Language in a health crisis: navigating Covid-19 in a multilingual Ireland

Jul 02 2020 Posted: 07:00 IST

Language in a health crisis: navigating Covid-19 in a multilingual Ireland

Thursday 2 July @ 4pm

This webinar addresses key sociolinguistic dimensions of the Covid-19 crisis in Ireland, looking at Irish and immigrant languages. Panellists will explore challenges posed by the crisis for speech and language therapy services and EAL (English as an additional language) provision; the role of the state in providing public health information in languages other than English; and surprising opportunities that have emerged in terms of home language maintenance and language learning.

To attend, please register using this link: This webinar will also be broadcast on Flirt FM on 101.3 FM or

This is an initiative of CALM in the Moore Institute


Stanislava Antonijevic (Speech and Language Therapy, NUI Galway)

Annie Asgard (Claddagh National School, Galway City; see also here)

Cassie Smith-Christmas (Gaeilge, NUI Galway)

John Walsh (Gaeilge, NUI Galway)

Chair: Laura McLoughlin (Italian, NUI Galway)


To attend, please register using this link:

John Walsh


Follow @nuachainteoir
