 - 12:30
Monday, 8 March 2021
International Women's Week 2021
The Office of the Vice President for Equality and Diversity is delighted to invite you to attend a series of events from 8-12 March to celebrate International Women’s Day 2021.
Please register for your choice of events by clicking on the links below.
Monday March 8th, 12:30pm |
On the occasion of International Women's Day, Catherine Connolly, TD and Leas-Cheann Chomhairle, is to deliver an address on the theme 'Using Your Voice' on the invitation of the University Women's Network. To obtain Zoom joining link, please REGISTER HERE. |
Monday March 8th, 1pm - 2pm |
Whitaker webinars presents ‘Engendering the macroeconomy. Current efforts and future directions. Speakers: Professor Maria S. Floro, American University in Washington DC, Dr Srinivas Raghavendra, NUI Galway. Hosted by Dr Nata Duvvury, NUI Galway. |
Tuesday March 9th, 12pm - 1pm |
The Office of the Vice President for Equality and Diversity is delighted to present Kerrie Power, CEO of HEAnet, who will be speaking about women and tech in her talk 'kpow: bucking the trend' To obtain Zoom joining link, please REGISTER HERE.
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Wednesday March 10th, 11am - 12pm |
The Office of the Vice President for Equality and Diversity, in association with the College of Science and Engineering, NUI Galway present Dr Anushree Dwivedi, R&D Engineer, CERENOVUS, part of Johnson & Johnson Medical Devices Companies, who will be speaking about her career in science and engineering, and her journey to where she is at now in her talk ‘Careers have no gender – Dream big; Achieve big' (WiSTEM2D program). Dr Dwivedi will be joined by Aoibhín Sheedy, NUI Galway Biomedical Engineering PhD Candidate and NUIG WiSTEM Founder and Auditor 20/21, who will be providing an overview of the NUIG WiSTEM society. To obtain Zoom joining link, please REGISTER HERE. |
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Wednesday March 10th, 12pm - 1pm |
The Office of the Vice President for Equality and Diversity is delighted to invite Dr Sinead Ring, Maynooth University and Professor Jason Last, University College Dublin, to participate in a panel discussion on 'Implementing the Consent Framework in Irish HEIs', facilitated by Dr Pádraig Mac Neela, NUI Galway. To obtain the Zoom joining link, please REGISTER HERE. |
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Thursday March 11th, 1pm - 2pm |
The Office of the Vice President for Equality and Diversity is delighted to present Professor Molly Byrne, NUI Galway for her talk: 'The Irish response to the COVID-19 pandemic: The case for diversity and inclusion?’ To obtain the Zoom joining link, please REGISTER HERE. |
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Friday March 12th, 12pm - 1pm |
The Office of the Vice President for Equality and Diversity is delighted to present Clíona O'Leary, Deputy Head of Television Sport, RTE, for her talk: ‘Sport and Media: A Gender Perspective’, To obtain the Zoom joining link, please REGISTER HERE. |
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Friday March 12th, 2pm - 3:30pm |
NUI Galway International Staff Network is hosting a webinar: Speakers will include: Dr Nata Duvvury, NUI Galway, Dr Katarzyna Goljanek-Whysall, NUI Galway, Dr Ioanna Tourkochoriti, NUI Galway, and Adriana Cardinot, PhD candidate, NUI Galway. Find out more and REGISTER HERE.
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Location: Online, via Zoom
Time: First event takes place Monday March 8th @ 12:30pm
Wednesday, 20 January 2021
Ramp-up Post-Maternity Workshop
The Office of the Vice President for Equality and Diversity is working with the assistance of an organisation called Mumager (www.mumager.ie) to provide support to new parents returning to work following maternity / adoptive leave.
If you are due to return, or have recently returned, from maternity/adoptive leave you are invited to attend this 3-hour "Ramp-up" programme for a small group (6 - 15 approx.) of women to help prepare and support you in adjusting back to the workplace. The workshop focuses on the transition back into the working environment and on re-defining values, establishing boundaries between work and home, overcoming guilt and building resilience.
The workshop takes places in January and June each year. The next available session will take place online on Thursday, January 20th, 2021 from 10am - 1pm.
For more information or to register your interest, please contact VPequalityanddiversity@nuigalway.ie
Location: Online
Time: 10:00 - 13:00
Monday, 14 December 2020
Disability Awareness
Disability awareness training has been designed to support the roll out of the staff guide to Disability in the Workplace. The training is for all staff and in particular, any staff member who has a responsibility for another staff member i.e. line managers and PIs.
The workshop will include the following:
- Information on the models of disability with particular emphasis on the social model in the context of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD)
- Participants will be encouraged to explore their own attitudes towards disability and accessibility
- Identifying barriers students and staff with disabilities face and how to remove these barriers
- An overview of the relevant legislation (Disability Act and Employment Equality legislation) and how it relates to the employment of people with disabilities in NUI Galway
- Why it is important that NUI Galway promotes an inclusive environment for staff and students beyond mere compliance with legislation
- An introduction to, and overview of the NUI Galway Staff Guide to Disability in the Workplace (including disclosing a disability and requesting a reasonable accommodation)
- The role & responsibility of NUI Galway line managers and PIs in respect of supporting and accommodating a staff member with a disability
The next workshop will take place on Monday December 14th 2020, 10am-1pm.
Please register your interest on the Staff Development Courses Page.
Location: Online
Time: 10:00 - 13:00
Friday, 5 February 2021
Launch of Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Strategy 2020-2025 & EDI Annual Report 2019/20
You can watch a recording of the launch here.
