Latest Publications (from IRIS)

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Below you will find the list of our most recent publications:

Year Author Publication Type Title Citation
2024 Dr.Edward Herring Book Review M.R. Thatcher, The Politics of Identity in Greek Sicily and Southern Italy.Ancient West and East, 23 Herring, E. (2024) M.R. Thatcher, The Politics of Identity in Greek Sicily and Southern Italy.Ancient West and East, 23. Leuven: Book Review
2024 Prof..Michael Clarke Book Chapter The culture of the book and Classical learning in the Gaelic Middle Ages Michael Clarke and Maire Ni Mhaonaigh (2024) 'The culture of the book and Classical learning in the Gaelic Middle Ages' In: Michael Clarke, Erich Poppe and Isabelle Torrance(Eds.). Classical Antiquity and Medieval Ireland. London : Bloomsbury.
2024 Prof..Michael Clarke Book Chapter Luid Iason in a luing loir: Jason went in his ample ship Michael Clarke (2024) 'Luid Iason in a luing loir: Jason went in his ample ship' In: Michael Clarke, Erich Poppe and Isabelle Torrance(Eds.). Classical Antiquity and Medieval Ireland. London : Bloomsbury.
2024 Prof..Michael Clarke Book Chapter Togail Troi, The Siege of Troy, Recension 2 from the Book of Leinster Michael Clarke (2024) 'Togail Troi, The Siege of Troy, Recension 2 from the Book of Leinster' In: Michael Clarke, Erich Poppe and Isabelle Torrance(Eds.). Classical Antiquity and Medieval Ireland. London : Bloomsbury.
2024 Prof..Michael Clarke Conference Contribution Tionol, School of Celtic Studies Michael Clarke (2024) Divided Kingship in Caithreim Conghail Clairingnigh [Oral Presentation] Tionol, School of Celtic Studies Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 23/11/2024-23/11/2024.
2024 Prof..Michael Clarke Book Chapter Clann Ollaman uaisle Emna, The nobles of Emain Macha are Ollam's descendants Michael Clarke (2024) 'Clann Ollaman uaisle Emna, The nobles of Emain Macha are Ollam's descendants' In: Michael Clarke, Erich Poppe and Isabelle Torrance(Eds.). Classical Antiquity and Medieval Ireland. London : Bloomsbury.
2024 Prof..Michael Clarke Edited Book Classical Antiquity and Medieval Ireland: An Anthology of Medieval Irish Texts and Interpretations Michael Clarke, Erich Poppe and Isabelle Torrance (Ed.). (2024) London: Bloomsbury,
2024 Prof..Michael Clarke Book Chapter Togail Troi, The Siege of Troy, Recension 3 Michael Clarke (2024) 'Togail Troi, The Siege of Troy, Recension 3' In: Michael Clarke, Erich Poppe and Isabelle Torrance(Eds.). Classical Antiquity and Medieval Ireland. London : Bloomsbury.
2023 Dr.Jacopo Bisagni Conference Contribution New Approaches to Leeds, Royal Armouries, I.33 Bisagni, Jacopo (2023) The language of I.33 [Conference Paper] New Approaches to Leeds, Royal Armouries, I.33 Accademia di Belle Arti, Carrara, Italy, 07/07/2023-07/07/2023.
2023 Prof..Michael Clarke Conference Contribution International Congress of Celtic Studies Michael Clarke (2023) A Middle Irish poem in praise of cross-dressing [Oral Presentation] International Congress of Celtic Studies University of Utrecht, 25/07/2023-25/07/2023.
2023 Dr.Jacopo Bisagni Conference Contribution Diasporas religieuses et scolastiques des Irlandais sur le continent «français» pré-moderne Bisagni, Jacopo (2023) Member of the organizing committee [Conference Organising Committee Member] Diasporas religieuses et scolastiques des Irlandais sur le continent «français» pré-moderne University of Tours, France, 25/05/2023-26/05/2023.
