March seminar | Seimineár an Mhárta

Mar 08 2021 Posted: 08:19 GMT

March seminar | Seimineár an Mhárta

'Prosody and Language Acquisition'

Thursday March 18th at 6pm online

In this seminar, Dr Francesca Nicora of NUI Galway will join CALM Co-Director Dr John Walsh to discuss the prosodic features of speech in the context of teaching and learning foreign languages, particularly regarding the role of intonation and its relevance in speech communication. She will also present the overarching conceptual framework underpinning the teaching of foreign language prosody, including current models of intonational analysis, second language theories as well as didactic methods and approaches.

This webinar is hosted by the Moore Institute. Please register in advance at this link: 


John Walsh


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