Unconscious Bias

Unconscious bias training is available in a variety of formats for all staff

Unconscious Bias training was first implemented in NUI Galway as part of a series of recommendations made by the Gender Equality Task Force in 2016. It is University policy that all members of UMT, Academic Management Teams, Heads of School, Chairs of Committees, members of interview and promotion boards/panels, and other senior decision-makers attend an unconscious bias training workshop and refresh their training annually.

Programmes Available

There are now a variety of Unconscious Bias training programmes available to staff at NUI Galway.  Staff members should review the options and choose the best fit for their purpose.  A three hour workshop on tackling unconscious bias is provided on select dates each semester, an online learning module is available as a refresher to those who have attended the workshop previously, there are introductory lunch & learn sessions for all staff who want to learn a bit more, and introductory unconscious bias training is now being included for all new staff during the induction process. 

Unconscious Bias training

This training provides staff with a greater awareness of unconscious bias, the research and understanding of the impact of unconscious bias in decision making, recruitment and selection decisions daily interactions, and targeted actions to counteract the impact of unconscious bias.

Target audience: Unconscious Bias training is a requirement for all staff who participate on recruitment panels, promotion assessment panels and members of key decision-making committees.


Online Unconscious Bias Training

The online unconscious bias e-learning module is available on the Human Resources Staff Training and Development site.  This module in intended to provide you with an introduction to the basics of unconscious bias, types of bias, and the different ways to approach or address bias. All Staff are invited to complete this module if they are interested in learning more or refreshing their previous training.  

As part of Unconscious Bias training, you may wish to complete an Implicit Association Test (IAT). These tests are meant simply to raise awareness of unconscious bias, and anyone that may be interested can take a sample IAT test.