Location: Online, via Zoom
Time: 11am - 11:30am
Wednesday, 19 May 2021
Ramp-up (post-maternity) Workshop
The Office of the Vice President for Equality and Diversity is working with the assistance of an organisation called Mumager (www.mumager.ie) to provide support to new parents returning to work following maternity / adoptive leave.
If you are due to return, or have recently returned, from maternity/adoptive leave you are invited to attend this 3-hour "Ramp-up" programme for a small group (6 - 15 approx.) of women to help prepare and support you in adjusting back to the workplace. The workshop focuses on the transition back into the working environment and on re-defining values, establishing boundaries between work and home, overcoming guilt and building resilience.
The workshop takes places in January and June each year. The next available session will take place online on Wednesday, May 19th, 2021 from 10am - 1pm.
For more information or to register your interest, please contact VPequalityanddiversity@nuigalway.ie
Location: Online, via Zoom
Time: May 19th, 10am-1pm
Tuesday, 17 September 2019
EDI Project Showcase 2019
Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Project Showcase
Join the Office of the Vice President for Equality & Diversity at an EDI Project exhibition from 12:00, Sept 17th to 16:00, Sept 18th in the Lower Aula Maxima.
Come celebrate and learn more about the hard work and enthusiasm of our colleagues and students across campus. Find out more about the EDI Project Fund and how we can all contribute to furthering a culture of inclusion at NUI Galway. The EDI Project Fund will open again soon for 2019/20 applications.
The EDI Project Showcase will be open to everyone from Sept 17th – 18th to drop in and review the exhibition.
You are also invited to join us to launch the exhibition and hear from the project teams.
Launch: 12:00, Sept 17th
Venue: Quadrangle, Aula Maxima, Ground Floor
Location: Aula Maxima (Ground Floor)
Time: 12:00
Friday, 26 October 2018
Launch of 2017/18 EDI Report
Location: Moore Institute Seminar Rooms, Hardiman Research Building
Time: 16:00
Monday, 23 September 2019
Aurora Info Session 2019/20
The OVPED will shortly seek applications for the 2019/20 Aurora women-only leadership development programme.
We will hold an information session on the Aurora programme on Monday, 23rd September at 12:00 in THB-G011 Seminar Room, Hardiman Building. If you would like to find out more about the programme and selection process please come along. All staff members are welcome.
Further information is available on the OVPED website.
Location: THB-G011 Hardiman Building
Time: 12:00
Friday, 12 April 2019
SoM Athena SWAN Symposium 2019
Inaugural School of Medicine Athena SWAN Annual Symposium 2019
"Optimising work and life balance for career progression and well-being"
The School of Medicine and the Office of the Vice President for Equality and Diversity are pleased to announce the Inaugural SoM Athena Swan Annual Symposium on the 12th of April 2019 in the Clinical Science Institute at NUI Galway. For our Inaugural event in celebration of attaining the Athena Swan Bronze Medal, we will focus on “Optimising work and life balance for career progression and well-being”. Our speakers represent different aspects of university life.
The event is open to all members of Staff and Students across NUI Galway.
Date: 12 April 2019
Time: 12:00 - 16:00
Venue: Large Lecture theatre, Clinical Science Institute, School of Medicine
Registration and Programme Schedule Available Here
Location: Clinical Science Institute
Time: 12:00 - 16:00
Tuesday, 13 August 2019
Galway Pride 2019
Join NUI Galway and the LGBT+ Staff Network in celebrating Galway Pride 2019 from 12th-18th August.
To mark the occasion, NUI Galway will raise the Pride flag in front of the Quadrangle Building on Tuesday, August 13th at 15.30 followed by a reception and a talk by Galway Pride Grand Marshall, Nuala Ward, in the O'Donoghue Centre. Come along to hear more about the NUI Galway LGBT+ Staff Network and Galway Pride and to celebrate our local LGBT+ community.
NUI Galway will also march in the Galway Pride parade on Saturday, August 17th . We will gather at the Galway City Council building from 13.00.
All are welcome to attend these events.
Become an Ally
Show your support for our LGBT+ community on campus by becoming an LGBT+ Ally. See how to sign up here.
Location: O'Donoghue Centre
Time: 15:30
Friday, 18 October 2019
Women in Leadership Seminar 2019
The Vice President for Equality and Diversity and the NUI Galway Athena SWAN SAT are delighted to announce the
Third Annual Athena SWAN
Women in Leadership Seminar
“Diversity and Inclusion: a corporate and personal journey”
Ms Mairéad Nayager
Chief HR Officer, Diageo
Mairéad is Diageo’s Chief HR Officer and a member of the Diageo Executive Committee, a role she’s held since October 2015. Diageo plc has been ranked as the fourth most diverse and inclusive workplace in the Thomson Reuters Global Diversity and Inclusion Index, and Diageo North America has been named in the top ten companies for board diversity and top five for inclusive culture by Diversity MBA. Mairéad has spearheaded the work to close the gender pay gap at Diageo.
18 Oct 2019, 12.30 pm – 1.30 pm
Arts Millennium, AM200
Location: Arts Millennium, AM200
Time: 12:30
Wednesday, 1 May 2019
Becoming an LGBT+ Ally May 2019
Have you heard about the NUI Galway LGBT+ Ally Programme?
The Ally Programme at NUI Galway is a member based initiative working towards increasing the knowledge, awareness, and support of LGBT+ colleagues and students. In partnership with individuals and Schools/Units, the LGBT+ Ally Programme aims to create a safe and inclusive environment for staff and students of all sexual identities and genders at NUI Galway and to advocate for a culture of equality, diversity, and inclusion.
