Prof Frances Fahy


Contact Details

Director of the Ryan Institute, Est.Professor in Geography
University of Galway
University Road
Galway City, Ireland


Frances Fahy is the Director of the Ryan Institute, the largest research institute at the University of Galway and home to environmental and sustainability research. Established Professor of Geography at the University of Galway, Frances leads several international research teams on sustainable consumption and energy citizenship research.  Frances is a leading environmental geographer and she has published more than 100 publications including four books (Methods of Sustainability Research in the Social Sciences published by Sage, 2013, Challenging Consumption Routledge, 2014, Energy Demand Challenges in Europe Palgrave 2019 and Energy Citizenship across Europe, Palgrave Macmillan, Jan 2025) as well as numerous peer reviewed articles in journals such as Global Environmental Change, Area, Energy Policy, ERSS and Journal of Consumer Policy. Professor Fahy has coordinated > 20 funded research projects and obtained competitive large research funding including funding from Horizon Europe, H2020, JPI-Climate, Interreg, NESC and the EPA. She is currently leading nine partners across Europe on this social science research project which is exploring energy citizenship across Europe - EnergyPROSPECTS (2021-2024).
Frances has won numerous awards for her research as well as many aspects of academic life including: President's Awards for Research Excellence (2017), Societal Impact (2017), Teaching Excellence (Team Award 2020), and the Irish Research Council's National Ally Award for Mentoring and Supervision (2023).  A Fulbright Scholar, Frances previously served as Head of Geography at University of Galway and is the past President of the Geographical Society of Ireland. In addition, Frances held visiting Fellowships and international appointments in the School of People, Environment and Planning, Massey University, Palmerston North Campus, New Zealand; School of Environmental Sciences, University of Victoria, Wellington, New Zealand; and the Centre for Sustainability: Agriculture, Food, Energy, Environment (CSAFE), Discipline of Geography, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.
 Prof Fahy is a founding member of the Sustainability Initiative on campus and she is actively involved in a programme of work to ensure the implementation of that Strategy through until 2025 (see: Prof Fahy was Co-Chair of the 2019 EUGEO Conference (held in May 2019, in Galway) and the Vice-Chair for the International Geographical Union Congress 2024 'Bridging a World of Difference'. Prof Fahy has supervised  11 recent and current PhD students, 14 Postdoctoral Research Fellows, and numerous Masters students. Many of her graduates now hold key roles in policy and academia. Prof Fahy established and was the Programme Director for the BSc in Social Sciences at University of Galway. Further information can be found here:

To hear Frances discuss SDG 12 please click here:
To hear Frances discuss the ENERGISE project please click here: and here:

Research Interests

An environmental geographer, Prof Fahy's research is located in the interdisciplinary field of sustainability, with specialist expertise in matters of (un)sustainable consumption and production (SCP), sufficiency strategies and energy demand. Prof Fahy's research has been targeted at supporting society, policy makers and other stakeholders to undertake the necessary and significant transformation of unsustainable social systems. In particular, has she been a central force in debates about sustainable energy practices, including at individual, household, and community scales, across Europe. Over the last decade Prof  Fahy has focused on the topic of (un)sustainable consumption and within this domain, and is known for her path-breaking research which challenges the efficacy of focusing on consumption in isolation from other associated and supporting practices when attempting to redirect living onto more sustainable pathways. This has been framed through an examination of various consumption practices; energy, water, food and waste (previous related research projects include: Fulbright Scholar Award 2013-14, National Economic and Social Research Council 2014-15; CONSENSUS Research Project, EPA 2009-2016). To support this research agenda Prof Fahy has obtained competitive large research funding (>2.7 million Euro personally awarded as Principal Investigator, and she has been involved as a partner in several more projects which have totalled over >24 million Euro). Some of her work is summarised in the co-edited collection 'Challenging Consumption' (Routledge, 2014) and her current and recent European HORIZON 2020 projects.

Frances' research investigates the increasingly complex material, socio-cultural and political terrain that shapes our current patterns of consumption. Overall, Prof Fahy's research advances new agendas in both theoretical and applied contexts, and the aim of her current research is to progress understandings of both individual and structural influences on everyday household consumption practices, while also developing methodologies for co-designing more desirable and sustainable futures for people and the planet, a topic explored in her co-edited volume (with H. Rau) on Methods of Sustainability Research in the Social Sciences (Sage, 2013).

To hear Frances discuss Sustainable Development Goal 12, please click here: 

In summary as an active researcher and lecturer in human geography and environmental planning Frances' main expertise and research interests include: socio-environment interactions; environmental planning including EIA and SEA; sustainable development; sustainability tools including indicators and community mapping; environmental governance; sustainable consumption; energy management policy and planning; sustainable communities; and research methods. 

EnergyPROSPECTS H2020: Principal Investigator Prof Fahy is the lead Coordinator of this 3 million Euro social science project exploring SSH aspects of energy citizenship (2021-2024). 

CAMPAIGNERS H2020: Prof Fahy is the lead SSH partner on this large (25 partner) project examining sustainable lifestyles across Europe (2021-24 total)

CCC Catapult - European JPI SOLTICE Award: This project explores young people’s relationship to Climate Change. Prof Fahy is the Irish PI and NUIG are one of 4 partners. This three year project commenced on December 1st 2020.

ENERGISE (Horizon 2020: Large Scale project from 2016-2020) Principal Investigator ENERGISE comprehensively covers the full spectrum of energy consumption in the European Union, investigating the factors driving individual and collective energy choices and practices. It classifies energy initiatives in 30 European countries, to inform the subsequent design, rollout and monitoring across eight countries of two culturally sensitive, yet transferrable Living Labs to reduce household energy consumption.

To hear Frances discuss the ENERGISE project please click here: and here:

MOSES: Maritime, Ocean Sector and Ecosystem Sustainability: fostering blue growth in Atlantic marine industries. INTERGG Atlantic Area Programme (PI Stephen Hynes; FFahy Work Package Lead) 2018 - 2021
ATLAS – A Trans-AtLantic Assessment and deep water ecosystem based Spatial management plan for Europe (Horizon 2020: Large Scale five year research project 2016-2021) Team member – NUI Galway team led by Anthony Grehan ATLAS creates a dynamic new partnership between multinational industries, SMEs, governments and academia to assess the Atlantic’s deep-sea ecosystems and Marine Genetic Resources to create the integrated and adaptive planning products needed for sustainable Blue Growth. ATLAS will gather diverse new information on sensitive Atlantic ecosystems (incl. VMEs and EBSAs) to produce a step-change in our understanding of their connectivity, functioning and responses to future changes in human use and ocean climate.

CONSENSUS# II – Towards transformative action for sustainable consumption (Large-scale project funded under the EPA/STRIVE programme 2014-2016) Project Manager and PI for two of the 5 WPsThis two-year interdisciplinary project extends the original CONSENSUS project and features three complementary workpackages that apply segmentation profiling, living laboratory interventions and mobility biography mapping. These will be conducted in partnership with public, private and non-governmental actors to maximise impact and spin-off actions. CONSENSUS II will provide tangible data and recommendations for public, private and civil society actors in Ireland and Europe to support low carbon development that combines efficiency gains with a socially just allocation of resources.
Integrating Environmental Policy into Mainstream Policy. Case Studies: Green Procurement &  Sustainable Food and Drink Assurance Schemes  (National Economic and Social Research Council, 2014-15) This study critically explored the approaches, mechanisms, drivers and linkages that shape the conditions for improved integration of environmental policy in practice. As part of this short three month study, case study research was undertaken on green procurement initiatives, in both the public and private sectors, and sustainable food and drink assurance schemes. In this latter case study area, two specific Bord Bia schemes were examined: Origin Green; and the Sustainable Dairy Assurance Scheme. This small scale research study was qualitative in nature and primarily focused on gathering and analysing the insights and perspectives of organisations and individuals who are involved in implementing these initiatives on a day-to-day basis.
Exploring the role of citizen science in biodiversity monitoring across Europe (Partner: H Rau, Sociology and Political Science, NUI Galway) Small scale project commenced 2013/14

Change Burren: Exploring community well being in the Burren’ commenced Spring 2014 (Partners H Rau, Sociology and Political Science, NUI Galway and BurrenBeo, Kinvara)

‘Communicating Sustainability Research – Challenges, Opportunities and Dissemination Strategies’ (Small-scale project funded by the Fulbright Commission 2014)
This project explored the experiences of academics involved in policy relevent research in the field of sustainability. Having spent the last decade working on a variety of policy relevant research projects in the sustainability arena, I drew on my own experiences and critically reflected on the opportunities and challenges of undertaking policy relevant sustainability research. Specifically, I undertook empirical research exploring to what extent the desire to be policy relevant impacts on a researcher’s theoretical outlook, his/her conceptual orientations, methodogical approaches employed and his/her dissemenation strategies. This research project was conducted primarily in Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA, an institution which prides itself on its commitment to real-world research.
CONSENSUS – Consumption, Environment and Sustainability (Large-scale project funded under the EPA/STRIVE programme 2009-2013) This five-year interdisciplinary project was an exploration of household consumption in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. This project is undertaken in conjunction with partners from the School of Political Science and Sociology, NUI Galway and the School of Natural Sciences, Trinity College Dublin.
MARNET – Marine Atlantic Regions Network (EU Interreg IVB Atlantic Area Programme 2012-2015) This project involved the establishment of a marine socio-economic network that will create and collate comparable marine socio-economic data and utilise this data to support marine socio-economic development initiatives along the Atlantic Area. The project examined the socio-economic utility of the marine environment derived from the productivity of associated marine ecosystems along the Atlantic Arc. The project sought to enhance the competitiveness and the sustainable development of Atlantic Periphery through the continued provision of a solid set of utilisable marine socio-economic information that are vital for policy formation and economic development planning across a range of marine related sectors and regions.
‘Mapping perceptions of Cycling in University of Galway’ Small scale project in conjunction with E Clifford, R Manton, Civil Engineering, NUI Galway and H Rau, Sociology and Political Science, NUI Galway. Recipient of EXPLORE Award for Innovative Collaboration in 2012 
‘Exploring perceptions of sustainability and scale in food systems’ (Medium-scale project funded under the Millennium Research Fund 2010-2012) This project theoretically and empirically investigated the perceptions of Irish consumers with regard to the sustainability of food systems, not only environmental but also economic and social, from the local level to the global. Specific objectives included i) examining the meaning of ‘local’, as well as the role that scale plays in influencing consumer food choices; ii) investigating the extent to which perceptions of sustainability in food systems influence purchasing choices; iii) providing a nuanced understanding of the motivations for, and barriers to, purchasing products produced at different scales and explore the implications of such.
‘Galway 21: Implementing the Principles and Practices of Sustainable Development in Galway City Council’ (EPA 2005-2008) The need for more effective tools to develop and assess sustainable development was identified as a priority theme under the EU’s Sixth Framework for European Environmental Policy to 2010. The development of practical tools for a local process of sustainable development represents a major challenge and provided the main focus for this project. In order to promote practical applications of the concept of sustainability by Galway City Council, the study developed indicators to capture quality of life considerations as perceived by the citizens of Galway. The study focused on integrating sustainability practices into all aspects of the local authority’s activities and plans. The development of transferable models of good practice in this domain and their dissemination throughout the local government system in Ireland represent some of the primary goals of the project. Results are available from:,25609,en.html
Green Map Galway’ (Galway City Council Local Agenda 21 Fund 2008-2010)
Drawing on experiences of other cities this project developed and produced a green map for the city of Galway. A ’Green Map’ is a locally produced chart of an area, which identifies, promotes and links environmental, social, and cultural amenities. These maps typically show green areas, cycle paths, green businesses, organic markets, quiet spots in the city, interesting walking routes, as well as the cultural sites that make an area unique. The map represents a practical tool, with potential to investigate issues of sustainability and land-use planning in the city. In keeping with sustainable development principles, the project involved high levels of public participation at the local level. Results are available on:
‘Policies to Promote Cycling in Galway’ (Small-scale project funded by the HSE, Galway City Council and WHO Healthy Cities 2010-2011)
The overall goal of this small-scale project is to explore public support for a number of policies that could potentially promote and enable cycling in Galway City. The project involves the development of a survey to investigate public attitudes towards cycling with the aim of understanding the extent of public support for policies that would eventually increase the number of cyclists in Galway City.
‘Urban Bike Parks’ (Desk study. Galway City Council, Healthy Cities Galway June- August 2012)  Following on from the successful partnership established between the HSE, Healthy Cities and Galway City Council in the Policies to Promote Cycling in Galway project (outlined above) this short desk top study provided for three months funding of a post-doctoral researcher – Dr Wes Flannery to review international good practice of urban bike parks and explore existing evidence to determine the processes involved in establishing a bike park in Galway City.
‘Sustainable Energy Communities’ (Desk study. University of Galway Summer Internship Scheme June- August 2011)  This short project is a desk top study of existing evidence to determine the processes and applications of local participatory budgets, specifically participatory Local Carbon Budgets (LCBs). LCBs are essentially caps on emissions in local areas and there is a growing volume of international evidence that suggests they provide a realisable avenue to advance the transition of communities towards low carbon futures. However, the extent to which citizens and communities participate in developing and implementing these budgets varies, and is the subject of much debate. This study is critically reviewing existing case studies of LCB implementation; identify gaps in evidence; and will make recommendations for further research required in the Irish context.
Environmental attitudes and behaviour: values, actions and waste management in Ireland (EPA, 2001-2005)
This project provided essential baseline information on environmental attitudes and behaviour and more fine-grained understandings of value-action gaps in the environmental policy arena.  In accordance with sustainable development goals, the project generated concrete findings of public/local authority interactions with the aim of assisting local tiers of governance in improving public participation and levels of trust between various communities in environmental policy making.  By focusing specifically on waste issues, the project developed contextual, or ’place-based’, recommendations for improved waste management and minimisation policies. Results are available from:,13319,en.html