2023 Dr.Jacopo Bisagni Conference Contribution Diasporas religieuses et scolastiques des Irlandais sur le continent «français» pré-moderne Bisagni, Jacopo (2023) Wandering scholars ou wandering books ? La transmission du computus hiberno-latin entre la Francie du Nord, la Loire et la Bretagne avant l¿an Mil [Conference Paper] Diasporas religieuses et scolastiques des Irlandais sur le continent «français» pré-moderne University of Tours, France, 25/05/2023-26/05/2023.
2023 Dr.Pádraic Moran Book Chapter A revised typology for the St Gall Priscian glosses Moran, P. (2023) 'A revised typology for the St Gall Priscian glosses' In: Glossing Practice: Past and Present, West & East. Lanham : Lexington Books.
2023 Dr.Pádraic Moran Book Chapter Transmission of Late Antique Latin grammars in seventh-century Ireland: evidence of De origine Scoticae linguae Moran, P. (2023) 'Transmission of Late Antique Latin grammars in seventh-century Ireland: evidence of De origine Scoticae linguae' In: C. Giammona, M. Rosellini, E. Spangenberg Yanes(Eds.). Latin Grammarians Forum 2021. Atti del convegno, Roma, 21-23 settembre 2021. Hildeshelm : Weidmann.
2023 Dr.Pádraic Moran Book Chapter The Celtic Tradition Arbuthnot, S; Moran, P.; Russell, P. (2023) 'The Celtic Tradition' In: A. Seiler, C. Benati, S. Pons-Sanz(Eds.). Medieval Glossaries from North-Western Europe: Tradition and Innovation. Turnhout : Brepols.
2023 Dr.Pádraic Moran Book Chapter Regional Latinities in Europe: Ireland and Scotland, Wales Moran, P. (2023) 'Regional Latinities in Europe: Ireland and Scotland, Wales' In: F. Stella, L. Dole¿alová, D. Shanzer(Eds.). Latin Literatures in Medieval and Early Modern Times Inside and Outside Europe: A Millennium History. Amsterdam : John Benjamins.
2023 Dr.Pádraic Moran Conference Contribution Editing Glosses in the 21st Century Moran, P. (2023) International conference [Invited Paper] Editing Glosses in the 21st Century Graz, 05/05/2023-05/05/2023.
2023 Dr.Pádraic Moran Conference Contribution Databases of Carolingian Manuscripts Moran, P. (2023) Seminar [Invited Paper] Databases of Carolingian Manuscripts Dublin, 30/05/2023-30/05/2023.
2023 Dr.Pádraic Moran Conference Contribution International Congress of Celtic Studies XVII Moran, P. (2023) International conference [Conference Paper] International Congress of Celtic Studies XVII Utrecht, 24/07/2023-24/07/2023.
2023 Prof..Michael Clarke Book Chapter Medieval scholarship and intertextuality: Saxo Grammaticus on the giants Michael Clarke (2023) 'Medieval scholarship and intertextuality: Saxo Grammaticus on the giants' In: Ciaran Arthur and Sinead O'Sullivan(Eds.). Crafting Knowledge in the Early Medieval Book. Turnhout : Brepols.
2023 Prof..Michael Clarke Conference Contribution Intertextuality in Early Literary and Poetic Traditions Michael Clarke (2023) Literary allusion versus traditional motifs [Invited Oral Presentation] Intertextuality in Early Literary and Poetic Traditions University of Oslo, 09/05/2023-09/05/2023.
2023 Prof..Michael Clarke Conference Contribution Intertextuality in Early Literary and Poetic Traditions Michael Clarke (2023) Literary allusion versus traditional motifs [Invited Oral Presentation] Intertextuality in Early Literary and Poetic Traditions University of Oslo, 09/05/2023-09/05/2023.
