Training Dates 2024

Race Equality Training

This one day interactive workshop will equip participants with knowledge, awareness, and actionable steps to promote race equality and contribute to a more inclusive campus community. It begins by exploring the journey toward race equality in higher education (HE) and society in Ireland. Participants will also discuss language complexities related to race, racism, and inequality.


  • Further sessions to be scheduled for Semester 2 (dates TBC)

Neurodiverse-Affirmative Workplace training

These tailored sessions will provide a comprehensive understanding of neurodivergence as brain types and will explore the tools needed to create a neuro-inclusive workplace. They will draw from the best available evidence, including intersectional lived experiences and case studies.

Format: Live Online over Zoom, with joining instructions sent in advance. At the beginning of each session, the facilitator will outline the neuro-affirmative comfort measures, including the option to turn off cameras as needed.

Target audience: All staff


  • Further sessions to be scheduled for Semester 2 (dates TBC)

Unconscious Bias Training

This training provides staff with a greater awareness of unconscious bias, the research and understanding of the impact of unconscious bias in decision making, recruitment and selection decisions daily interactions, and targeted actions to counteract the impact of unconscious bias.

Target audience: Unconscious Bias training is a requirement for all staff who participate on recruitment panels, promotion assessment panels and members of key decision-making committees.


  • 28 November, 10.00-12.30 (online)

Active Bystander Training

Active Bystander Training provides the skills to challenge unacceptable behaviours e.g. racism, bullying, sexual harassment, and other inappropriate behaviours, including those which may become normalized over time.

Target audience: All Staff


  • Further dates to be scheduled for Semester 2 (TBC)

Disability Awareness Training

This 3-hour online training is designed to support the roll out of the Staff Guide to Disability in the Workplace.

Target group: All staff and in particular, any staff member who has a responsibility for another staff member i.e. line managers and PIs.

  • 11 December, 10:00-13:00 (online)

Gender Diversity Training

This workshop aims to support institutions expand their capacity to support trans and non-binary students and staff. Participants will gain insight into experiences of trans and non-binary communities in Ireland today and build fluency in respectful language and terminology. In an open and safe space participants have the opportunity to ask any questions, explore strategies for becoming confident allies, and offer practical solutions for building more inclusive education for trans and non-binary individuals. 

Target group: All staff

  • Further sessions to be scheduled for Semester 2 (dates TBC)

Managers Matter: Leading Modern Families

 This training programme will provide management and leadership advice on:

  • How to create a culture that values and supports all staff, inclusive of external responsibilities
  • How to support employees with caring responsibilities and manage transitions from leave back to work

Target group: Line-managers and supervisors

  • Further sessions to be scheduled for Semester 2 (dates TBC)

Maternity Matters: Return to Work

A 3-hour interactive and practical online workshop designed to help prepare and support new parents in adjusting back to the workplace following maternity/ adoptive leave.

Target group: Staff who are due to return/have returned from maternity leave in the last 8 months.

  • 29 January 2025, 10:00-13:00 (online)

Email to find out more or to register your interest. Registration will also available via Core.

First Point of Contact

Target Group: Staff and students

This training programme will equip participants with the skills for receiving disclosures of sexual violence and harassment.

  • 10.00-13.00 each Friday for 4 weeks, from 24th  January to 14th February (School of Psychology)

For further information, please contact Rebecca at or register here.

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in Higher Education

The purpose of this EDI in HE eLearning programme is:

  • to raise awareness of how equality, diversity, inclusion and human rights issues permeate organisational culture, and
  • to understand what third level education staff responsibilities are under Irish equality and human rights legislation.

Target group: All staff

Available online anytime here

Let’s Talk About Race in Higher Education Institutions

‘Let’s Talk About Race in the Higher Education Sector’ is a 30 minute Race Equality Awareness eLearning module which aims to:

  • Develop greater awareness of the nature of racism, and in particular provide an understanding of how racism may take the form of inequality and bias that is embedded in our universities in a systemic way;
  • Provide students and staff with the insights to enable the conversation about racism; and
  • Calls us to action to take responsibility to reduce racism in our university.

Target group: All staff

Available online anytime here

Online Unconscious Bias Training

This training is designed to give all staff a general understanding of unconscious bias in an easy to access format and provide a refresher for the face-to-face training workshops.

 Target group: All staff  

Available online anytime here

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