Research Projects

  Project Start Date End Date
SHARED GREEN DEAL - Horizon Europe 01-FEB-22 31-JAN-27
EnergyPROSPECTS Horizon Europe 01-MAY-21 30-APR-24
CAMPAIGNERS Horizon Europe 01-MAY-21 30-APR-24
CATAPULT (JPI Solstice European) 01-DEC-20 30-NOV-23
EI H2020 Proposal Prep: Prosperity for Energy Citizenship Transformations 19-JUN-20 18-MAR-26
Employment Based Postgraduate Scholarship 2018 - Áine Bird - Exploring Community Stewardship through Place-based Learning: evaluating impact and potential for knowledge transfer 01-OCT-18 31-MAR-23
EI H2020 Proposal Prep Support - Social Innovation in the Energy Sector 23-JUL-18 22-APR-19
ENERGISE 01-DEC-16 30-NOV-22
European Network for Research, Good Practice and Innovation for Sustainable Energy 22-JAN-16 21-SEP-16

Contract Researchers

  Researcher Name Project Role Funding Body
Rebecca Corless EnergyPROSPECTS Research Associate EU
Dr Michael Lydon EnergyPROSPECTS Postdoctoral Researcher/Impact Officer EU
Dr Natasha Keenaghan CAMPAIGNERs Postdoctoral Researcher EU
Dr Benjamin Schmid EnergyPROSPECTS Post Doctoral Researcher EU
Dr Kathleen Stokes CAMPAIGNERs Postdoctoral Researcher EU
Dr Dean Phelan CATAPULT Postdoctoral Researcher EU
Luka Malesevic CATAPULT Researcher EU
Nuala Carr SHARED GREEN DEAL Researcher EU
Dr Gary Goggins ENERGISE Project Manager
Dr Eimear Heaslip ENERGISE Post doctoral Researcher
Dr Amaya Vega CONSENSUS EPA Consensus Project Coordinator 2012-2013 (1 year contract)
Dr Jessica Pape CONSENSUS EPA Consensus Project Researcher 2009-2013 (4 year Contract shared with TCD)
Dr Wesley Flannery Urban Bike Parks Urban Bike Parks: Desk top review of international case studies and recommendations for the Irish context Jan 2012-April 2012
Dr Naomi Foley MARNET Marnet Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Edited Books

  Year Publication
(2025) Energy Citizenship Across Europe.
Fahy F. and Vadovics, E (Ed.). (2025) Energy Citizenship Across Europe Energy Citizenship Across Europe. London: Palgrave Macmillan Cham. [DOI] [Details]
(2019) Energy demand challenges in Europe: implications for policy, planning and practice.
Fahy, F., Goggins, G. and Jenson, C.L (Ed.). (2019) Energy demand challenges in Europe: implications for policy, planning and practice Energy demand challenges in Europe: implications for policy, planning and practice. London: Palgrave. [Details]
(2016) Challenging Consumption (2nd Edition).
Davies, A.R., Fahy, F. and Rau, H (Ed.). (2016) Challenging Consumption (2nd Edition) Challenging Consumption (2nd Edition). London: Routledge. [Details]
(2014) Challenging Consumption: Pathways to a more sustainable future.
Davies, A. R., Fahy F and Rau, H (Ed.). (2014) Challenging Consumption: Pathways to a more sustainable future Challenging Consumption: Pathways to a more sustainable future. London: Routledge. [Details]
(2013) Methods for Sustainability Research in the Social Sciences.
Fahy F. and Rau H (Ed.). (2013) Methods for Sustainability Research in the Social Sciences Methods for Sustainability Research in the Social Sciences. London: SAGE. [Details]

