Translation Studies Network of Ireland (TSNI) Conference 2024

Saturday, 27 April 2024

TSNI - Galway Conference 2024
TSNI 2024 Conference in Galway

The 4th annual conference of the TSNI was hosted at the University of Galway on April 25-26, 2024.

This year, the theme of the conference was “Translation and Creativity”, which mirrors our city’s proud tradition of combining grass roots creativity with the delivery of sophisticated arts and creative spectacles. You can access the programme here

You can see from the programme that several members of the Discipline of Spanish were heavily involved in the delivery of the conference - Dr. Lorna Shaughnessy, Dr. Pilar Alderete Diez, Daniela Toulemonde, Dr. Tamara de Inés Antón, Dr. Ivan Kenny. The conference was a great success.


Keywords: Arts.

Author: Natalie Nevin, NUI Galway
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