This programme provides the opportunity for staff members to learn more about LGBT+ concerns and issues, to increase their knowledge of terminology and policy, to give them the information they need to provide links to the correct resources on campus, and feel confident in supporting their colleagues and students.
To find out more please join us at the “Becoming an Ally” information session for current and potential LGBT+ Allies on campus. This session will take place in the Hynes Boardroom, Quadrangle, on Wed, May 1st from 12:00 to 1:00. Please register your attendance here as packed lunches will be provided.
If you are interested in joining the programme or learning more please visit the LGBT+ Ally website
Location: Hynes Boardroom, Quadrangle
Time: 12:00 - 13:00
Monday, 15 April 2019
School of Chemistry: Prof Lee Award for Outreach
EDI Project Fund 2018:
School of Chemistry, Prof Elizabeth Lee Award for Outreach Engagement
The Outreach and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committees of the School of Chemistry would like to invite you all to a special mini-symposium in celebration of the life and career of Elizabeth ‘Nellie’ Lee (Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, NUI Galway, 1949–1989), who passed away close to this time last year.
Liam Spillane will start the event with a photographic presentation on Elizabeth’s life and career, followed by a short period where audience members can share memories and stories. Paul Murphy will then give a presentation on his carbohydrate research, a field to which Elizabeth made valuable contributions. Adele Gabba will then be presented with the Elizabeth Lee Award for her exceptional dedication to the School’s public engagement and outreach programme. The meeting will close with a reception in the foyer. This event and award were made possible by the University, through the EDI Project Fund.
The event will take place on Monday 15th April (15:00-18:00) at the O’Donoghue Theatre.
Please confirm your attendance here.
Location: O'Donoghue Centre
Time: 15:00 - 18:00
Monday, 12 November 2018
Women in Leadership Seminar Nov 2018
The Vice President for Equality and Diversity and the NUI Galway Athena Swan SAT are delighted to announce the
Second Annual Athena SWAN Women in Leadership Seminar
“From Making Decisions to Decision-Making”
Professor Anne De Paepe, Pro-Vice Chancellor Ghent University
Elected as the first female Rector of Ghent University in October 2013
Professor of Human and Medical Genetics at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of Ghent University and the Director of the Centre of Medical Genetics at the Ghent University Hospital
12 Nov 2018, 12.30 pm – 1.30 pm
Aula Maxima Lower
Location: Aula Maxima (Ground Floor)
Time: 12:30 to 1:30
Thursday, 21 November 2019
2018/19 EDI Report Launch
Launch of NUI Galway Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Annual Report 2018/19
The Office of the Vice President for Equality and Diversity, in association with the President’s Office, invites you to attend the launch of the 2018/19 Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Report By Minister David Stanton, TD, Minister of State for Equality, Immigration, and Integration
Thursday, 21 November 2019
Aula Maxima, Quadrangle
9:00 AM
Please Register Attendance Here
Launch Programme:
Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, President, NUI Galway
David Stanton, TD, Minister of State for Equality, Immigration, and Integration
Professor Anne Scott, Vice President for Equality and Diversity, NUI Galway
Location: Aula Maxima (Ground Floor)
Time: 9:00am
Monday, 8 October 2018
University Womens Network AGM Oct 2018
The 2018 University Women's Network AGM will take place on Monday 8 October from 12.30pm in the Aula Maxima (ground floor), Quadrangle
Chairs’ report on the Network’s activities.
Election of new committee members.
Dr Pat Morgan on ‘Challenging Cultures: A Personal and Organisational Perspective.’
The UWN constitution establishes that committee elections should take place every year for half the positions on the committee. Committee members serve for two years.
You need to be a registered member to run for the executive committee and to vote in the case of an election. New members may register until 5 October:https://tinyurl.com/ya5feuxh
If you would like to run for the executive committee then please send your expression of interest to universitywomensnetwork@nuigalway.ie by 5pm, 5 October. A full list of expressions of interest will be available before the AGM.
We look forward to meeting you. Light lunch will be provided.
Location: Aula Maxima (Ground Floor)
Time: 12:30
Tuesday, 10 December 2019
Unconscious Bias: Lunch & Learn Dec 2019
You're invited to join an All Staff Training on Unconscious Bias
This short Lunch & Learn training programme is designed to give all staff a general understanding of why it is important that we are aware of our own biases and allow us to understand the impact of unconscious bias in daily interactions and decision-making. Unconscious bias training enables participants to recognise their own biases thereby helping them to make more inclusive and objective decisions.
The Unconscious Bias Lunch and Learn workshops aim to:
- Create awareness of unconscious bias
- Provide an understanding of the impact of unconscious bias in decision-making
- Equip participants to take action to counteract impact of unconscious bias
All staff members are invited to attend this 45 min Introductory Unconscious Bias Training session on Dec 10th from 12:30- 13:15, AMB-G036, lunch included.
Please register your attendance on the Staff Development Courses Website.
This all staff session is not intended to satisfy the unconscious bias recruitment & selection training.
Location: AMB-G036 Arts Mill
Time: 12:30 to 13:15
Friday, 6 December 2019
Academic Career Development Workshop Dec 2019
The Office of the Vice-President for Equality and Diversity is delighted to offer a career development workshop for Academics at Lecturer or Senior Lecturer level.
The aim of the workshop is to assist participants in considering, reviewing and developing their career and leadership path options in the context of their individual career profile and CV to date.