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2024) 'Reflections on co¿productive research in a youth¿focused climate education project'
Rosamund Portus, Sara-Jayne Williams, Anette Mansikka-aho, Kathy Reilly, Essi Aarnio-Linnanvuori, Laura de Vito, Bronagh Dillon, Frances Fahy, Ilaria Gnecco, Anna Palla, Sabrina Sposito, Lindsey McEwen (2024) 'Reflections on co¿productive research in a youth¿focused climate education project'. Geographical Review, [DOI] [Details]
(2024) 'Exploring the environmental value action gap in education research: a semi-systematic literature review'
Rosamund Portus, Essi Aarnio-Linnanvuori, Bronagh Dillon, Frances Fahy, Deepak Gopinath, Anette Mansikka-Aho, Sara-Jayne Williams, Kathy Reilly & Lindsey McEwen (2024) 'Exploring the environmental value action gap in education research: a semi-systematic literature review'. Environmental Education Research, [DOI] [Details]
(2024) 'Learning from young people¿s experiences of climate change education'
Kathy Reilly, Bronagh Dillon, Frances Fahy, Dean Phelan, Essi Aarnio-Linnanvuori, Laura De Vito, Ilaria Gnecco, Deepak Gopinath, Andrew Holmes, Sophie Laggan, Anette Mansikka-aho, Anna Palla, Rosamund Portus, Inkeri Rissanen, Sabrina Sposito, Sara-Jayne Williams & Lindsey McEwen (2024) 'Learning from young people¿s experiences of climate change education'. Geography, 109 (1):44-48 [DOI] [Details]
(2023) 'Unlocking insights in the everyday: Exploring practices to foster sustainable maximum use of clothing'
Maguire, H. and Fahy, F. (2023) 'Unlocking insights in the everyday: Exploring practices to foster sustainable maximum use of clothing'. Cleaner and Responsible Consumption, 8 [DOI] [Details]
(2022) 'The role of culture in advancing sustainable energy policy and practice'
Goggins, G., Rau, H., Moran, P. Fahy, F. and Goggins, J. (2022) 'The role of culture in advancing sustainable energy policy and practice'. Energy Policy, 167 [Details]
(2022) 'Practising fashion and wardrobe studies: A geographical reframing?'
Maguire, H. and Fahy, F. (2022) 'Practising fashion and wardrobe studies: A geographical reframing?'. Area, 54 :69-77 [Details]
(2022) 'Sew what for sustainability? Exploring intergenerational attitudes and practices to clothing repair in Ireland'
Maguire, H. and Fahy, F. (2022) 'Sew what for sustainability? Exploring intergenerational attitudes and practices to clothing repair in Ireland'. Irish Geography, 55 (1) [DOI] [Details]
(2022) 'Reflexivity through practice-informed student journals: how ¿sustainable wellbeing¿ relates to teleoaffectivities'
Sahakian,M., Stroude,A., Godin,L., Courtin,I., Fahy,F., Fuchs, D. and Langlois, J. (2022) 'Reflexivity through practice-informed student journals: how ¿sustainable wellbeing¿ relates to teleoaffectivities'. Sustainability, Science and Policy, 18 (1):247-262 [DOI] [Details]
(2022) 'Making evaluation work for the practitioner evaluator: experience from the field of environmental education'
Bird, A., Fahy F. and Reilly, K (2022) 'Making evaluation work for the practitioner evaluator: experience from the field of environmental education'. Environmental Education Research, [DOI] [Details]
(2021) 'Creating Context for Corridors of Consumption: A case study from Ireland'
Lavelle, M.J. and Fahy, F. (2021) 'Creating Context for Corridors of Consumption: A case study from Ireland'. Sustainability, Science and Policy, 17 (1):62-76 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2021) 'Challenging practices: experiences from community and individual living lab approaches'
Matschoss, K., Fahy, F., Rau, H., Backhaus, J., Goggins, G., Grealis, E., Heiskanen, E., Kajoskoski, T., Laakso, S., Apajalahti, E.L., Genus, A., Godin, L., Iskandarova, M., Musch, A.K., Sahakian, M., Scholl, C., Vadovics E. and Vasseur, V. (2021) 'Challenging practices: experiences from community and individual living lab approaches'. Sustainability, Science and Policy, 17 (1):136-152 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2021) 'Alternative energy imaginaries: Implications for energy research, policy integration and the transformation of energy systems'
Genus, A. Iskandarova, M., Goggins, G., Fahy F. and Laakso, S. (2021) 'Alternative energy imaginaries: Implications for energy research, policy integration and the transformation of energy systems'. Energy Research & Social Science, 73 (1) [Details]
(2021) 'Challenging social norms to recraft practices: A Living Lab approach to reducing household energy use in eight European countries'
Sahakian, M ., Rau, H., Grealis, E., Godin L., Wallenborn, G., Backhaus, J., Friis, F.,Genus, A., Goggins, G., Heaslip, E., Heiskanen, E., Iskandarova, M., Jensen, C.J., Laakso, S., Musch, A.K., Scholl, C., Vadovics, E., Vadovics, K., Vasseur, V. and Fahy F. (2021) 'Challenging social norms to recraft practices: A Living Lab approach to reducing household energy use in eight European countries'. Energy Research & Social Science, 72 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2021) 'The role of practice-based interventions in energy transitions: A framework for identifying types of work to scale up alternative practices'
Laakso, S., Heiskanen, E., Matschoss, K., Apajalahti, E.L. and Fahy, F. (2021) 'The role of practice-based interventions in energy transitions: A framework for identifying types of work to scale up alternative practices'. Energy Research & Social Science, 72 (1) [DOI] [Details]
(2021) 'Blue Growth: A Transitions Approach to Developing Sustainable Pathways'
Kelly, C., McAteer, B., Fahy, F., Carr, L., Norton, D., Farrell, Corless, R., Hynes, S., Kyriazi, Z., Marhadour, A., Kalaydjian, R., and Flannery, W. (2021) 'Blue Growth: A Transitions Approach to Developing Sustainable Pathways'. Journal of Ocean and Coastal Economics, 8 (2) [DOI] [Details]
(2020) 'Steering demand? Exploring the intersection of policy, practice and lives in energy systems change in Ireland'
Greene, M. and Fahy F. (2020) 'Steering demand? Exploring the intersection of policy, practice and lives in energy systems change in Ireland'. Energy Research & Social Science, 61 (3) [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2020) 'Willingness to support environmental actions and policies:A comparative study'
Wolters, E.A., Lybecker, D.L., Fahy, F, Hubbard, M.L. (2020) 'Willingness to support environmental actions and policies:A comparative study'. The Social Science Journal, [Details]
(2019) 'Sustainable transitions in residential energy use: Characteristics and governance of urban-based initiatives across Europe'
Goggins, G., Fahy, F. and C. Jensen (2019) 'Sustainable transitions in residential energy use: Characteristics and governance of urban-based initiatives across Europe'. Journal Of Cleaner Production, 237 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2019) 'Achieving sustainability transitions in residential energy use across Europe: The importance of problem framings'
Jensen, C.L., Goggins, G., Røpke, I. and Fahy, F. (2019) 'Achieving sustainability transitions in residential energy use across Europe: The importance of problem framings'. Energy Policy, 133 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2018) 'Developing Transdisciplinary Approaches to Community Energy Transitions: An Island Case Study'
Heaslip, E. & Fahy F. (2018) 'Developing Transdisciplinary Approaches to Community Energy Transitions: An Island Case Study'. Energy Research & Social Science, [DOI] [Details]
(2018) 'Towards a practice-theoretical classification of sustainable energy consumption initiatives: Insights from social scientific energy research in 30 European countries'
Jensen, C. L., Goggins, G., Fahy, F., Grealis, E., Vadovics, E., Genus, A., & Rau, H. (2018) 'Towards a practice-theoretical classification of sustainable energy consumption initiatives: Insights from social scientific energy research in 30 European countries'. Energy Research & Social Science, [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2018) 'From invisibility to impact: Recognising the scientific and societal relevance of interdisciplinary sustainability research'
Rau, H. Goggins, G and Fahy F (2018) 'From invisibility to impact: Recognising the scientific and societal relevance of interdisciplinary sustainability research'. Research Policy, 47 (1):266-276 [DOI] [Details]
(2017) 'On the subject of typology: How Irish coastal communities' subjectivities reveal intrinsic values towards coastal environments'
Farrell, D. Carr, L. and Fahy, F. (2017) 'On the subject of typology: How Irish coastal communities' subjectivities reveal intrinsic values towards coastal environments'. Ocean And Coastal Management, 146 :135-143 [Details]
(2016) 'What’s Consuming Ireland? Exploring expressed attitudes and reported behaviours towards the environment, quality of life and sustainable consumption on the island of Ireland'
Lavelle, M.J. and Fahy F. (2016) 'What’s Consuming Ireland? Exploring expressed attitudes and reported behaviours towards the environment, quality of life and sustainable consumption on the island of Ireland'. Irish Geography, 49 (1):29-54 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2016) 'Using mental mapping to unpack perceived cycling risk'
Manton, R, Rau, H, Fahy F., Sheahan, J. and Clifford E. (2016) 'Using mental mapping to unpack perceived cycling risk'. Accident Analysis And Prevention, 88 :138-149 [Details]
(2015) 'Different shades of green? Unpacking habitual and occasional pro-environmental behavior'
Lavelle, M.J, Rau, H and Fahy F (2015) 'Different shades of green? Unpacking habitual and occasional pro-environmental behavior'. Global Environmental Change, 2015 (35):368-378 [DOI] [Details]
(2014) '‘Locating the locale of local food: the importance of context, space and social relations’'
Carroll, B. & Fahy, F. (2014) '‘Locating the locale of local food: the importance of context, space and social relations’'. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, [Details]
(2014) 'Developing a Comparative Socio-Economic Framework for the Atlantic Arc'
Foley, NS; Corless, R; Escapa, M; Fahy, F; Fernandez-Macho, J; Gabriel, S; Hynes, S; Kalaydjian, K; Moreira, S; Moylan, K; Murillas, A; O’Brien, M; Simpson, K; Tinch, D (2014) 'Developing a Comparative Socio-Economic Framework for the Atlantic Arc'. Ocean & Coastal Management, [DOI] [Details]
(2012) 'The significance of quality of life and sustainability At The Urban-Rural Fringe In The Making Of Place-Based Community'
Mahon, M., Fahy, F., and Ó Cinnéide, M. (2012) 'The significance of quality of life and sustainability At The Urban-Rural Fringe In The Making Of Place-Based Community'. Geojournal, 77 (2):265-278 [DOI] [Details]
(2012) 'Community Mapping: Developing a sustainability tool through classroom exercises'
Fahy, Frances (2012) 'Community Mapping: Developing a sustainability tool through classroom exercises'. Geographical Viewpoint, 40 (1):24-28 [Details]
(2011) '’Developing policies and instruments for Sustainable Household Consumption: Irish Experiences and Futures’'
Pape, J., Rau, H., Fahy, F. and Davies, A.R (2011) '’Developing policies and instruments for Sustainable Household Consumption: Irish Experiences and Futures’'. Journal Of Consumer Policy, 34 (1):25-42 [Details]
(2011) 'Culture and creativity: A case study from the West of Ireland'
Collins, P,Fahy, F (2011) 'Culture and creativity: A case study from the West of Ireland'. Cities, 28 :28-35 [DOI] [Details]
(2010) '’Sustainable Consumption: practices and governance’'
Davies, A., Fahy,F, Rau, H., Pape, J. (2010) '’Sustainable Consumption: practices and governance’'. Irish Geography, 43 (1):59-79 [Details]
(2009) 'Re-constructing the urban landscape through community mapping: an attractive prospect for sustainability?'
Fahy, F,Cinneide, MO (2009) 'Re-constructing the urban landscape through community mapping: an attractive prospect for sustainability?'. Area, 41 :167-175 [DOI] [Details]
(2009) 'The Politics of Place in the Urban-Rural Fringe'
Mahon, M., Fahy, F., Ó Cinnéide, M., Gallagher, B. (2009) 'The Politics of Place in the Urban-Rural Fringe'. Nature and Culture, 4 (1) [Details]
(2008) 'Developing and testing an operational framework for assessing quality of life'
Fahy, F,Cinneide, MO (2008) 'Developing and testing an operational framework for assessing quality of life'. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 28 :366-379 [DOI] [Details]
(2008) 'The Reality of the Locality: Exploring spatial aspects of quality of life in Galway City, Ireland'
Fahy, F., Ó Cinnéide, M. (2008) 'The Reality of the Locality: Exploring spatial aspects of quality of life in Galway City, Ireland'. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 3 (1):29-44 [Details]
(2007) 'Home improvements: Household waste minimisation and action research'
Fahy, F,Davies, A (2007) 'Home improvements: Household waste minimisation and action research'. Resources Conservation And Recycling, 52 :13-27 [DOI] [Details]
(2006) 'Communicating Sustainability: An Ecological Footprint Approach'
Desmond, M., Fahy, F. (2006) 'Communicating Sustainability: An Ecological Footprint Approach'. Geographical Viewpoint, 33 :34-40 [Details]
(2006) 'The Right to Refuse'
Fahy, F. (2006) 'The Right to Refuse'. Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability, 10 (6):551-569 [Details]
(2005) 'Mind the Gap: Householder attitude and actions towards waste in Ireland'
Davies, A., Fahy, F., Taylor, D. (2005) 'Mind the Gap: Householder attitude and actions towards waste in Ireland'. Irish Geography, 38 (2):151-168 [Details]

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2023) 'Living Lab'
Backhaus, Julia; Böschen, Stefan; John, Stefan; Altepost, Andrea; Cloppenburg, Frederik; Fahy, Frances; Gäckle, Julia; Gries, Thomas; Heckwolf, Christoph; Matschoss, Kaisa; Meyer, Joost; Münderlein, Daniel; Schmitt, Marco; Timpe, Axel; Gramelsberger, Gabriele (2023) 'Living Lab' In: Handbook Transdisciplinary Learning. New York: Columbia University Press. [Details]
(2020) 'Global Sustainability Challenges: The role of universities and student learning at NUI Galway¿'
O'Dowd Lohan, M., Fahy F., and Ó Dochartaigh, P. (2020) 'Global Sustainability Challenges: The role of universities and student learning at NUI Galway¿' In: Ireland Yearbook of Education 2019/2020. Ireland: Education Matters. [Details]
(2019) 'An Introduction to Energy Demand Challenges in Europe'
Fahy, F and Goggins G (2019) 'An Introduction to Energy Demand Challenges in Europe' In: Energy Demand Challenges in Europe. London: Palgrave. [Details]
(2019) 'Reducing Residential Carbon Emissions in Ireland: Challenges and Policy Responses'
Goggins, G., Fahy, F., & Heaslip, E. (2019) 'Reducing Residential Carbon Emissions in Ireland: Challenges and Policy Responses' In: Energy Demand Challenges in Europe. London: Palgrave. [Details]
(2019) 'Framing the Sustainable Energy Challenge and Implications for Solutions'
Jensen, C., Røpke, I., Goggins, G., & Fahy, F. (2019) 'Framing the Sustainable Energy Challenge and Implications for Solutions' In: Energy Demand Challenges in Europe. London: Palgrave. [Details]
(2018) 'Imaginaries and Practices: Learning from ‘ENERGISE’ About the Integration of Social Sciences with the EU Energy Union'
Genus, A., Fahy, F., Laakso, S., Iskandarova, M., Goggins, G. (2018) 'Imaginaries and Practices: Learning from ‘ENERGISE’ About the Integration of Social Sciences with the EU Energy Union' In: Advancing energy policy: Lessons on the integration of Social Sciences and Humanities. :131-144 London: Palgrave. [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2017) 'Geography in Ireland'
Fahy F (2017) 'Geography in Ireland' In: The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology. New York: Wiley. [Details]
(2015) 'Participatory and Action Research'
Fahy F (2015) 'Participatory and Action Research' In: International Encyclopaedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences. London: Elsevier. [Details]
(2014) 'Unpacking the challenges of researching sustainable consumption and lifestyles'
Lavelle, M.J. and Fahy F. (2014) 'Unpacking the challenges of researching sustainable consumption and lifestyles' In: Challenging Consumption: pathways to a more sustainable future. London: Routledge. [Details]
(2014) 'Challenging Consumption'
Davies, A, Fahy F and Rau, H. (2014) (2014) 'Challenging Consumption' In: Challenging Consumption: pathways to a more sustainable future. London: Routledge. [Details]
(2014) 'Moving on: Promising pathways to more sustainable futures'
Rau, H., Davies, A., and Fahy F (2014) 'Moving on: Promising pathways to more sustainable futures' In: Challenging Consumption: Pathways to a more sustainable future. London: Routledge. [Details]
(2014) 'Situating Sustainable Consumption in a Policy Context'
Fahy, F., Doyle, R., Davies, A, Rau, H. and Pape J. (2014) 'Situating Sustainable Consumption in a Policy Context' In: Challenging Consumption: Pathways to a more sustainable future. London: Routledge. [Details]
(2013) 'Sustainability Research in the Social Sciences – Concepts, Methodologies and the Challenge of Interdisciplinarity'
Henrike Rau and Frances Fahy (2013) 'Sustainability Research in the Social Sciences – Concepts, Methodologies and the Challenge of Interdisciplinarity' In: Methods of Sustainability Research in the Social Sciences. London: SAGE. [Details]
(2013) 'Researching Complex Sustainability Issues: Reflections on current challenges and future developments'
Frances Fahy and Henrike Rau (2013) 'Researching Complex Sustainability Issues: Reflections on current challenges and future developments' In: Methods of Sustainability Research in the Social Sciences. London: SAGE. [Details]
(2010) '‘Waste Incineration’'
Fahy, F. (2010) '‘Waste Incineration’' In: Warf, B. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Geography. New York: SAGE. [Details]
(2008) '‘Dwelling on Waste: Participatory action research and the management of household waste in Galway’'
Fahy, F. (2008) '‘Dwelling on Waste: Participatory action research and the management of household waste in Galway’' In: Rau, H and Edmondson, R. (eds) Environmental Argument and Cultural Difference: Locations, Fractures and Deliberations Oxford: Peter Lang. :177-202 Germany: Peter Lang. [Details]