2023 Dr.Jacopo Bisagni Conference Contribution New Approaches to Leeds, Royal Armouries, I.33 Bisagni, Jacopo (2023) Co-chair of the organizing committee [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson] New Approaches to Leeds, Royal Armouries, I.33 Accademia di Belle Arti, Carrara, Italy, 07/07/2023-07/07/2023.
2022 Dr.Edward Herring Book Patterns in the Production of Paestan Red-Figure Pottery Herring, E. (2022) Patterns in the Production of Paestan Red-Figure Pottery. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
2022 Dr.Jacopo Bisagni Conference Contribution Manuscripts and Written Culture in Early Medieval Brittany Bisagni, Jacopo (2022) Chair of the organizing committee [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson] Manuscripts and Written Culture in Early Medieval Brittany NUI G, 10/06/2022-11/06/2022.
2022 Prof..Michael Clarke Conference Contribution University of Durham Classics Seminar Michael Clarke (2022) The Age of Heroes and the fallen angels [Invited Oral Presentation] University of Durham Classics Seminar University of Durham, England (by Zoom), 27/01/2022-27/01/2022.
2022 Dr.Jacopo Bisagni Conference Contribution Séminaire de la Société Archéologique et Historique de l'Orléanais Bisagni, Jacopo (2022) Les échanges culturels entre Bretagne et Orléanais au Haut Moyen Âge: le témoignage des manuscrits scientifiques [Invited Lecture] Séminaire de la Société Archéologique et Historique de l'Orléanais Salle des Thèses, Orléans, 10/03/2022-10/03/2022.
2022 Dr.Jacopo Bisagni Conference Contribution Séminaire POLEN/IRHT Bisagni, Jacopo (2022) S'orienter dans un labyrinthe de nombres: la transmission des textes computistiques entre Irlande, Bretagne et Francie, 800-1050 [Invited Lecture] Séminaire POLEN/IRHT IRHT, Orléans, 11/03/2022-11/03/2022.
2022 Dr.Pádraic Moran Book Chapter Latin grammar crossing multilingual zones: St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 904 Moran, P. (2022) 'Latin grammar crossing multilingual zones: St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, 904' In: Medieval Multilingual Manuscripts: Case Studies from Ireland to Japan. Berlin : De Gruyter.
2022 Dr.Pádraic Moran Conference Contribution Classical Influences and Irish Culture (CLIC), Work-in-Progress Seminars Moran, P. (2022) Seminar [Invited Lecture] Classical Influences and Irish Culture (CLIC), Work-in-Progress Seminars Aarhus, 21/02/2022-21/02/2022.
2022 Dr.Pádraic Moran Conference Contribution Margins at the Centre¿Practices of Annotation Moran, P. (2022) International conference [Invited Paper] Margins at the Centre¿Practices of Annotation Vienna, 23/05/2022-23/05/2022.
2022 Dr.Pádraic Moran Peer Reviewed Journal Glossing and reading and in western Europe and East Asia: a comparative case study Moran, P.; Whitman, J. (2022) 'Glossing and reading and in western Europe and East Asia: a comparative case study'. Speculum-A Journal Of Medieval Studies, 97 :112-139.
2022 Dr.Pádraic Moran Online Database Gloss Corpus [] Moran, P. (2022) Gloss Corpus []. Online Database
2022 Prof..Michael Clarke Book Chapter The legend of Trojan origins in the later Middle Ages: texts and tapestries Michael Clarke (2022) 'The legend of Trojan origins in the later Middle Ages: texts and tapestries' In: Patrick Wadden and Lindy Brady(Eds.). Origin Legends in Early Medieval Europe. Turnhout : Brepols.
2022 Prof..Michael Clarke Book Chapter Translation and creativity in the antiquity sagas: the arming of Julius Caesar in In Cath Cathardag Michael Clarke (2022) 'Translation and creativity in the antiquity sagas: the arming of Julius Caesar in In Cath Cathardag' In: Ken O Donnchu(Eds.). Tintud/Aistriu: Papers on Translation in Irish Tradition. Cork : Clo Torna.
