Equal Opportunity

Equality of Opportunity Programmes at NUI Galway

NUI Galway is committed to the promotion of equality of opportunity and to creating and sustaining an environment that values the diversity of our staff and student body. The principle of equality of opportunity is enshrined in the University’s strategic plan,  in legislation, and in the Public Sector Duty (Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Act 2014).

Equality of Opportunity is grounded in the 9 protected characteristics as outlined in legislation: gender, marital status, family status, age, disability, sexual orientation, race, religion, and membership of the Traveller community. The Office of the Vice President for Equality & Diversity provide introductory and specialized training programmes to staff on understanding and implementing equality of opportunity.

Programmes Available

The OVPEDI works with external facilitators to provide up-to-date training on the understanding of equal opportunities in employment and service provision. Both staff and managers are encouraged to learn more and ensure than any mandatory training is completed as soon as possible.

Equal Opportunities & Discrimination

This session will provide a basic introduction to equal opportunity legislation and the 9 protected characteristics, including case studies of discrimination. All staff can learn more about the University of Galway Equal Opportunities policy and how they can ensure any form of discrimination is not accepted in their work environment. Please visit Core Portal.to see if a course if currently available. Contact the Office of the Vice President for Equality and Diversity for further information. 

Equal Opportunity Complaints Adjudication

Heads of Schools/Disciplines and Units have a particular responsibility for implementing the University of Galway Equal Opportunities Policy in relation to the staff and students they oversee. In particular, Heads of Schools/Disciplines and Units may be required to investigate a complaint of discrimination under the informal stage of the associated grievance procedure and/or may be appointed to a Complaints Panel to hear and decide on a complaint of discrimination under the formal stage of the procedure. All staff members who are responsible for hearing a complaint of discrimination must complete appropriate Equal Opportunity Complaints Adjudication training.

This session provides a refresher of the basic equal opportunities legislation, as well as targeted training on complaint panel assessment and duties associated with the policy.  It will equip participants with the necessary information on the legal framework and the University policy regarding what, in practice, constitutes discrimination.  It will also provide participants with the necessary awareness and skills to reach fair and objective decisions on issues of alleged discrimination and/or individual grievances on matters relevant to employment or conditions of service.

This training session will be run periodically throughout the academic year.  Please review the Core Portal. to see if a course if currently available. Contact the Office of the Vice President for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion for further information.

EDI News