Conference Publications

  Year Publication
(2021) SIET Conference on Social Innovation in the Energy Transition
Frances Fahy, Rebecca Corless, René Kemp, Marianna Markantoni & Karin Thalberg (2021) Perspectives on Energy Citizenship SIET Conference on Social Innovation in the Energy Transition [Details]
(2022) Environmental Sciences Proceedings
Biresselioglu ME, Carrus G, Fahy F, Kollmann A, Røyrvik JOD, and Finger DC. (2022) Concepts of Empowerment: The Role of Energy and Environmental Citizenship in the Energy Transition Environmental Sciences Proceedings [DOI] [Details]
(2019) ECEEE Summer Study 2019 Proceedings
Sahakian, M., Naef, P., Jensen, C., Goggins, G. and F. Fahy (2019) Challenging conventions towards energy sufficiency: Ruptures in laundry and heating routines in Europe ECEEE Summer Study 2019 Proceedings [Details]
(2018) SCORAI International Conference, Copenhagen
Fahy, Frances, Goggins, Gary, Grealis, Eoin, Vadovics, Edina, Dunphy, Niall, & Ortar, Nathalie. Open Access Download: (2018) Energising Research Workshop: Proceedings from SCORAI International Workshop SCORAI International Conference, Copenhagen [DOI] [Details]
(2014) Conference of Irish Geographers (2014), University College Dublin, Ireland
Farrell, E.J., Lynch, K., Corbett, J., Logan, J., Miller, A., Murphy, M., Fahy, F., Morley, T., and Reilly, K. (2014) I Like Beaches: A University community knowledge initiative (CKI) to promote civic engagement Conference of Irish Geographers (2014), University College Dublin, Ireland [Details]
(2013) Irish Transport Research Network
Manton, R., Rau, H., Clifford, E and Fahy, F (2013) IS CYCLING SAFE? USING MENTAL MAPPING TO UNPACK PERCEPTIONS OF CYCLING SAFETY Irish Transport Research Network [Details]
(2006) Sustainable City IV : Urban Regeneration and Sustainability
FAHY, F et al. (2006) Community-based quality of life indicators for urban areas as derived in Galway City, Ireland Sustainable City IV : Urban Regeneration and Sustainability , pp.691-702 [Details]

Published Reports

  Year Publication
(2021) Pathway for Sustainable Development of Marine and Coastal Tourism Trails¿.
Fahy, F., Farrell, D., Carr, L., Hynes, S., Corless, R. and Norton, D. (2021) Pathway for Sustainable Development of Marine and Coastal Tourism Trails¿. MOSES Policy Brief EU, Brussels. [Details]
(2019) 'Innovative Methods of Community Engagement. Towards a Low Carbon Climate Resilient Future'.
Revez, A., Mullally, G., Emerson, H., Dunphy, N., Watson, C., Lennon, B., Glynn, J., Rogan, F., Byrne,E., Boyle, E., McGookin, C., Smith, S., Fahy, F., O'Dwyer, B., Torney, D., Brereton, P., Morrissey, J., Greene, M., Hugel, S., Carroll, J., Doyle, R., Farrell, E., Carr, L. and Schuitema, G. (2019) 'Innovative Methods of Community Engagement. Towards a Low Carbon Climate Resilient Future'. Environmental Research Institute, Cork. [Details]
(2018) Overview of national energy and supply dynamics across 30 European countries (Production of 30 National Summary reports).
Jensen, C., Ropke, I., Goggins, G., Fahy, F., Heaslip, E., Hajdinjak, M., Asenova, D., Bouuaert, M.C., Tkalec, T., Zivcic, L. and Bellmallem, R (2018) Overview of national energy and supply dynamics across 30 European countries (Production of 30 National Summary reports). Centre for Consumer Society Research, Helsinki Finland. [Details]
(2017) CONSENSUS Phase II: Towards transformative action for sustainable consumption.
Anna Davies, Frances Fahy, Henrike Rau, Laura Devaney, Ruth Doyle, Mike Hynes, Mary-Jo Lavelle and Richard Manton (2017) CONSENSUS Phase II: Towards transformative action for sustainable consumption. EPA, Wexford. [Details]
(2016) Segmenting for Sustainability across the island of Ireland’.
Fahy F (2016) Segmenting for Sustainability across the island of Ireland’. Whitaker Institute Policy Brief, NUI Gaway. [Details]
(2015) Temporal Dimensions of Environmental Behaviour: A briefing note on innovative segmentation approaches to environmental behavioural change across the island of Ireland.
Lavelle, M.J. and Fahy F. (2015) Temporal Dimensions of Environmental Behaviour: A briefing note on innovative segmentation approaches to environmental behavioural change across the island of Ireland. EPA, Wexford. [Details]
(2015) Towards Sustainability: Overview of household consumption trends for water, energy, food and transport in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland’.
Lavelle, M.J. and Fahy F. (2015) Towards Sustainability: Overview of household consumption trends for water, energy, food and transport in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland’. EPA, Wexford. [Details]
(2015) From 'Ever-Greens to Never-Greens' : Segmenting for Sustainability across the island of Ireland.
Lavelle, M.J. & Fahy, F. (2015) From 'Ever-Greens to Never-Greens' : Segmenting for Sustainability across the island of Ireland. EPA, Wexford. [Details]
(2015) ‘Greening Ireland? Two Irish Case Studies’.
Carroll, B and Fahy, F (2015) ‘Greening Ireland? Two Irish Case Studies’. NESC, Dublin. [Details]
(2015) CONSENSUS: Consumption Environment and Sustainability.
Anna Davies, Frances Fahy, Henrike Rau, Laura Devaney, Ruth Doyle, Barbara Heisserer, Mike Hynes, Mary-Jo Lavelle and Jessica Pape (2015) CONSENSUS: Consumption Environment and Sustainability. EPA, Dublin. [Details]
(2013) Structural Prerequisites for Sustainable Societies and the Good Life – Taking the Sustainable Consumption Lens Seriously.
Fuchs, Doris, Antonietta Di Giulio, Stephan Engelkamp, Frances Fahy, Katharina Glaab, Sylvia Lorek, Michael Pollok, Martin Schweighofer, und Philip Vergragt. (2013) Structural Prerequisites for Sustainable Societies and the Good Life – Taking the Sustainable Consumption Lens Seriously. Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Germany. [Details]
(2012) ) Urban Bike Parks: A review of International Case Studies and Recommendations for the Irish Context.
Flannery, W., Fahy, F. & Baxter, O. (2012) ) Urban Bike Parks: A review of International Case Studies and Recommendations for the Irish Context. Galway City Council, Galway. [Details]
(2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey: Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (8) Conclusion and summary.
Lavelle, M. J. & Fahy, F. (2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey: Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (8) Conclusion and summary. EPA, Wexford. [Details]
(2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey: Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (7) Energy consumption.
Lavelle, M.J., Davies, A., Fahy, F. & Doyle, R. (2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey: Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (7) Energy consumption. EPA, Wexford. [Details]
(2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey: Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (1) Methodology and profiling.
Lavelle, M. J. & Fahy, F. (2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey: Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (1) Methodology and profiling. EPA, Wexford. [Details]
(2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey: Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (2) Environmental concerns.
Lavelle, M. J. & Fahy, F. (2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey: Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (2) Environmental concerns. EPA, Wexford. [Details]
(2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey: Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (3) Transport.
Lavelle, M. J., Rau, H., Fahy, F., Heisserer, B. & Hynes, M (2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey: Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (3) Transport. EPA Ireland, Co. Wexford. [Details]
(2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey - Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (4) Food consumption.
Lavelle, M.J., Carroll, B. & Fahy, F. (2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey - Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (4) Food consumption. EPA, Wexford. [Details]
(2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey: Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (5) Food waste.
Lavelle, M.J., Carroll, B. & Fahy, F. (2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey: Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (5) Food waste. EPA, Wexford. [Details]
(2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey:Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (6) Water consumption.
Lavelle, M.J., Davies, A., Fahy, F. & Doyle, R. (2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey:Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (6) Water consumption. EPA, Wexford. [Details]
(2011) ‘Measurement and Evaluation of Ireland’s Progress regarding Sustainable Consumption Policies’.
Pape, J. and Fahy, F (2011) ‘Measurement and Evaluation of Ireland’s Progress regarding Sustainable Consumption Policies’. EPA, Dublin. [Details]
(2010) Policy Review of EU Directives on production and consumption and catalogue of international best practice models and tools for Quality of Life Proofing’.
Pape, J. and Fahy, F (2010) Policy Review of EU Directives on production and consumption and catalogue of international best practice models and tools for Quality of Life Proofing’. Trinity College Dublin, Dublin. [Details]
(2008) Galway 21: Implementing the Principles and Practices of Sustainable Development in Galway City Council’.
Fahy F (2008) Galway 21: Implementing the Principles and Practices of Sustainable Development in Galway City Council’. EPA, Dublin. [Details]
(2007) ‘Practical Tools for Sustainability’ EPA Report for Galway City Council.
Fahy, F., Ó Cinnéide, M. and Gallagher, A. (2007) ‘Practical Tools for Sustainability’ EPA Report for Galway City Council. EPA, Dublin. [Details]
(2006) Galway 21: Quality of Life in Galway City’ EPA Report for Galway City Council.
Fahy, F. and Ó Cinnéide, M. (2006) Galway 21: Quality of Life in Galway City’ EPA Report for Galway City Council. EPA, Dublin. [Details]
(2005) ‘Galway 21: Review of international Local Agenda 21 Best Practice and an assessment of progress of Galway City Council towards a local process for sustainable development’.
Fahy, F. and Ó Cinnéide, M. (2005) ‘Galway 21: Review of international Local Agenda 21 Best Practice and an assessment of progress of Galway City Council towards a local process for sustainable development’. EPA, Dublin. [Details]
(2005) ‘Environmental attitudes and behaviour: values, actions and waste management’. Final research report to the Environmental Protection Agency Ireland (research grant # 2001-MS-SE2-M1).
Davies, A.R., Taylor, D.M., Fahy, F., Meade, H. and O’Callaghan-Platt, A. (2005) ‘Environmental attitudes and behaviour: values, actions and waste management’. Final research report to the Environmental Protection Agency Ireland (research grant # 2001-MS-SE2-M1). EPA, Dublin. [Details]