2022 Prof..Michael Clarke Book Chapter The Irish Liber Hymnorum: A Bilingual Anthology of Sacred Verse Clarke, Michael (2022) 'The Irish Liber Hymnorum: A Bilingual Anthology of Sacred Verse' In: Manuscripts Between Languages: Case Studies from Ireland to Japan. Berlin : De Gruyter.
2022 Prof..Michael Clarke Book Chapter Introduction Clarke, Michael; Ní Mhaonaigh, Máire (2022) 'Introduction' In: Manuscripts Between Languages: Case Studies from Ireland to Japan. Berlin : De Gruyter.
2022 Prof..Michael Clarke Edited Book Medieval Multilingual Manuscripts: Case Studies from Ireland to Japan Clarke, Michael; Ní Mhaonaigh, Máire (Ed.). (2022) Berlin: De Gruyter,
2022 Prof..Michael Clarke Conference Contribution Inaugural Conference of the World Philology Union Michael Clarke (2022) Philology and literature [Invited Oral Presentation] Inaugural Conference of the World Philology Union La Sapienza University, Rome, 16/12/2022-16/12/2022.
2022 Prof..Michael Clarke Conference Contribution Greek and Beyond: A conference in honour of M.S. Silk Clarke, Michael (2022) I am a word of science: medieval Irish metaphor and poetics [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson] Greek and Beyond: A conference in honour of M.S. Silk Faculty of Classics, Oxford University, 11/04/2022-11/04/2022.
2022 Prof..Michael Clarke Conference Contribution The Middle Irish Lucan Clarke, Michael (2022) Classicism and creativity in Middle Irish heroic prose [Invited Lecture] The Middle Irish Lucan Dept of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic, Cambridge University, 11/03/2022-11/03/2022.
2022 Dr.Jacopo Bisagni Conference Contribution Manuscripts and Written Culture in Early Medieval Brittany Bisagni, Jacopo (2022) Irish computistics in Brittany, c. 800-1050: Insular link or Carolingian by-product ? [Conference Paper] Manuscripts and Written Culture in Early Medieval Brittany NUI Galway, 10/06/2022-11/06/2022.
2021 Prof..Michael Clarke Peer Reviewed Journal Énchennach: A study in the vocabulary of shape-changing Michael Clarke (2021) 'Énchennach: A study in the vocabulary of shape-changing'. Celtica, 33 :35-58.
2021 Dr.Jacopo Bisagni Online Database A Descriptive Handlist of Breton Manuscripts, c. AD 780-1100 Bisagni, Jacopo (2021) A Descriptive Handlist of Breton Manuscripts, c. AD 780-1100. Galway: Online Database
2021 Dr.Jacopo Bisagni Newspaper Articles How Medieval Ireland's scholars and ideas had an impact on France Bisagni, Jacopo (2021) How Medieval Ireland's scholars and ideas had an impact on France. Dublin: Newspaper Articles
2021 Dr.Jacopo Bisagni Conference Contribution Leeds International Medieval Congress 2021 Bisagni, Jacopo (2021) Organiser of the session 'Irish Scholarship and the Intellectual Climates of Carolingian Brittany and Northern Francia: Computus and Biblical Exegesis' [Organising Chair] Leeds International Medieval Congress 2021 Leeds (UK), 05/07/2021-09/07/2021.
2021 Prof..Michael Clarke Peer Reviewed Journal The choice of Cú Chulainn and the choice of Achilles: intertextuality and the manuscripts Michael Clarke (2021) 'The choice of Cú Chulainn and the choice of Achilles: intertextuality and the manuscripts'. North American Journal of Celtic Studies, 5 :1-29.
2021 Dr.Jacopo Bisagni Conference Contribution 8th International Conference on the Science of Computus in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages Bisagni, Jacopo (2021) Co-chair of the organising committee [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson] 8th International Conference on the Science of Computus in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages NUI Galway, 17/06/2021-19/06/2021.
