Postgraduate Researchers 

Vikrant Pratap is in the second year of his Structured PhD program in Applied Mathematics. In his PhD research, he seeks to develop physics informed neural networks to describe the propagation of shear shock waves in the brain. He earned his B.Tech (Hons.) in Electrical Engineering and M.Tech in Instrumentation & Signal Processing in 2018 from the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. Before joining the University of Galway, he worked as a researcher in the Research & Development Division of Tata Steel India.‌


Sean Tobin graduated from the University of Galway with a first-class Honours B.Sc. in the Physics with Theoretical Physics programme, in 2022. Over the course of the degree, he obtained three scholar scrolls, for receiving results in the top 6% of the college of science. He further honed his interest in mathematical modelling at the University of Galway, through the Stokes Modelling Workshop and an internship in the School of Applied Mathematics, analysing chain dynamics and relating it to the phenomena of the Chain Fountain.

In the academic year of 2022/2023, he followed the Mathematical Sciences M.Sc. at Utrecht University, developing a passion for machine learning. He is in the first year of his structured PhD in Applied Mathematics, concerning the application of physics-informed neural networks to the field of cardiovascular haemodynamics. His primary research interests include continuum mechanics, in particular fluid mechanics, machine learning, partial differential equations, and quantum mechanics.