Ms Ann T. Walsh

B.Comm, M.B.S,



Ann is an Associate Professor in the Marketing Discipline at J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics, and Programme Director of MSc Marketing Practice which includes a 37 week paid professional placement. 

As Associate Head of Learning, Teaching & Assessment (2017-2021), Ann was part of the team who led the School to achieve AACSB accreditation for the first time in 2020. 

Ann took a leading role in the 'Mindful Way @ NUI Galway' from 2015 to 2020, working with NUI Galway administrators, students, academics, alumni and the local community to encourage the practice of mindfulness within the university.  To this end she engaged the help of experts and advocates of mindfulness nationally and internationally.  

Her research interests include the practice of marketing and sales; professional development of business students and reflective practice in higher education. 

Prior to joining NUI Galway, Ann held senior management roles in both SMEs and MNCs, including Marketing Manager for Infopoint Systems Irl. Ltd, where clients included the world's largest retailer, WALMART.  There she was also involved in corporate fundraising rounds from both private equity and venture capital markets.  She later worked as Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA) Marketing Communications Manager and then EMEA Product Manager for Herbalife Europe Ltd., a multinational publicly quoted company in the health and personal care industry.

Research Interests

I am currently undertaking research into Reflective Practice as a teaching and assessment pedagogy, particularly in the context of assessment of student performance and professional development during work placements.  

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2012) 'Marketing's response to environmental decline and the call for sustainability'
Walsh, Ann T., Christine Domegan, Declan Fleming (2012) 'Marketing's response to environmental decline and the call for sustainability'. Social Business, 2 (2):121-143 [Details]

Conference Publications

  Year Publication
(2012) 37th Annual Macromarketing Conference, Doctoral Colloquium
Walsh, Ann (2012) Sustainable Consumption: A macromarketing perspective 37th Annual Macromarketing Conference, Doctoral Colloquium Berlin, [Details]
(2011) Academy of Marketing Conference
Walsh, A. (2011) Runner-up in 'Best paper award': Marketing's contribution to achieving sustainable consumption of food Academy of Marketing Conference Liverpool, , 05-JUL-11 - 07-JUL-11 [Details]