2021 Dr.Jacopo Bisagni Conference Contribution 8th International Conference on the Science of Computus in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages Bisagni, Jacopo; Warntjes, Immo (2021) Abbo of Fleury's Breton lunar calendar [Conference Paper] 8th International Conference on the Science of Computus in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages NUI Galway, 17/06/2021-19/06/2021.
2021 Dr.Jacopo Bisagni Conference Contribution Medieval Multilingual Manuscripts Bisagni, Jacopo (2021) Glossing Time: Multilingualism and the Celtic vernaculars in Early Medieval computistical manuscripts [Plenary Lecture] Medieval Multilingual Manuscripts Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 28/05/2021-28/05/2021.
2021 Dr.Jacopo Bisagni Peer Reviewed Journal A newly discovered Irish tract on the divisions of time in Laon, Bibliothèque Municipale, MS. 422 Bisagni, Jacopo (2021) 'A newly discovered Irish tract on the divisions of time in Laon, Bibliothèque Municipale, MS. 422'. Études Celtiques, 47 :125-169.
2021 Dr.Jacopo Bisagni Invited Review Articles Review of A. Blom, "Glossing the Psalms: The emergence of the written vernaculars in Western Europe from the seventh to the twelfth centuries" (Berlin/Boston 2017), published in Études Celtiques 47. Bisagni, Jacopo (2021) Review of A. Blom, Glossing the Psalms: The emergence of the written vernaculars in Western Europe from the seventh to the twelfth centuries (Berlin/Boston 2017), published in Études Celtiques 47. Invited Review Articles
2021 Dr.Jacopo Bisagni Online Multimedia Amrae Coluimb Chille and its manuscripts in the Royal Irish Academy Bisagni, Jacopo (2021) Amrae Coluimb Chille and its manuscripts in the Royal Irish Academy. Dublin: Online Multimedia
2021 Dr.Jacopo Bisagni Conference Contribution Leeds International Medieval Congress 2021 Bisagni, Jacopo (2021) Computus in Early Medieval Brittany: Irish, Frankish, or What Else? [Conference Paper] Leeds International Medieval Congress 2021 Leeds (UK), 05/07/2021-09/07/2021.
2021 Dr.Pádraic Moran Conference Contribution Institute of Classical Studies (London), Ancient Literature Seminar Moran, P. (2021) Seminar [Invited Lecture] Institute of Classical Studies (London), Ancient Literature Seminar London, 22/02/2021-22/02/2021.
2021 Dr.Pádraic Moran Conference Contribution Crafting Knowledge in the Early Medieval Book Moran, P. (2021) International conference [Invited Paper] Crafting Knowledge in the Early Medieval Book Belfast, 14/07/2021-.
2021 Dr.Pádraic Moran Conference Contribution Latin Grammarians Forum Moran, P. (2021) International conference [Conference Paper] Latin Grammarians Forum Rome, 20/09/2021-22/09/2021.
2021 Dr.Pádraic Moran Book Review Review of R. Ashdowne & C. White (eds.), Latin in Medieval Britain (Oxford, 2017), in Speculum 96 (2021), 470-472 Moran, P. (2021) Review of R. Ashdowne & C. White (eds.), Latin in Medieval Britain (Oxford, 2017), in Speculum 96 (2021), 470-472. Book Review
2021 Dr.Pádraic Moran Online Database Manuscripts with Irish Associations (MIrA) [] Moran, P. (2021) Manuscripts with Irish Associations (MIrA) []. Online Database
2021 Prof..Michael Clarke Book Chapter Dutch School, c. 1700 (with apologies to the Quirke novels of Benjamin Black/ John Banville) Michael Clarke (2021) 'Dutch School, c. 1700 (with apologies to the Quirke novels of Benjamin Black/ John Banville)' In: T. Dooley(Eds.). The Historian as Detective. Dublin : Four Courts Press.