The workshop will include:
- Discussion Panel: Career Choices and Options
- Coaching on career development, leadership and other routes
- Career aspirations: 3, 5, and 10 year planning
- CV review and discussion
If you are interested in attending the session, registration is available on the HR Staff Development Courses page.
Location: AC201- Concourse
Time: 10:00 - 16:00
Wednesday, 4 December 2019
Becoming an LGBT+ Ally Dec 2019
Have you heard about the NUI Galway LGBT+ Ally Programme?
The Ally Programme at NUI Galway is a member based initiative working towards increasing the knowledge, awareness, and support of LGBT+ colleagues and students. In partnership with individuals and Schools/Units, the LGBT+ Ally Programme aims to create a safe and inclusive environment for staff and students of all sexual identities and genders at NUI Galway and to advocate for a culture of equality, diversity, and inclusion.
This programme provides the opportunity for staff members to learn more about LGBT+ concerns and issues, to increase their knowledge of terminology and policy, to give them the information they need to provide links to the correct resources on campus, and feel confident in supporting their colleagues and students.
To find out more please join us at the “Becoming an Ally” information session for current and potential LGBT+ Allies on campus. This session will take place in the Anderson Boardroom, Quadrangle on Wed, Dec 4th from 12:00 to 1:00. Please register your attendance here as packed lunches will be provided.
If you are interested in joining the programme or learning more please visit the LGBT+ Ally website
Location: Anderson Boardroom, Quadrangle
Time: 12:00 to 13:00
Wednesday, 27 November 2019
Managing Inclusively Training
The Office of the Vice President for Equality and Diversity is working with the assistance of an organisation called Mumager (www.mumager.ie) to provide training support to line managers in effectively managing employees with leave and flexible working arrangements.
This workshop will provide management support and training that outlines best practice and practical applications of policy. It intends to provide managers the opportunity to discuss challenges and get specific advice. Management and Leadership advise on:
- How to create a culture that values and supports all staff
- How to support and manage employees with caring responsibilities
- How to manage leave approval fairly and consistently
- How to support and manage transitions from leave back to work
Register to attend one of the two training sessions offered on November 27th:
10:00 to 12:00 Register Here
14:00 to 16:00 Register Here
Location: AMB-G067 Arts Millenium Extension
Time: 10:00-12:00 or 14:00-16:00
Friday, 10 November 2017
LGBT+ Staff Network Coffee Morning
The LGBT+ Staff Network would like to invite all those interested in the Network to attend a coffee morning on Friday, Nov 10th from 10:30 in Sult Bar.
Location: Sult Bar
Time: 10:30
Monday, 28 January 2019
Athena SWAN School Workshops Jan 2019
Victoria Brownlee, AdvanceHE Athena SWAN Programme Manager for Ireland, will visit NUI Galway on 28 & 29 January to facilitate workshops for Schools who are considering and/or preparing an application for Athena SWAN accreditation. The workshops will provide an overview of the application process with workshop activities and time for discussion.
We would encourage established EDI committees or Self-assessment Team members from all Schools to attend these sessions – details below. Both workshops will cover the same information so you can attend whichever is most convenient. Please confirm your attendance to VPequalityanddiversity@nuigalway.ie
Date: Monday 28 January
Venue: THB-G011 Seminar Room
Time: 14.00 – 15.30
Date: Tuesday, 29 January
Venue: THB-G010 Seminar Room
Time: 10.00 – 11.30
Location: Hardiman Building - Seminar Rooms
Time: 14:00 or 10:00
Friday, 7 December 2018
LGBT+ Staff Network AGM Dec 2018
The LGBT+ Staff Network 2018-19 Annual General Meeting will be held on Friday, 7 December 2018 from 12:00 to 2:00 in the River Room, AS203.
This is the second AGM to be held by the LGBT+ Staff Network and this is vital to its continued development. Whether you are a member of the LGBT+ community or a committed ally, please consider joining the Network and coming along to show your support.
New members can register HERE.
Location: River Room, AS203
Time: 12:00 to 2:00
Wednesday, 13 March 2019
Becoming an LGBT+Ally
Have you heard about the NUI Galway LGBT+ Ally Programme?
The Ally Programme at NUI Galway is a member based initiative working towards increasing the knowledge, awareness, and support of LGBT+ colleagues and students. In partnership with individuals and Schools/Units, the LGBT+ Ally Programme aims to create a safe and inclusive environment for staff and students of all sexual identities and genders at NUI Galway and to advocate for a culture of equality, diversity, and inclusion.
This programme provides the opportunity for staff members to learn more about LGBT+ concerns and issues, to increase their knowledge of terminology and policy, to give them the information they need to provide links to the correct resources on campus, and feel confident in supporting their colleagues and students.
To find out more please join us for the first “Becoming an Ally” information session for current and potential LGBT+ Allies on campus. This session will take place in Aras Moyola MY125 on Wed, March 13th from 12:30 to 1:30. Please RSVP to lgbt@nuigalway.ie as packed lunches will be provided.
If you are interested in joining the programme or learning more please visit the LGBT+ Ally website
Location: Aras Moyola MY125
Time: 12:30
Friday, 23 November 2018
Athena SWAN Town Hall Nov 2018
In May 2018, NUI Galway was awarded an Institutional Athena SWAN Bronze Award and in addition the School of Medicine was also successful in its application for a Department Level Bronze Award – the first School of Medicine to achieve this status across the seven Irish Universities.
We would now like to invite you to attend an Athena SWAN information event on Friday, 23 November, in the O’Donoghue Centre Theatre.