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
(2020) Mindfulness & Compassion at Work,
Walsh, Ann T. (2020) A day of mindfulness practice and reflection on Compassion with Professor Craig Hassed (Monash University). [Organising Chair], Mindfulness & Compassion at Work, NUI Galway , 05-JUN-20. [Details]
(2018) Ireland's Mindful Journey,
Walsh, Ann T. (2018) Opend by Minister of State for Higher Education, Mary Mitchell O Connor, this symposium focused on Mindfulness across the Education, Criminal Justice and Health systems in Ireland. [Organising Chair], Ireland's Mindful Journey, NUI Galway , 14-JUN-18. [Details]
(2017) Sales Models and KPIs for Sales Success,
Walsh, Ann T. (2017) An industry-focused event hosted by West Region Sales Professionals Network. [Invited Oral Presentation], Sales Models and KPIs for Sales Success, Portershed, Galway , 09-OCT-17. [Details]
(2012) Marketing in a Conserver Society,
Walsh, Ann (2012) Funding from the NUI Galway Inspiring Leadership in Society 2012 Visitn Fellowship Programme, I invited Emeritus Professor stan Shapiro to present the paper he first published in 1976 and has since updated and republished, even more relevant today than it was in 1976,. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Marketing in a Conserver Society, Galway , 26-OCT-12 - 26-OCT-12. [Details]
(2014) Marketing Practice Forum: Marketing 2020,
Walsh, Ann (2014) Run alongside the 35th anniversary celebrations of the Postgraduate Diploma/MSc Marketing Practice. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Marketing Practice Forum: Marketing 2020, Galway , 22-OCT-14 - 22-JUN-17. [Details]
(2017) Mindful Journeys: Mindfulness in Higher Education,
Walsh, Ann (2017) Mindful Way @ NUI Galway: University for the community and its wellbeing. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Mindful Journeys: Mindfulness in Higher Education, Galway , 21-JUN-17 - 21-JUN-17. [Details]
(2017) Rediscovering Empathy UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre, 8th Biennial International Conference,
McGuiness, M.; Walsh, A.; Brennan, S.; Flynn, E.; Mc Hugh, F.; Van Lente, E.; and Britton, E. (2017) Circle of Compassion. [Other], Rediscovering Empathy UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre, 8th Biennial International Conference, Galway , 08-JUN-17 - 08-JUN-17. [Details]
(2017) Atlantec Conference '17, The Art of Software Development, NUI Galway,
Walsh, Ann (2017) Mindfulness at work. [Invited Oral Presentation], Atlantec Conference '17, The Art of Software Development, NUI Galway, Galway , 25-MAY-17 - 25-MAY-17. [Details]
(2017) Third Transatlantic Wound Science and Podiatric Medicine Conference Sharing the Vision: Innovation, Integration, New Horizons,
Walsh, Ann (2017) Marketing your practice. [Invited Oral Presentation], Third Transatlantic Wound Science and Podiatric Medicine Conference Sharing the Vision: Innovation, Integration, New Horizons, Galway , 01-APR-17 - 01-APR-17. [Details]
(2015) 18th Annual Academy of Management Conference,
Deeley, D. and Walsh, A. (2015) Critical Innovation Success Factors for Irish Food & Drink Brands. [Oral Presentation], 18th Annual Academy of Management Conference, Galway , 09-SEP-15 - 11-SEP-15. [Details]
(2014) 17th Annual Academy of Management Conference,
Mc Laughlin, J. M. and Walsh, A. (2014) Building Online Brand Communities: Towards a Conceptual Framework. [Published Abstract], 17th Annual Academy of Management Conference, Cork , 10-SEP-14 - 12-SEP-14. [Details]
(2011) Irish Academy of Marketing Annual Conference,
Walsh, Ann (2011) Sustainable consumption will make a world of difference. [Oral Presentation], Irish Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Dublin , 07-SEP-11. [Details]
(2011) CONSENSUS: 7th SSRC International Conference Workshop Society, Culture and the Environment,
Walsh, Ann (2011) The role of marketing in the sustainable consumption of food. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], CONSENSUS: 7th SSRC International Conference Workshop Society, Culture and the Environment, NUI Galway , 14-JUN-11. [Details]
(2011) 3rd Annual Beaufort Marine Socio-Economic Workshop,
Walsh, Ann (2011) The role of marketing in the sustainable consumption of seafood. [Oral Presentation], 3rd Annual Beaufort Marine Socio-Economic Workshop, NUI Galway , 07-NOV-11. [Details]
(2010) 2nd Annual Beaufort Marine Socio-Economic Workshop,
Walsh, Ann (2010) The role of marketing in the sustainable consumption of seafood. [Oral Presentation], 2nd Annual Beaufort Marine Socio-Economic Workshop, Marine Institute, Galway , 10-NOV-10. [Details]
(2009) 1st Annual Beaufort Marine Socio-Economic Workshop,
Walsh, Ann (2009) The role of marketing in the sustainable consumption of seafood. [Oral Presentation], 1st Annual Beaufort Marine Socio-Economic Workshop, NUI Galway , 02-NOV-09. [Details]


  Year Publication
(2021) Technology Entrepreneurship- Bringing Innovation to the Marketplace.
Evers, N., Cunningham, J. and T. Hoholm (2021) Technology Entrepreneurship- Bringing Innovation to the Marketplace. UK: Macmillan International Case [Details]

Conference Paper

  Year Publication
(2011) Marketing's Contribution To Achieving Sustainable Consumption Of Food. Academy of Marketing Conference.
Walsh, A. (2011) Marketing's Contribution To Achieving Sustainable Consumption Of Food. Academy of Marketing Conference. Liverpool, UK: Conference Paper [Details]

Honours and Awards

  Year Title Awarding Body
2011 Runner-up for best paper at Doctoral Colloquium: "Marketing's contribution to achieving sustainable consumption of food” Academy of Marketing

Professional Associations

  Association Function From / To
Marketing Institute of Ireland Member 16-JUN-09 /

Teaching Interests

I am deeply committed to cultivating emotionally intelligent, resilient marketing professionals who can effectively apply marketing theory to practice, with a ‘can-do’ attitude and a willingness to embrace change, lifelong learning and well-being. I do this firstly by putting innovative Experiential Learning[1] at the centre of all my teaching to stimulate and challenge students, and secondly by using innovative assessment and feedback tools to motivate them and build their self-confidence.

[1] Experiential Learning = (Action-based Learning + Reflective Practice)  

External Collaborators

  Name Organisation / Institute Country Description of Collaboration
External Collaborators
I collaborate with industry to secure paid placements with host companies for marketing graduates undertaking the MSc Marketing Practice.  I also collaborate with online marketing practitioners and experts, in the design and delivery of an applied online marketing module for the MSc Marketing Practice programme.  The module is designed to equip marketing graduates with the applied online marketing skills required by Irish organisations today including Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media management including messaging calendars, Online advertising (Google and Facebook), Online Marketing Strategy development and delivery.

Head of Marketing

Contact Marketing

Róisín Gavin

Discipline Administrator

t:+353 91 492546