Other Journals

  Year Publication
(2019) 'Here are 9 reasons why Geography Matters'
Davies A. and Fahy F (2019) 'Here are 9 reasons why Geography Matters' Geography Bulletin, 51 (4) :4-5. [Details]
(2012) 'Ireland’s First Geography Awareness Week'
Fahy, F (2012) 'Ireland’s First Geography Awareness Week' Geographical Viewpoint, 40 :6-9. [Details]
(2007) 'Quality Living the Mark for Galway'
Fahy F (2007) 'Quality Living the Mark for Galway' Council Review: Journal for City and County Councils, (21) :121-127. [Details]
(2004) 'Irish waste attitudes – littered with contradictions'
Fahy, F. (2004) 'Irish waste attitudes – littered with contradictions' Council Review: Journal for City and County Councils, (7) . [Details]

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
(2019) EUGEO 2019,
Frances Fahy and Kathy Reilly (2019) EUGEO and CIG 2019. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], EUGEO 2019, Galway, IE , 15-MAY-19 - 18-MAY-19. [Details]
(2018) 2018 Energising Research Workshop SCORAI International Conference,
Fahy, F (2018) Energy Workshop. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], 2018 Energising Research Workshop SCORAI International Conference, Copenhagen Denmark , 22-JUN-18 - 22-JUN-18. [Details]
(2013) 45th Conference of Irish Geographers 2013,
Frances Fahy (2013) Almost 300 delegates attended the largest Conference of Irish Geographers ever held. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], 45th Conference of Irish Geographers 2013, NUI Galway , 16-MAY-13 - 18-MAY-13. [Details]

Book Review

  Year Publication
(2007) Review of Understanding Environmental Issues. Progress in Human Geography.
Fahy, F. (2007) Review of Understanding Environmental Issues. Progress in Human Geography. Book Review [Details]
(2007) Review of Renewing Urban Communities: Environment, Citizenship and Sustainability in Ireland, . European Regional and Urban Studies.
Fahy, F. (2007) Review of Renewing Urban Communities: Environment, Citizenship and Sustainability in Ireland, . European Regional and Urban Studies. Book Review [Details]
(2007) Renewing urban communities: Environment, citizenship and sustainability in Ireland.
Fahy, F (2007) Renewing urban communities: Environment, citizenship and sustainability in Ireland. Book Review [Details]
(2007) Understanding Environmental Issues. Progress in Human Geography.
Fahy, F (2007) Understanding Environmental Issues. Progress in Human Geography. Book Review [Details]