The purpose of this meeting is to provide an update to all staff on the continued Athena SWAN and Equality agenda. This will include a summary of the feedback provided on our successful application, as well as an outline of the agreed Action Plan the University has undertaken to implement over the coming 3 years. This will ensure that we continue to embed the principles of Athena SWAN and equality throughout the University.
The School of Medicine will also do a short presentation on their experience of applying for and obtaining a Department Level Bronze Award, including the benefits and key learnings for their School from the process.
We would encourage everyone to attend this information event, in particular members of School level self-assessment teams (SATs) who may be planning to apply for a departmental level award.
The Athena SWAN Feedback and Action Plan can be viewed on the OVPED website: http://www.nuigalway.ie/genderequality/athenaswan/submission/
Location: O'Donoghue Centre Theatre
Time: 12:00
Thursday, 26 April 2018
International Women's Forum Panel April 2018
The Office of the Vice President for Equality & Diversity and International Women's Forum (IWF) Ireland are delighted to announce an informal reception and panel discussion with high profile women leaders on the topic:
"Women Leaders: Insights and Opportunities"
Date: April 26th 2018
Time: 4-6pm
Venue: Emily Anderson Hall, Aula Maxima
Panelists to Include: Margaret Sweeney, President of IWF and Board member GUF, Fiona Tierney, CEO Public Appointments Service, and Col Maureen O'Brien, Director of Comm. and Information Service at the Irish Defence Forces.
Location: Emily Anderson Hall, Aula Maxima
Time: 4:00 to 6:00
Monday, 11 June 2018
Rector Curt Rice Keynote Address June 2018
The Office of the Vice-President for Equality & Diversity invite you to attend a Keynote Address from Rector Curt Rice:
The Promotion Project – Impact and Successes
11 June 2018
12 noon
Aula Maxima – Lower
Rector Curt Rice will discuss key learning outcomes from the University of Tromsø “Promotion Project” to address gender balance in academia, and to increase the number of women in senior academic positions. The keynote will conclude with a Q&A session, followed by a networking lunch.
Location: Aula Maxima (Ground Floor)
Time: 12:00
Tuesday, 14 November 2017
Athena SWAN Workshop
The Athena SWAN Institutional Self-Assessment Team (SAT) wish to invite all staff to join them for a facilitated workshop, including round table discussion, on the current draft Athena SWAN Action Plan. The workshop will focus on developing and strengthening the Action Plan for a future submission.
DATE: Tuesday, 14 November 2017
TIME: 12:30 to 2:30, lunch provided
VENUE: Aula Maxima (ground floor)
Please RSVP by 5pm, Nov 10 to Athenaswan@nuigalway.ie
If you cannot attend, your feedback on the Action Plan can still be provided by email to: Athenaswan@nuigalway.ie
The draft Athena SWAN Action Plan can be viewed on the OVPED website: http://www.nuigalway.ie/genderequality/athenaswan/submission/
NUI Galway is committed to the Athena SWAN Gender Equality Charter. As a part of this commitment the SAT was formed to work on the University’s application for an Athena SWAN Bronze accreditation. The April 2017 application was unsuccessful, however the SAT welcome the detailed feedback from Athena SWAN and continue to act on it.
A key element of the University’s application is the development of a detailed SMART action plan to address the key issues identified and embed the principles of the Athena SWAN Charter into the institution. The SAT welcome your input into maximising the plan's impact.
We look forward to working with you on Tuesday Nov 14th.
Location: Aula Maxima (Ground Floor)
Time: 12:30 to 2:30
Wednesday, 11 October 2017
Managing Working Parents Training
The Office of the Vice-President for Equality and Diversity would like to invite Line Managers to
attend a training workshop on:
‘Managing Working Parents’
11 October 2017
10:00 – 12:00 OR 2:00 – 4:00
AS203 The River Room, Arts & Science Building, NUI Galway
Funded by the HEA to promote Athena Swan and Facilitated by Mumager
Supporting working parents, particularly in the transition from maternity, adoptive, or long-term carer leave back to work, can be a tricky time for line managers. A one-size solution doesn’t fit everyone. This interactive and pacey session looks at best practice and how to manage working parents before, during, and after leave.
Please register for the workshop under the Professional Skills Courses
Location: AS203 The River Room
Time: 10:00 and 2:00
Wednesday, 25 October 2017
Ramp Up Workshop
If you are due to return, or have recently returned, from maternity/adoptive leave please note that you are invited to attend a one day programme called “Ramp-up” for small groups (6 – 15 approx.) to help prepare and support you adjusting back to the workplace.
The Office of the Vice President for Equality and Diversity is working with the assistance of a Dublin-based organisation called Mumager: www.mumager.ie Mumager works with employers and new parents returning to work following maternity / adoptive leave.
The workshop focuses on giving practical tips and support in a number of areas such as setting boundaries, managing guilt, increasing confidence, and building resilience.
When: Wednesday, October 25th 2017
Where: THB-G011 Hardiman Building
Register your place on the workshop here
Location: THB-G011, Hardiman Building, NUI Galway
Time: 9:30
Tuesday, 28 May 2019
Towards developing an International Staff Network
The Vice President for Equality and Diversity is delighted to invite you to a networking lunch in order to discuss interest in launching an international network for NUI Galway staff. All colleagues with an interest in contributing to this development are invited to attend.
Our panel of speakers will include:
Dr Srinivas Raghavendra, Lecturer, Cairnes School of Business and Economics
Dr Dinali Wijeratne, Postdoctoral Researcher, College of Business, Public Policy, and Law
Ms Tonya Watts, Equality Manager/Administrator, Office of the Vice President for Equality and Diversity
Dr András Költő, Senior Postdoctoral Researcher, Health Promotion Research Centre, School of Health Sciences
Ms Fiona O’Connell, Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Queen’s University, Belfast (TBC)
All are welcome! Please come along, share your views, and potentially meet some new colleagues over lunch!
