Show/Hide Holder Name (Required)

The Show/hide holder is great for FAQs or long lists of services.

  1. First add the Show/hide holder content type to your section. 
  2. Fill in the Intro (that's where this text is typed. Images can go here too.)
  3. Click 'Save changes' to set status to Pending or click on the little arrow and choose 'Save and approve' to set status to Approved.
  4. Add a Show/hide item for each FAQ entry. 
  5. Give the Item a Name
  6. Input the Question
  7. Input the Answer
  8. Input an Anchor ID for your Question, this can help you to direct someone to a specific FAQ. For example, will bring you to the second item on this page. (You do not include the # in your Anchor id.)
  9. Click 'Save changes' to set status to Pending or click on the little arrow and choose 'Save and approve' to set status to Approved.
  10. That's it!

Note: Ensure any heading you use in a Show/Hide holder item is H4 or lower. If you use Heading 3 any subsequent Show/Hide items you add will not appear on your page.

You can add as many ‘Show / Hide item’s as you like.  Give each one a name, and fill in the question and answer.  Answers are rich-text so you can include links and images, etc.

Item 1

Item 2

Item 3

Can I include an image in a Show/Hide Item?

Can I include Links in a Show/Hide Item