Conference Paper

  Year Publication
(2018) Establishing a European Network for Research, Good Practice and Innovation for Sustainable Energy.
Fahy, F (2018) Establishing a European Network for Research, Good Practice and Innovation for Sustainable Energy. Galway, IE: Ryan Institute Research Conference Paper [Details]
(2018) Switching on to Sufficiency: an innovative typology for critically exploring European sustainable energy initiatives.
Fahy, F and Goggins G (2018) Switching on to Sufficiency: an innovative typology for critically exploring European sustainable energy initiatives. New Orleans, USA: Association of American Geographers Conference Paper [Details]
(2018) Steering Demand: A 'systems of practice' approach to energy demand governance.
Fahy, F (2018) Steering Demand: A 'systems of practice' approach to energy demand governance. Maynooth, IE: Maynooth University Conference Paper [Details]
(2018) ENERGISE: European Network for Research Good Practice and Innovation for Sustainable Energy, An Overview.
Fahy, F (2018) ENERGISE: European Network for Research Good Practice and Innovation for Sustainable Energy, An Overview. Copenhagen, DK: Copenhagen Business School Conference Paper [Details]
(2018) Steering Demand: A 'systems of practice' approach to energy demand governance.
Fahy F and Greene M. (2018) Steering Demand: A 'systems of practice' approach to energy demand governance. Aukland, NZ: New Zealand Geographical Society and the Institute of Australian Geographers Conference Paper [Details]
(2018) Dwelling on Energy: Exploring social and cultural influences on domestic energy use in international contexts.
Fahy, F and Goggins, G (2018) Dwelling on Energy: Exploring social and cultural influences on domestic energy use in international contexts. New Orleans, USA: Association of American Geographers Conference Paper [Details]
(2017) Ruptures and Routines, Energy Use in an Island Life.
Heaslip E. and Fahy F (2017) Ruptures and Routines, Energy Use in an Island Life. Skathosis Island, GR: European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production Conference Paper [Details]
(2017) ENERGISE: Developing an innovative theoretical framework fusing social practice and energy cultures approaches.
Fahy, F (2017) ENERGISE: Developing an innovative theoretical framework fusing social practice and energy cultures approaches. Brussels, BE: INEA Brussels Conference Paper [Details]
(2017) Presentation ‘ENERGISE: Developing an innovative theoretical framework fusing social practice and energy cultures approaches'.
Fahy, F (2017) Presentation ‘ENERGISE: Developing an innovative theoretical framework fusing social practice and energy cultures approaches'. Boston, USA: Association of American Geographers Conference Paper [Details]
(2017) ENERGISE: Developing an Energy Cultures Framework for Europe?.
Fahy, F (2017) ENERGISE: Developing an Energy Cultures Framework for Europe?. Cork, IE: Conference of Irish Geographers Conference Paper [Details]
(2017) Establishing a European Network for Research, Good Practice and Innovation for Sustainable Energy.
Fahy, F (2017) Establishing a European Network for Research, Good Practice and Innovation for Sustainable Energy. London, GB: RGS-IBG Conference Paper [Details]
(2017) An Agenda for Developing an Energy Cultures Framework for Europe.
Fahy, F (2017) An Agenda for Developing an Energy Cultures Framework for Europe. Dublin, IE: NUI Building Merrion Square Conference Paper [Details]
(2017) ‘Energy Cultures, Communities and Consumption: Exploring the social, political and cultural dynamics of energy system change'.
Fahy, F (2017) ‘Energy Cultures, Communities and Consumption: Exploring the social, political and cultural dynamics of energy system change'. Boston, USA: Association of American Geographers Conference Paper [Details]
(2017) Community energy transitions: Shifts in perceptions, consumption and control.
Fahy, F (2017) Community energy transitions: Shifts in perceptions, consumption and control. Cork, IE: Conference of Irish Geographers Conference Paper [Details]
(2017) Examining Energy Consumption and Communities: The social, cultural and political dynamics of energy system transformations.
Fahy, F and Axon, S (2017) Examining Energy Consumption and Communities: The social, cultural and political dynamics of energy system transformations. London, GB: RGS-IBG Conference Paper [Details]
(2016) Examining the impact of collaborative partnerships for sustainable outcomes in urban areas: The case of Galway City, Ireland.
Fahy, F (2016) Examining the impact of collaborative partnerships for sustainable outcomes in urban areas: The case of Galway City, Ireland. Beijing, China: International Geographical Congress Conference Paper [Details]
(2016) Different Shades of Green: Segmenting for Sustainability across the island of Ireland Centre for Sustainability Seminar.
Fahy, F and Lavelle, M.J. (2016) Different Shades of Green: Segmenting for Sustainability across the island of Ireland Centre for Sustainability Seminar. Otago, NZ: University of Otago Conference Paper [Details]
(2016) The Politics of Eco-labels organised 2 sessions at the Association of American Geographers.
Fahy, F (2016) The Politics of Eco-labels organised 2 sessions at the Association of American Geographers. San Francisco, USA: Association of American Geographers Conference Paper [Details]
(2016) What’s in a label? Examining ‘Ever-greens’ and ‘Never-greens’ on the Island of Ireland.
Fahy, F (2016) What’s in a label? Examining ‘Ever-greens’ and ‘Never-greens’ on the Island of Ireland. San Francisco, USA: Association of American Geographers Conference Paper [Details]
(2014) Communicating Sustainability Research - Challenges, Opportunities and Dissemination Strategies.
Fahy, F (2014) Communicating Sustainability Research - Challenges, Opportunities and Dissemination Strategies. Florida, USA: Association of American Geography Annual Meeting Conference Paper [Details]
(2014) Mobilising memories: researching mobility practices over the life course.
Fahy, F and Greene, M and Rau, H (2014) Mobilising memories: researching mobility practices over the life course. London, GB: SCORAI (Europe)/Kingston University Sustainable Consumption Workshop Conference Paper [Details]
(2013) 2013 Conference Chair, 45th Conference of Irish Geographers, Transformative Geographies: Critical Reflections on Environment, Sustainability and Governmentality.
Fahy, F (2013) 2013 Conference Chair, 45th Conference of Irish Geographers, Transformative Geographies: Critical Reflections on Environment, Sustainability and Governmentality. Galway, IE: NUI Galway Conference Paper [Details]
(2013) Presentation Future Consumption research priorities: Where to from here? European Roundtable Discussion on Sustainable Consumption and Production.
Fahy, F and H. Rau (2013) Presentation Future Consumption research priorities: Where to from here? European Roundtable Discussion on Sustainable Consumption and Production. Istanbul, TR: ERSCP - EMSU 2013 Conference Conference Paper [Details]
(2012) Presented at the launch of Marnet (Marine Atlantic Regions Network) at the EU Atlantic Forum.
Fahy, F (2012) Presented at the launch of Marnet (Marine Atlantic Regions Network) at the EU Atlantic Forum. Bilbao, ES: Bilbao Conference Centre Conference Paper [Details]
(2012) Chair of international key note panel including Maurie Cohen (New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA) Mike Goodman (King's College London) and Inge Ropke (Technical University of Denmark) Consensus International Conference, NUI Galway.
Frances Fahy (2012) Chair of international key note panel including Maurie Cohen (New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA) Mike Goodman (King's College London) and Inge Ropke (Technical University of Denmark) Consensus International Conference, NUI Galway. Conference Paper [Details]
(2012) Challenges and opportunities for sustainable consumption in the Irish context, Consensus International Conference, NUI Galway 2012.
Frances Fahy (2012) Challenges and opportunities for sustainable consumption in the Irish context, Consensus International Conference, NUI Galway 2012. NUI Galway: Conference Paper [Details]
(2011) Sustainable Consumption – Towards Action and Impact Conference, Hamburg, Germany.
Fahy F and Rau H (2011) Sustainable Consumption – Towards Action and Impact Conference, Hamburg, Germany. Conference Paper [Details]
(2011) Participatory Carbon Budgets: Pitfalls and Possibilities as part of the Beyond the Ballot: Deliberative Innovations Participatory and Deliberative Democracy Specialist Group panels for the PSAI Conference, UCD.
Fahy F and Silke R (2011) Participatory Carbon Budgets: Pitfalls and Possibilities as part of the Beyond the Ballot: Deliberative Innovations Participatory and Deliberative Democracy Specialist Group panels for the PSAI Conference, UCD. Conference Paper [Details]
(2011) Conflict, Compromise and ConsEnSus: Opportunities and Challenges of Policy Relevance in Sustainable Consumption Research at Sustainable Consumption – Towards Action and Impact Conference, Hamburg, Germany.
Fahy F and Rau H (2011) Conflict, Compromise and ConsEnSus: Opportunities and Challenges of Policy Relevance in Sustainable Consumption Research at Sustainable Consumption – Towards Action and Impact Conference, Hamburg, Germany. Conference Paper [Details]
(2011) Presentation and conference introduction: Introducing Food Consumption . Social Science Research Centre 7th International Conference Workshop ‘We Are What We (Do Not) Eat’: Linking Food Production and Consumption’ at NUI, Galway.
Fahy, F and Rau, H. (2011) Presentation and conference introduction: Introducing Food Consumption . Social Science Research Centre 7th International Conference Workshop ‘We Are What We (Do Not) Eat’: Linking Food Production and Consumption’ at NUI, Galway. Conference Paper [Details]
(2011) Exploring Sustainable Household Consumption in Ireland: A comparative overview of urban-rural and cross cultural trends . 19th Annual Colloquium of the International Geographical Union Commission. National University of Ireland, Galway.
Fahy, F and Lavelle, M.J. (2011) Exploring Sustainable Household Consumption in Ireland: A comparative overview of urban-rural and cross cultural trends . 19th Annual Colloquium of the International Geographical Union Commission. National University of Ireland, Galway. Conference Paper [Details]
(2011) ‘ConsEnSus - Consumption, Environment and Sustainability: Exploring Policies and Instruments for Sustainable Household Consumption in Ireland’ . Association of American Geographers, Seattle, WA.
Fahy, F. (2011) ‘ConsEnSus - Consumption, Environment and Sustainability: Exploring Policies and Instruments for Sustainable Household Consumption in Ireland’ . Association of American Geographers, Seattle, WA. Conference Paper [Details]
(2010) 6th SSRC International Conference Workshop: Facing the Challenges of Sustainable Consumption: Concepts, Cases, Policy and Practice, NUI, Galway.
Fahy, F and Rau, H. (2010) 6th SSRC International Conference Workshop: Facing the Challenges of Sustainable Consumption: Concepts, Cases, Policy and Practice, NUI, Galway. Conference Paper [Details]
(2010) Presentation of The ‘making’ of place-based community in the urban-rural fringe; the significance of shared visions of quality of life and sustainability (paper by Mahon, M., Fahy, F., Ó Cinnéide, M. and Gallagher, B.) . Presented by M. Mahon at PLUREL Managing the Rural Urban Interface, University of Copenhagen.
Mahon, M., Fahy, F., Ó Cinnéide, M. and Gallagher, B (2010) Presentation of The ‘making’ of place-based community in the urban-rural fringe; the significance of shared visions of quality of life and sustainability (paper by Mahon, M., Fahy, F., Ó Cinnéide, M. and Gallagher, B.) . Presented by M. Mahon at PLUREL Managing the Rural Urban Interface, University of Copenhagen. Conference Paper [Details]
(2010) Presentation: Establishing Collaborative Partnerships for Sustainable Outcomes: The Case of Galway 21. Conference of Irish Geographers, NUI Maynooth.
Fahy, F. (2010) Presentation: Establishing Collaborative Partnerships for Sustainable Outcomes: The Case of Galway 21. Conference of Irish Geographers, NUI Maynooth. Conference Paper [Details]
(2010) Presentation: Developing Policies and Instruments for Sustainable Consumption: Irish Experiences and Futures. Conference of Irish Geographers, NUI Maynooth.
Fahy, F and Pape, J. (2010) Presentation: Developing Policies and Instruments for Sustainable Consumption: Irish Experiences and Futures. Conference of Irish Geographers, NUI Maynooth. Conference Paper [Details]
(2010) Chair and co-convener of two sessions . Conference of Irish Geographers, NUI Maynooth entitled Geographies of Sustainable Consumption.
Fahy, F and Sage, C. (2010) Chair and co-convener of two sessions . Conference of Irish Geographers, NUI Maynooth entitled Geographies of Sustainable Consumption. Conference Paper [Details]
(2009) Presentation: ‘ConsEnSus: Consumption, Environment and Sustainability’ . ICERTS: Irish Centre for Rural Transformation and Sustainability, NUI Galway(Forum for Research on Rural Balanced Development, Sustainability and Natural Resource Management).
Fahy, F. (2009) Presentation: ‘ConsEnSus: Consumption, Environment and Sustainability’ . ICERTS: Irish Centre for Rural Transformation and Sustainability, NUI Galway(Forum for Research on Rural Balanced Development, Sustainability and Natural Resource Management). Conference Paper [Details]
(2009) The Celtic Tigers Litter: Sustainable waste management in Ireland. Presentation: American Association of Geographers Annual Conference.
Fahy, F. (2009) The Celtic Tigers Litter: Sustainable waste management in Ireland. Presentation: American Association of Geographers Annual Conference. Las Vegas: Conference Paper [Details]
(2009) Presentation: Sustainable Consumption: Concepts and Cases . Social Science Research Centre 5th International Conference Workshop ‘Society, Culture and the Environment (V) at NUI, Galway.
Fahy, F. (2009) Presentation: Sustainable Consumption: Concepts and Cases . Social Science Research Centre 5th International Conference Workshop ‘Society, Culture and the Environment (V) at NUI, Galway. Conference Paper [Details]
(2009) Geographies of Sustainable Lifestyles . Chair and co-convener with Stewart Barr, Exeter University of two sessions for the Environmental Perceptionand Behavioral Geographies Research Group of the AAG, American Association of Geographers Annual Conference.
Fahy, F. (2009) Geographies of Sustainable Lifestyles . Chair and co-convener with Stewart Barr, Exeter University of two sessions for the Environmental Perceptionand Behavioral Geographies Research Group of the AAG, American Association of Geographers Annual Conference. Las Vegas: Conference Paper [Details]
(2008) The Geography of Garbage - An examination of public attitudes and behaviour towards waste management. Presentation: Departmental Seminar Series, Department of Psychology, University of Ulster.
Fahy, F. (2008) The Geography of Garbage - An examination of public attitudes and behaviour towards waste management. Presentation: Departmental Seminar Series, Department of Psychology, University of Ulster. Conference Paper [Details]
(2008) Re-Mapping the urban landscape: community mapping - an attractive prospect for sustainability?. Presentation: Ireland/UK Planning Conference, Queens University Belfast.
Fahy, F. (2008) Re-Mapping the urban landscape: community mapping - an attractive prospect for sustainability?. Presentation: Ireland/UK Planning Conference, Queens University Belfast. Belfast: Conference Paper [Details]
(2008) Perspectives on Celtic Tiger Living: Quality of life at the local level. American Association of Geographers Annual Conference.
Fahy, F. (2008) Perspectives on Celtic Tiger Living: Quality of life at the local level. American Association of Geographers Annual Conference. Boston: Conference Paper [Details]
(2008) Community mapping - the spatial articulation of community aspirations. Presentation: SSRC International Environmental Workshop, NUI, Galway.
Fahy, F. (2008) Community mapping - the spatial articulation of community aspirations. Presentation: SSRC International Environmental Workshop, NUI, Galway. Galway: Conference Paper [Details]
(2008) Implementing the Principles and Practices of Sustainable Development at the Local Level. Presentation: Research Seminar Series, School of Environmental Sciences, University of Ulster.
Fahy, F. (2008) Implementing the Principles and Practices of Sustainable Development at the Local Level. Presentation: Research Seminar Series, School of Environmental Sciences, University of Ulster. Conference Paper [Details]
(2007) Developing and Testing a Conceptual Framework for Assessing Quality of Life in Urban Areas. Presentation: Conference of Irish Geographers.
Fahy, F. (2007) Developing and Testing a Conceptual Framework for Assessing Quality of Life in Urban Areas. Presentation: Conference of Irish Geographers. St Patricks College, Drumcondra: Conference Paper [Details]
(2007) Mobilising a Collaborative Process: Community Mapping of Galway City. Presentation: SSRC International Environmental Workshop 2006, NUI, Galway.
Fahy, F. (2007) Mobilising a Collaborative Process: Community Mapping of Galway City. Presentation: SSRC International Environmental Workshop 2006, NUI, Galway. Galway: Conference Paper [Details]
(2007) The Reality of the Locality: Exploring spatial aspects of quality of life in Galway City, Ireland, Session Title: International Urban Planning Issues. Presentation: American Association of Geographers Annual Conference.
Fahy, F. (2007) The Reality of the Locality: Exploring spatial aspects of quality of life in Galway City, Ireland, Session Title: International Urban Planning Issues. Presentation: American Association of Geographers Annual Conference. San Francisco: Conference Paper [Details]
(2007) Galway 21: Implementing the Principles and Practices of Sustainable Development at the Local Level. Presentation: EPA STRIVE Seminar 2007.
Fahy, F. (2007) Galway 21: Implementing the Principles and Practices of Sustainable Development at the Local Level. Presentation: EPA STRIVE Seminar 2007. Conference Paper [Details]
(2007) Co-convener with Sara Fuller, University of Sheffield of three sessions for the Planning and Environment Research Group of the Institute of British Geographers/Royal Geographical Society, London entitled Postgraduate Research on Planning, the Environment and Sustainable Development .
Fahy, F. (2007) Co-convener with Sara Fuller, University of Sheffield of three sessions for the Planning and Environment Research Group of the Institute of British Geographers/Royal Geographical Society, London entitled Postgraduate Research on Planning, the Environment and Sustainable Development . Conference Paper [Details]
(2007) Where the Muck Stops… Responsibility and Waste Management Session Title: Planning and Environment, Research Group - Sustainable Waste Management . Presentation: Institute of British Geographers/Royal Geographical Society, London.
Fahy, F. (2007) Where the Muck Stops… Responsibility and Waste Management Session Title: Planning and Environment, Research Group - Sustainable Waste Management . Presentation: Institute of British Geographers/Royal Geographical Society, London. Conference Paper [Details]
(2007) Convened second national workshop entitled Practical Sustainability Tools for Local Authorities A one-day workshop attended by representatives from municipal authorities across Ireland to discuss challenges with implementing sustainability at the local level .
Fahy, F. (2007) Convened second national workshop entitled Practical Sustainability Tools for Local Authorities A one-day workshop attended by representatives from municipal authorities across Ireland to discuss challenges with implementing sustainability at the local level . Conference Paper [Details]
(2006) Case Study - Environmental Attitudes & Behaviour. Presentation: EPA Waste and Resource Management Research Workshop.
Fahy, F. (2006) Case Study - Environmental Attitudes & Behaviour. Presentation: EPA Waste and Resource Management Research Workshop. Portlaoise: Conference Paper [Details]
(2006) Building a Biodiverse Galway: Practical, Social and Environmental Considerations . Presentation: Invited guest speaker at conference hosted by the Environmental Change Institute.
Fahy, F. (2006) Building a Biodiverse Galway: Practical, Social and Environmental Considerations . Presentation: Invited guest speaker at conference hosted by the Environmental Change Institute. NUI, Galway: Conference Paper [Details]
(2006) Galway 21 - Deriving quality of life indicators to facilitate the sustainable development of Galway City. Presentation: Conference of Irish Geographers.
Fahy, F. (2006) Galway 21 - Deriving quality of life indicators to facilitate the sustainable development of Galway City. Presentation: Conference of Irish Geographers. UCD, Dublin: Conference Paper [Details]
(2006) Doing Post Doctoral Research on Planning and the Environment . Presentation: Planning and Environment Research Group of the Institute of British Geographers/Royal Geographical Society, New Researchers Workshop, IBG/RGS.
Fahy, F. (2006) Doing Post Doctoral Research on Planning and the Environment . Presentation: Planning and Environment Research Group of the Institute of British Geographers/Royal Geographical Society, New Researchers Workshop, IBG/RGS. London: Conference Paper [Details]
(2006) Convened first national workshop entitled Practical Sustainability Tools for Local Authorities A one-day workshop attended by representatives from municipal authorities across Ireland to discuss challenges with implementing sustainability at the local level .
Fahy, F. (2006) Convened first national workshop entitled Practical Sustainability Tools for Local Authorities A one-day workshop attended by representatives from municipal authorities across Ireland to discuss challenges with implementing sustainability at the local level . Conference Paper [Details]
(2006) Presentation: SSRC International Environmental Workshop 2006, NUI, Galway, . A West, A Waste: Participatory action research and the management of waste in Galway.
Fahy, F. (2006) Presentation: SSRC International Environmental Workshop 2006, NUI, Galway, . A West, A Waste: Participatory action research and the management of waste in Galway. Conference Paper [Details]
(2006) Community-Based Quality of Life Indicators for Urban Areas as Derived in Galway City, Ireland. Presentation: The Sustainable City Conference, Tallinn.
Fahy, F. (2006) Community-Based Quality of Life Indicators for Urban Areas as Derived in Galway City, Ireland. Presentation: The Sustainable City Conference, Tallinn. Estonia: Conference Paper [Details]
(2006) Re-mapping the Urban Landscape: An attractive prospect for sustainability?. Presentation: American Association of Geographers Annual Conference.
Fahy, F. (2006) Re-mapping the Urban Landscape: An attractive prospect for sustainability?. Presentation: American Association of Geographers Annual Conference. Chicago: Conference Paper [Details]
(2005) Sustainable Communities and new modes of citizenship in developed countries at the Institute of British, Geographers/Royal Geographical Society, London . Co-convener with Mike Raco, Kings College London and Sara Fuller, University of Sheffield of three sessions.
Fahy, F. (2005) Sustainable Communities and new modes of citizenship in developed countries at the Institute of British, Geographers/Royal Geographical Society, London . Co-convener with Mike Raco, Kings College London and Sara Fuller, University of Sheffield of three sessions. London: Conference Paper [Details]
(2005) Green Mapping: A tool for operationalising sustainability? . Presentation: American Association of Geographers Annual Conference.
Fahy, F. (2005) Green Mapping: A tool for operationalising sustainability? . Presentation: American Association of Geographers Annual Conference. Denver: Conference Paper [Details]
(2005) Galway 21: Examining the principles and practices of sustainable development in Galway City Council. Presentation: Institute of British Geographers/Royal Geographical Society.
Fahy, F. (2005) Galway 21: Examining the principles and practices of sustainable development in Galway City Council. Presentation: Institute of British Geographers/Royal Geographical Society. London: Conference Paper [Details]
(2005) Exploring public attitudes and behaviour towards waste. Presentation: Departmental Seminar Series, National University of Ireland.
Fahy, F. (2005) Exploring public attitudes and behaviour towards waste. Presentation: Departmental Seminar Series, National University of Ireland. Maynooth: Conference Paper [Details]
(2005) Community Mapping: A way forward for sustainability?. Presentation: Conference of Irish Geographers.
Fahy, F. (2005) Community Mapping: A way forward for sustainability?. Presentation: Conference of Irish Geographers. National University of Ireland, Galway: Conference Paper [Details]
(2005) Green Mapping: A tool for operationalising sustainability?. Presentation: Departmental Seminar Series, National University of Ireland, Galway.
Fahy, F. (2005) Green Mapping: A tool for operationalising sustainability?. Presentation: Departmental Seminar Series, National University of Ireland, Galway. Galway: Conference Paper [Details]
(2005) Convener of Implementing the Principles and Practices of Sustainable Development at the Local Level . Conference of Irish Geographers.
Fahy, F. (2005) Convener of Implementing the Principles and Practices of Sustainable Development at the Local Level . Conference of Irish Geographers. Galway: Conference Paper [Details]
(2005) An examination of public attitudes and behaviour towards waste management: The case of Galway. Presentation: Departmental Seminar Series, National University of Ireland, Galway, The Right to Refuse: An overview of research methods and findings of thesis.
Fahy, F. (2005) An examination of public attitudes and behaviour towards waste management: The case of Galway. Presentation: Departmental Seminar Series, National University of Ireland, Galway, The Right to Refuse: An overview of research methods and findings of thesis. Galway: Conference Paper [Details]
(2005) Perspectives on Celtic Tiger Living: Quality of life at the local level. Presentation: Conference of Irish Geographers.
Fahy, F. (2005) Perspectives on Celtic Tiger Living: Quality of life at the local level. Presentation: Conference of Irish Geographers. University of Liverpool: Conference Paper [Details]
(2005) Co-convenor with Sara Fuller, University of Sheffield of New Researchers Workshop for the Planning and Environment Research Group of the Institute of British Geographers/Royal Geographical Society.
Fahy, F. (2005) Co-convenor with Sara Fuller, University of Sheffield of New Researchers Workshop for the Planning and Environment Research Group of the Institute of British Geographers/Royal Geographical Society. London: Conference Paper [Details]
(2004) The Right to Refuse. Presentation: American Association of Geographers Annual Conference.
Fahy, F. (2004) The Right to Refuse. Presentation: American Association of Geographers Annual Conference. Philadelphia: Conference Paper [Details]
(2004) Convener of Geographies of Resistance and Contestation session at the Conference of Irish Geographers.
Fahy, F. (2004) Convener of Geographies of Resistance and Contestation session at the Conference of Irish Geographers. National University of Ireland, Maynooth: Conference Paper [Details]
(2003) Deconstructing the Value-Action Gap: public attitudes and behaviour towards waste in the west of Ireland. Presentation: Institute of British Geographers/Royal Geographical Society.
Fahy, F. (2003) Deconstructing the Value-Action Gap: public attitudes and behaviour towards waste in the west of Ireland. Presentation: Institute of British Geographers/Royal Geographical Society. London: Conference Paper [Details]
(2003) An Opportunity to Talk Garbage: waste management strategies & the environmental value-action gap in Ireland. Presentation: Association of American Geographers Annual Conference.
Fahy, F. (2003) An Opportunity to Talk Garbage: waste management strategies & the environmental value-action gap in Ireland. Presentation: Association of American Geographers Annual Conference. New Orleans: Conference Paper [Details]
(2003) Public Attitudes and Behaviour in Relation to Waste Management: Moving Beyond the Value-Action Gap? (presented in conjunction with Honora Meade, TCD). Presentation: Environ Conference.
Fahy, F. (2003) Public Attitudes and Behaviour in Relation to Waste Management: Moving Beyond the Value-Action Gap? (presented in conjunction with Honora Meade, TCD). Presentation: Environ Conference. NUI Galway: Conference Paper [Details]
(2002) Talking Rubbish: Waste Management Strategies in Ireland. Presentation: Conference of Irish Geographers, Magee College.
Fahy, F. (2002) Talking Rubbish: Waste Management Strategies in Ireland. Presentation: Conference of Irish Geographers, Magee College. Derry: Conference Paper [Details]