Please RSVP here
Location: Aula Maxima (Ground Floor)
Time: 12:00 to 14:00
Monday, 13 May 2019
2019 Research Capacity Building Grant Lunch
Networking Information Session & Lunch
The Office of the Vice-President for Equality and Diversity invite all those interested in applying for the 2019 round of Athena SWAN Mid-Career Lecturer Research Capacity Building Grants to join us for lunch on May 13th from 12:00 to 13:30 in the Lower Aula Maxima.
The lunch will acknowledge the 2018 recipients of the grant, and bring together all past recipients to enable networking and discussion. The 2019 call for applications opened in April and those interested in applying are encouraged to attend to learn from past recipient's experience in applying for, and using this grant.
If you are interested in attending and learning more please RSVP here.
If you would like further information the grant call is managed through your College via the Vice-Deans for Research, so College specific application questions can be directed to your Vice-Dean. You may also contact the Office of the Vice-President for Equality and Diversity, VPequalityanddiversity@nuigalway.ie
Location: Aula Maxima (Ground Floor)
Time: 12:00 to 13:30
Wednesday, 13 February 2019
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Town Hall
The Office of the Vice-President for Equality and Diversity invites you to join the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee (EDIC) of Údarás na hOllscoile for a Town Hall review of EDI governance at NUI Galway.
Members of the EDIC will be in attendance to discuss the role of the committee and the EDI leadership and hierarchy now in place throughout the University.
Please join us for a light lunch at 12:00 followed by presentations and a Q&A session.
13 February 2019
12:00 – 13:30
Hardiman G011
Location: Hardiman Building - Seminar Room G011
Time: 12:00 to 1:30
Thursday, 28 February 2019
CREATE Exhibit
CREATE: The Art of Pregnancy, Birth & Beyond, is a free art exhibition developed by the HRB Mother and Baby Clinical Trial Network, taking place around the campus of University Hospital Galway, that spotlights pregnancy and newborn journeys, the people who make them, and the research that impacts them.
The exhibition touches on topics like perinatal mental health, bereavement and pregnancy loss, IVF, prematurity, labour and birth experiences, and breastfeeding, as well as exploring how health research helps women and newborns. The exhibition provides a safe, non-judgmental space to explore these issues and listen, through new and existing artworks, to the experiences of women and the doctors, midwives and researchers who care for them.
The exhibition will run from 2nd February to 28th February, and local breastfeeding groups in particular are invited to take in the exhibition.
The full list of artworks and events is available at hrb-mbctni.ie/create
For more information, contact Cormac McAdam on motherandbabyexhibition@gmail.com or 01 402 2548 or 0035387 2329101
Location: UHG and NUI Galway
Time: 2 Feb - 28 Feb
Friday, 8 March 2019
International Women's Week 2019
The Office of the Vice-President for Equality and Diversity invite you to join NUI Galway in celebration of International Women's Week 2019 from 4-8 March.
Monday, March 4th
LGBT+ Staff Network Present
Queer Women in Higher Education Open Forum
12:30-13:30, AS203 River Room
Public Event - More information here
Tuesday, March 5th
School of Law Present
"Women on Supreme Courts"
18:00, Lecture theatre, Human Biology Building
Public event - More information here
Wednesday, March 6th
InnovateHER Present
"NUI Galway Women in Innovation: Changing Perceptions and Inspiring Growth in Medtech"
12:30-14:00, The View, Áras na Mac Léinn
Public event - More information here
Human Resources Present
Launch of the Anti-Bullying Policy
14:30-15:30, AS203 River Room
Staff event - More information here
Thursday, March 7th
NUI Galway and Dress for Success Dublin Present
"Equality in the Workplace"
12:00-14:00, Aula Maxima Ground Floor
Public event - More information here
"First Steps to Success - Owning your worth and planning the game strategy with Sonya Lennon"
16:00-17:30, Lecture theatre, Human Biology Building
Student/staff event - More information here
The OVPED Present
"Pat's portrait: In conversation with Artist and Subject"
Una Sealy and Dr Pat Morgan
16:00, University Art Gallery, Quadrangle
Public event - More information here
Friday, March 8th
International Women's Day
University Women's Network Present
Launch of the Sheehy Skeffington Distinguished Lecture Series
Inaugural lecture: " Standing up to injustice: my Sheehy Skeffington legacy"
Dr Micheline Sheehy Skeffington
12:30-14:00, Aula Maxima Ground Floor
Public event - More information here
Running All Week 4-8 March at NUI Galway
Brilliant women: To mark Engineers Week (2 – 8 March) and International Women’s Day (8 March), NUI Galway will project images of two of its most inspiring and remarkable alumnae – Emily Anderson and Alice Perry. Their images will be visible every evening from Monday to Friday in the historic heart of the University in the Quadrangle from 7.00pm to 10.00pm. Visitors are invited to come to the Quad to see these brilliant women recognised at their alma mater.
Location: NUI Galway campus
Time: 4-8 March 2019
Tuesday, 3 October 2017
Women in Leadership Seminar
“Leading a university through times of significant change”
The Vice President for Equality and Diversity and the NUI Galway Athena Swan SAT are delighted to announce the inaugural
NUI Galway/Athena Swan Women in Leadership Seminar
Our inaugural speaker is:
Professor Kristin Ingólfsdóttir, University of Iceland
Prof Ingólfsdóttir was the first woman to become Rector of the University of Iceland.
