Student Success Coaching - Helping you Thrive

Student Success Coaching offers non-judgemental support for students, enabling them gain clarity on their goals and how to achieve them, and encouraging new perspectives and mindsets.

Coaching creates a space where students can have honest conversations, identify possible barriers to success and develop a personal action plan.

Student Success Coaches support students to take an active, intentional role in ‘designing their lives’ to achieve their unique academic, personal and life goals during their time at University of Galway.

Students can work with a coach 1:1 or in a group session to:

  • Recognise strengths and natural talents and gain insight about what they innately do best. Assessments can be used to support this.

  • Navigate successful transition into university life and community.

  •  Increase confidence and motivation to maximise their goals, talents, interests and curiosities.

  • Make decisions about educational and professional goals to make the most of their potential

  • Build their network and explore co-curricular and extra-curricular opportunities e.g. societies, clubs, CEIM peer learning, that can complement and support their degree.

  • Connect more closely with fellow students and their university community.

Student Success Coaches run interactive workshops, utilizing the Stanford University Design Your Life framework. 


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