Conference Poster

  Year Publication
(2018) Poster Presentation of ENERGISE Project.
Fahy, F and Goggins, G and Heaslip, E (2018) Poster Presentation of ENERGISE Project. Galway, IE: Ryan Institute Research Conference Poster [Details]
(2018) Poster Presentation of ENERGISE Project.
Fahy, F and Goggins, G and Heaslip, E (2018) Poster Presentation of ENERGISE Project. Maynooth, IE: Conference of Irish Geographers Conference Poster [Details]
(2018) Poster Presentation of ENERGISE Project.
Fahy, F and Goggins, G and Heaslip, E (2018) Poster Presentation of ENERGISE Project. Galway, IE: Whitaker Research Institute Conference Poster [Details]

Invited Lectures

  Year Publication
(2017) Presentation ‘Developing an Energy Culture for Europe’ Shape Energy European Workshop.
Fahy, F (2017) Presentation ‘Developing an Energy Culture for Europe’ Shape Energy European Workshop. Cambridge, GB: Cambridge University Invited Lectures [Details]
(2017) Presentation ‘Developing an Energy Culture for Europe’.
Fahy, F (2017) Presentation ‘Developing an Energy Culture for Europe’. Maasrticht, NL: Maasrticht University Invited Lectures [Details]
(2016) Presentation ‘Geography in Ireland’ EUGEO annual workshop.
Fahy, F (2016) Presentation ‘Geography in Ireland’ EUGEO annual workshop. Zadar, HR: University of Zadar Invited Lectures [Details]
Fahy, F and Davies A.R. (2015) DOMESTICATING SUSTAINABILITY TRANSITIONS. Invited Lectures [Details]
(2015) Sustainable Consumption in Ireland Environment Ireland, 11th Annual Conference.
Fahy, F (2015) Sustainable Consumption in Ireland Environment Ireland, 11th Annual Conference. Dublin, IE: Croke Park Invited Lectures [Details]
(2013) Invited Chair and Discussant at international sustainable consumption workshop ‘Structural Prerequisites for Sustainable Societies and the Good Life’.
Fahy, F (2013) Invited Chair and Discussant at international sustainable consumption workshop ‘Structural Prerequisites for Sustainable Societies and the Good Life’. Muenster, GR: University of Muenster Invited Lectures [Details]
(2013) Keynote speaker Methods of Sustainability Research in the Social Sciences, ERDID 2013 Conference ‘Sustainability Research in the Social and Human Sciences’.
Fahy, F and H. Rau (2013) Keynote speaker Methods of Sustainability Research in the Social Sciences, ERDID 2013 Conference ‘Sustainability Research in the Social and Human Sciences’. Quimper, FR: Invited Lectures [Details]
(2012) Invited Speaker Reflecting on 25 years of Planning and Environmental Research, PERG RGS one day workshop, Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Frances Fahy (2012) Invited Speaker Reflecting on 25 years of Planning and Environmental Research, PERG RGS one day workshop, Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh, Scotland. Invited Lectures [Details]
(2012) Invited Speaker State of Geography in Ireland Presidential address at Association of American Geographers, New York City.
Fahy, F (2012) Invited Speaker State of Geography in Ireland Presidential address at Association of American Geographers, New York City. Invited Lectures [Details]

Invited Seminars

  Year Publication
(2015) Invited Panelist: Where do we go from here? The future for Irish Environmental Data.
Fahy, F (2015) Invited Panelist: Where do we go from here? The future for Irish Environmental Data. Dublin, IE: NESC Environmental Data: priorities and Innovation Conference Invited Seminars [Details]
(2015) Domesticating Sustainability Transitions.
Fahy, F and Davies, A (2015) Domesticating Sustainability Transitions. Manchester, GB: University of Manchester Invited Seminars [Details]
(2013) Presenter: Sustainability Research – Challenges, Opportunities and Dissemination Strategies.
Fahy, F (2013) Presenter: Sustainability Research – Challenges, Opportunities and Dissemination Strategies. Palmerston North, NZ: School of People, Environment and Planning Seminar Series, Massey University Invited Seminars [Details]
(2013) Communicating Sustainability Research, Social Theory Seminar Series.
Fahy, F (2013) Communicating Sustainability Research, Social Theory Seminar Series. Victoria, AU: School of Environmental Sciences, Victoria University Invited Seminars [Details]


  Year Publication
(2016) Presentation A mixed-method analysis of the Galway Bike Share Scheme: Results of a user survey and stakeholder interviews with Ciarán Maher and Richard Manton ITRN Conference.
Fahy, F (2016) Presentation A mixed-method analysis of the Galway Bike Share Scheme: Results of a user survey and stakeholder interviews with Ciarán Maher and Richard Manton ITRN Conference. Dublin, IE: DIT Dublin Presentation [Details]
(2012) Presentation Planning and Sustainability Research.
Fahy, F (2012) Presentation Planning and Sustainability Research. Galway, IE: NUI Galway Presentation [Details]