She served two 5 year terms: 2005 – 2015.
The inaugural seminar will be held on Oct 3rd 2017, 12.30 pm – 1.30 pm
Venue: THB-G011 Seminar Room, Hardiman Building
Location: THB-G011, Hardiman Building, NUI Galway
Time: 12:30
Monday, 5 March 2018
International Women's Week 2018
The Office of the Vice President for Equality and Diversity, in collaboration with the University Women's Network and the LGBT+ Staff Network, invite you to join us in a week long schedule of events to celebrate International Women's Day on March 8th.
The outline of events is below, along with the relevant registration information. If you have any further questions please contact us at VPequalityanddiversity@nuigalway.ie.
Dignity at Work: Equality & Diversity Training
Monday March 5th
This ½ day workshop aims to provide all employees with an understanding of the key concepts of Dignity at Work, of how to address conflict informally at work, what is meant by inappropriate behaviours at work, and what they should do if they either experience or witness these types of behaviour at work, and their responsibilities as individuals to promote a workplace where respect for the dignity of every employee is maintained.
Please register here. This training is also available again on March 12th.
Facilitator: Michelle Halloran, Human Resource Management Services
13:30 – 16:30, Venue THB-G011 Hardiman Building
Daughter of the Dagda Art Exhibit
Tuesday March 6th
In association with the NUI Galway School of Medicine, and in anticipation of International Women’s Day, an art exhibition entitled 'Daughter of the Dagda'* will take place in the foyer of the Arts Millennium Building on the NUI Galway campus, launching on Tuesday March 6th, 2018 at 3pm.
In this multimedia exhibition nine women artists will explore the manner in which the female and the feminine have been portrayed in Irish mythology and iconography, from pre-Christian Ireland to the present day, and will examine how the exclusion of the female from positions of power and influence in religious circles has been mirrored by society in general, contributing to the lowly status of the female point of view and of the feminine side of human nature and to the persistence of a patriarchal framework in modern society.
The participating artists are Fiona Cawley, Patsy Connolly, Eleanor Duggan, Kaye Maahs, Hilary Morley, Regina O’Dea, Noreen O’Sullivan, Patricia Timmons and Rachel Varden.
The exhibition will run from Tuesday, March 6th to Friday, March 30th. The official launch will take place on Tuesday, March 6th at 3pm in the foyer of the Arts Millennium Building. All are welcome.
The ‘Daughter of the Dagda’ exhibition was originally hosted by KAVA (Kinvara Area Visual Arts) at The Courthouse, Kinvara in February, 2017. This year’s exhibition will expand on the theme and, while including much of the original work, will also feature some new artwork.
For further information please contact Patricia Timmons at 0876972226 patricia.tmmns@gmail.com or Hilary Morley 0868467872 hilarymorley@gmail.com.
*The title ‘Daughter of the Dagda’ refers to Brigit, the Triple Goddess of Healing, Poetry and Smithwork, a powerful icon in early Ireland and well known all over Europe in the early part of the first millennium. The Goddess Brigit was transformed into a saint with the arrival of Christianity in Ireland around the fifth century. Saint Brigit was also very much associated with healing and was said to have exercised some power in the early Christian church, setting up her own monastery and reputedly being ordained as a bishop.
15:00, Venue Arts Millennium Foyer
“Work & Love: Supporting your mental health in college and at home”
Mental Health Workshop
Wednesday March 7th
“One can live magnificently in this world if one knows how to work and how to love.”
(Tolstoy, letter to Valerya Aresenyev, November 9, 1856)
Many psychologists, including Erik Erikson, felt that happiness comes down to the ability to work well and love well. However, many of us feel that it is the demands of work and home, and the conflicts between these demands, that leave us feeling stressed and anxious.
This short lunchtime workshop will focus on the experience of anxiety in the context of balancing home and work life. This seminar will draw on Prof Gary Donohoe’s experience as a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist working with adults at various stages of life. The focus of the workshop will be on building an understanding of the typical thoughts, feelings, and behaviours associated with various forms of anxiety. The workshop will be experiential, with attendees invited to join in on a small number of activities, and learning some practical steps for coping with the anxiety and stress we all encounter.
Lunch will be provided. Please register here.
Facilitator: Prof Gary Donohoe, School of Psychology
12:30 – 14:00, Venue THB-G010 Hardiman Building
University Women's Network Presents
"Excellence in higher education through gender equality: a personal and professional reflection”
Keynote Address: Dr Máire Geoghegan-Quinn
Thursday March 8th
Dr. Máire Geoghegan-Quinn will join NUI Galway and the University Women’s Network in celebrating International Women’s Day with a talk on excellence founded in gender equality.
Throughout her career Dr. Geoghegan-Quinn has broken new legislative ground, exemplified authenticity, and shown confidence and strong purpose in the exercise of power. She has been a leader among women and men, becoming the first Irish woman to serve as an EU Commissioner when she was assigned the portfolio of Research, Innovation and Science in 2010.
During her parliamentary career which spanned from 1975 to 1997, Dr. Geoghegan-Quinn became Ireland's first female cabinet minister since the foundation of the State when she was appointed Minister for the Gaeltacht in 1979. She also served as Minister for Justice, Minister for Tourism, Transport and Communications, Minister for European Affairs, and Minister of State in the Department of Education.
As EU Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science she pioneered the development and delivery of Horizon 2020, the world’s largest public research funding programme.