Non Published Reports

  Year Publication
(2011) ‘Measurement and Evaluation of Ireland’s Progress regarding Sustainable Consumption Policies’ . Report for the EPA, School of Natural Sciences, Trinity College Dublin.
Pape, J. (2011) ‘Measurement and Evaluation of Ireland’s Progress regarding Sustainable Consumption Policies’ . Report for the EPA, School of Natural Sciences, Trinity College Dublin. Non Published Reports [Details]
(2010) ‘Policy Review of EU Directives on production and consumption and catalogue of international best practice models and tools for Quality of Life Proofing’ School of Natural Sciences, Trinity College Dublin.
Pape, J. (2010) ‘Policy Review of EU Directives on production and consumption and catalogue of international best practice models and tools for Quality of Life Proofing’ School of Natural Sciences, Trinity College Dublin. Non Published Reports [Details]
(2008) Final research report to the Environmental Protection Agency Ireland (research grant # 2004-SD-FS-23) . Galway 21: Implementing the Principles and Practices of Sustainable Development in Galway City Council.
Fahy, F. (2008) Final research report to the Environmental Protection Agency Ireland (research grant # 2004-SD-FS-23) . Galway 21: Implementing the Principles and Practices of Sustainable Development in Galway City Council. Dublin: Non Published Reports [Details]
(2007) Dublin: EPA. EPA Report for Galway City Council Galway: NUI, Galway.
Fahy, F. (2007) Dublin: EPA. EPA Report for Galway City Council Galway: NUI, Galway. Galway: Non Published Reports [Details]
(2007) Quality Living the Mark for Galway, Council Review. Journal for City and County Councils.
Fahy, F. (2007) Quality Living the Mark for Galway, Council Review. Journal for City and County Councils. Non Published Reports [Details]
(2006) Galway 21: Quality of Life in Galway City EPA . Report for Galway City Council.
Fahy, F., Ó Cinnéide, M. (2006) Galway 21: Quality of Life in Galway City EPA . Report for Galway City Council. Galway: Non Published Reports [Details]
(2005) Galway City Council towards a local process for sustainable development EPA . Final research report to the Environmental Protection Agency Ireland (research grant # 2001-MS-SE2-M1) Dublin: EPA.
Davies, A.R., Taylor, D.M., Fahy, F., Meade, H., OCallaghan-Platt, A. (2005) Galway City Council towards a local process for sustainable development EPA . Final research report to the Environmental Protection Agency Ireland (research grant # 2001-MS-SE2-M1) Dublin: EPA. Dublin: Non Published Reports [Details]
(2005) Galway 21: Review of international Local Agenda 21 Best Practice and an assessment of progress of . Report for Galway City Council.
Fahy, F., Ó Cinnéide, M. (2005) Galway 21: Review of international Local Agenda 21 Best Practice and an assessment of progress of . Report for Galway City Council. Galway: Non Published Reports [Details]
(2004) Irish waste attitudes - littered with contradictions, Council Review. Journal for City and County Councils.
Fahy, F. (2004) Irish waste attitudes - littered with contradictions, Council Review. Journal for City and County Councils. Non Published Reports [Details]
(2004) Household attitudes and actions towards waste management (11 reports published for 4 local authorities across Ireland).
Fahy, F., Davies, A., Meade, H., Taylor, D. (2004) Household attitudes and actions towards waste management (11 reports published for 4 local authorities across Ireland). Trinity College, Department of Geography, Trinity College: Non Published Reports [Details]


  Year Publication
(2007) Review of Bringing Society Back In: Grassroots Ecosystem Management, Accountability, and Sustainable Communities . Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability.
Fahy, F. (2007) Review of Bringing Society Back In: Grassroots Ecosystem Management, Accountability, and Sustainable Communities . Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability. Reviews [Details]

Research Seminar

  Year Publication
(2015) Key Findings from the CONSENSUS project.
Fahy, F (2015) Key Findings from the CONSENSUS project. Munich, DE: Ludwig-Maximillian-University Munich Research Seminar [Details]


  Year Publication
(2012) Presentation Planning and Sustainability Research.
Fahy, F (2012) Presentation Planning and Sustainability Research. Galway, IE: NUI Galway Seminar [Details]


  Year Publication
(2017) Energise Living Labs European Workshop.
Fahy, F (2017) Energise Living Labs European Workshop. Helsinki, FI: University of Helsinki Workshops [Details]
(2017) European Workshop on Energy Cultures.
Fahy, F (2017) European Workshop on Energy Cultures. Dublin, IE: NUI Building Merrion Square Workshops [Details]
(2013) Chair of session: Values and Visions Sustainable Consumption Research Action Initiative (SCORAI) Workshop: Bridging Across Communities and Cultures Towards Sustainable Consumption.
Fahy, F (2013) Chair of session: Values and Visions Sustainable Consumption Research Action Initiative (SCORAI) Workshop: Bridging Across Communities and Cultures Towards Sustainable Consumption. Istanbul, TR: Bogazici University Workshops [Details]
(2014) Discussant for session titled Action: roles for researchers and practitioners in developing and diffusing sustainable practices.
Fahy, F (2014) Discussant for session titled Action: roles for researchers and practitioners in developing and diffusing sustainable practices. London, GB: SCORAI (Europe)/Kingston University Sustainable Consumption Workshop Workshops [Details]
(2014) 2014 Towards an Energy Hierarchy presentation at the ‘Sustainable Consumption’ Problem framing and research design workshop.
Fahy, F (2014) 2014 Towards an Energy Hierarchy presentation at the ‘Sustainable Consumption’ Problem framing and research design workshop. Lausanne, CH: Workshops [Details]

Working Paper

  Year Publication
(2014) MARNET: An Economic Data Framework for the European Atlantic Arc.
Naomi S. Foley , Rebecca Corless, Marta Escapa, Frances Fahy, Javier Fernandez-Macho, Susana Gabriel, Pilar Gonzalez , Stephen Hynes , Regis Kalaydjian, Susana Moreira, Kieran Moylan, Arantza Murillas, Michael O¿Brien, Katherine Simpson, Dugald Tinch (2014) MARNET: An Economic Data Framework for the European Atlantic Arc. Ireland: SEMRU Galway Working Paper [Details]
(2010) Culture and Creativity: The case study from the West of Ireland, CISC Working Paper No. 31, January. (CISC Working Paper No. 31).
Collins, P. and Fahy F. (2010) Culture and Creativity: The case study from the West of Ireland, CISC Working Paper No. 31, January. (CISC Working Paper No. 31). Working Paper [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2003) Talking Rubbish: Waste Management Strategies in Ireland. Environmental attitudes and actions: attempts to deal with Irelands waste Trinity Papersin Geography.
Fahy, F. (2003) Talking Rubbish: Waste Management Strategies in Ireland. Environmental attitudes and actions: attempts to deal with Irelands waste Trinity Papersin Geography. Working Paper [Details]

Honours and Awards

  Year Title Awarding Body
2023 Research Ally Prize Award for supervision and mentorship IRC
2023 National Spotlight on Sustainability Conference Hosting Award Failte Ireland
2020 President's Award for Teaching Excellence (Winner Team Award) NUIG
2020 Dean's Award for Teaching (BASS Team) CASSCS, NUIG
2018 President’s Award for Societal Impact 2017 NUI Galway
2017 Best Sustainable Development Article Award International Sustainable Development Society
2017 President’s Award for Research Excellence Established Researcher (Senior Lecturers/Professors) 2017 NUI Galway
2017 Champion of EU Research 2017 Enterprise Ireland
2017 Nominated for Presidents Award for Research Supervisor NUI Galway
2014 Tom Jones Hughes Award AGTI
2013 Fulbright Scholar Fulbright Commission
2012 Explore Innovation Award NUI Galway
2012 Nominated for Presidents Award for Excellence in Teaching NUI Galway

Professional Associations

  Association Function From / To
Royal Geographical Society Fellow 30-AUG-02 / 04-JAN-13
Irish Fulbright Alumni Association Treasurer 01-MAY-17 / 30-APR-19
European Roundtable on Sustainable Production and Consumption Secretary 01-JAN-18 / 31-DEC-20
Association of American Geographers Member 14-MAR-02 / 04-JAN-13
Geographical Society of Ireland President 29-MAY-12 / 01-MAY-14
Planning and Environment Research Group (RGS) Secretary 01-JAN-07 / 02-JAN-08
Planning and Environment Research Group (RGS) Chair 02-JAN-08 / 02-JAN-12
Geographical Society of Ireland Committee Member 05-JAN-03 /
Geographical Society of Ireland Vice-president 01-MAY-11 / 29-MAY-12


  Committee Function From / To
International Geographical Congress 2024 Vice Chair 01-SEP-16 / 31-AUG-24
European Roundtable on Sustainable Production and Consumption Secretary 01-JAN-18 / 31-DEC-21
Irish Fulbright Alumni Association Treasurer 01-MAY-17 / 30-APR-20
Planning and Environmental Research Group (Research Group of the Institute of British Geographers/ Royal Geographical Society) Chair 31-AUG-08 / 22-JUN-12
Planning and Environmental Research Group (Research Group of the Institute of British Geographers/ Royal Geographical Society) Secretary 31-AUG-07 / 31-AUG-08
SCORAI-EU Committee member 18-MAY-12 / 04-JAN-13
Geographical Society of Ireland President 19-MAY-12 / 18-MAY-14
Geographical Society of Ireland Vice-President 09-MAY-11 / 10-MAY-11
Geographical Society of Ireland (GSI) Committee member 06-MAY-06 / 06-MAY-12


  Journal Role
Progress in Human Geography Reviewer
Consumption and Society Editoral Board
Social And Cultural Geography Reviewer
Local Environment: The International Journal Of Justice And Sustainability Reviewer
Journal Of Environmental Policy & Planning Reviewer
International Journal Of Biometeorology Reviewer
Irish Geography Reviewer
European Urban And Regional Studies Reviewer
Environmental Politics Reviewer
Environmental Management Reviewer
Environment And Planning C-Government And Policy Reviewer
Local Environment: The International Journal Of Justice And Sustainability Editoral Board
Area Reviewer
Irish Geography Editoral Board
Progress In Human Geography Reviewer

Teaching Interests

Graduate and undergraduate courses (both large- and small-group teaching) at all levels addressing human geography themes including: culture-nature relations; global-local relations; environmental knowledges and environmentalism; environmental policy and planning processes; environmental capacity-building; sustainable development; public participation; sustainable cities; quality of life; waste management policy and planning, and methods for sustainability research. International and national fieldtrip organisation and academic and safety supervision.

Prof Fahy was the Programme Director for the exciting BSc in Social Sciences (formally the Applied Social Sciences Degree). Further information can be found here:

Recent Postgraduate Students

  Graduation Name Degree Primary Supervisor
2023 Desiree Farrell PhD
2023 Helen Maguire PhD Y
2022 Elaine Williams PhD
2022 Edward Ferns Msc Y
2019 Francis Sheridan Msc Y
2017 Mary Greene PhD Y
2017 Eimear Heaslip PhD Y
2016 Kelda Minjon MSc in Marine and Coastal Environments Y
2016 Anna Power MSc in Marine and Coastal Environments Y
2015 Desiree Farrell MSc in Marine and Coastal Environments Y
2014 Brídín Carroll PhD Y
2014 Mary Lavelle PhD Y
2014 Alexandra Revez PhD Y
2012 Tatiana Brusilovskaya MA in Environment Society and Development Y
2011 Emer Henderson M.Lit Y
2011 Pierce Holden Specialist Diploma in Environmental Sustainability Y
2011 Lavina Power MA in Environment Society and Development Y
2011 Laura Scanlon MA in Environment Society and Development Y
2010 Kate Dempsey MA in Environment Society and Development Y
2010 Gareth McElhinney Specialist Diploma in Environmental Sustainability Y
2010 Killian Mc Kiernan M.A. of Economic Science: Economic and Environmental Modelling Y
2010 Michael O Connor MA in Environment Society and Development Y

Current Postgraduate Students (Research)

  Student Degree Type Type
Áine Bird Doctorate - Structured Ph.D. in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Supervisor
Bronagh Dillon Doctorate - Ph.D.(Arts) Co-supervisor (1)