Most recently, she chaired the HEA Expert Group who conducted the extensive National Review of Gender Equality in Irish Higher Education Institutions. The Expert Group reported in June 2016 producing a set of ambitious recommendations for HEIs which recognise that productivity cannot be maximized without full development of the workforce. The recommendations of the Review are driving further work by Universities to address gender equality.
Book your place for International Women’s Day 2018 - a University Women’s Network event
12:30 – 14:00, Venue Siobhan McKenna Theatre, Arts Millennium Building
LGBT+ Staff Network Presents
"Same sex relationships among Irish revolutionary women"
Speaker: Dr Mary McAuliffe
Friday March 9th
Dr. Mary McAuliffe will join NUI Galway and the LGBT+ Staff Network in rounding out the International Women’s Week celebrations on campus with a look into Irish women's history.
Dr. McAuliffe is Assistant Professor in Gender Studies at UCD, specialising in Irish women's / gender history. She lecturers on the UCD Women’s and Gender Studies programmes and is a member of the Centre for Gender, Feminisms and Sexualities at UCD.
She is the co-author on 'We were There: 77 Women of the Easter Rising' (Four Courts, 2016) and co-editor of 'Kerry 1916: Histories and Legacies of the Easter Rising' (IHP, 2016). 'Richmond Barracks 1916: We were There, 77 Women of the Easter Rising' was chosen by Dublin Public Libraries as its book of the 2016 commemoration of the 1916 Rising.
She was President of the Women's History Association of Ireland (2011-2014) and continues on as a committee member of the WHAI (https://womenshistoryassociation.com ). She was a member of the National Archives of Ireland Advisory Council (NAAC) (2012-17). She is currently a committee member of the newly formed Irish Association of Professional Historians (www.iaph.ie), and is on the advisory panel of www.herstory.ie.
As well as publications she contributes to history documentaries, radio, tv, news media and has an active online presence at @MaryMcAuliffe4 and @Womenof1916 as well as contributing to @Kerry1916book.
Book your place here or contact lgbt@nuigalway.ie and please join us for a reception following the event.
16:00, Venue O'Donoghue Centre with refreshments following in the Corrib Room, Sult
Location: NUI Galway
Time: March 5-9 2018
Tuesday, 2 April 2019
Autism Awareness Training
Join NUI Galway in celebrating World Autism Awareness Day on April 2nd!
There are a number of events scheduled on campus, including an all staff Autism Awareness training workshop, Understanding Le Chéile.
Understanding Le Chéile (ULC) is an Enactus NUI Galway project, established to raise awareness about autism in both academic and corporate settings with the use of interactive materials, scientific research, real-life experiences and inspiring stories. This workshop will dispel common misconceptions, promote inclusivity and spark a confidence in staff with the introduction to People-First Language. You will no longer fear causing offence and will instead desire to learn more. Understanding Le Chéile is the perfect way to encourage, build and nurture an environment founded on inclusion, collaboration and respect.
Staff in academic and student support roles are encouraged to attend to learn more. Please register here for the 12:30-14:00 session on April 2nd.
On the evening of April 2nd, there will also be a showing of the award-winning documentary "This is Nicholas - Living with Autism" followed by a Q&A with the director Nicholas Ryan-Purcell. Please join Enactus NUI Galway on April 2nd at 6pm in D'Arcy Thompson theatre - tickets available here.
Location: AMB-G066 Arts Millennium Building (Psychology Wing)
Time: 12:30-14:00
Monday, 8 April 2019
Unconscious Bias: Lunch & Learn
You're invited to join an All Staff Training on Unconscious Bias
This short Lunch & Learn training programme is designed to give all staff a general understanding of why it is important that we are aware of our own biases and allow us to understand the impact of unconscious bias in daily interactions and decision-making. Unconscious bias training enables participants to recognise their own biases thereby helping them to make more inclusive and objective decisions.
The Unconscious Bias Lunch and Learn workshops aim to:
- Create awareness of unconscious bias
- Provide an understanding of the impact of unconscious bias in decision-making
- Equip participants to take action to counteract impact of unconscious bias
All staff members are invited to attend this 45 min Introductory Unconscious Bias Training session on April 8th from 12:15 - 13:00, lunch included.
Please register your attendance on the Staff Development Courses Website.
This all staff session is not intended to satisfy the unconscious bias recruitment & selection training.
Location: AMB-G065 Arts Millennium Building (Psychology Wing)
Time: 12:15 - 13:00
Tuesday, 11 May 2021
Intercultural Awareness & Communication training
This course is designed to increase cultural awareness among NUI Galway staff members working with international students and/or in an intercultural environment, and to foster better interactions and communication between staff and international students.
The workshop will encourage participants to explore their own assumptions and preconceptions about other cultures, as well as creating awareness of their own cultural heritage and how it affects their world views, values and assumptions. The session also encourages participants to focus on their communication style, and how it is affected by culture, as well as the importance of non-verbal communication signals and the way these affect the communication process. The session is interactive and draws upon participants' own experiences.
The next workshops will take place online via Zoom on the following dates:
- Tuesday 11th May: 10am-1pm
- Thursday 13th May: 2pm-5pm
Please register your interest on the Staff Training and Development courses page.
Location: Online, via Zoom
Time: Tues 11th May: 10am-1pm; Thurs13th May: 2pm-5pm
EDI News
Feb 6th 2025
Silver Athena Swan Award for the J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics
Jan 28th 2025
Athena Swan Gold Seminar: Queens University Belfast
University of Galway prepares for an Athena Swan Silver Award
Read more
Dec 11th 2024
Launch of the Sexual Violence & Harassment Prevention & Response Policy, Dec 11th 2024