The Student Digital Pathways programme consists of 12 separate projects, all of which will have their own deliverables, timelines and governance structure i.e. project board and project team. 

SDP Projects

Each project will underpin the design, development and implementation of the new student records management solution at NUI Galway. The projects encompass each stage of the student journey with an aim to simplify and effictivly manage University capability processes.   

The project team for each work stream (project) will provide updates to stakeholders under the Student Digital Pathways programme. 

The key dates or milestones for the Student Digital Pathways projects are: 

Projects Milestones

Some of the work that the projects will deliver includes:


Project Outline 

Delivery Date 

Enterprise Architecture Services 

The Enterprise Architecture services will identify and visualise NUI Galway's strategic objectives and focus the project on efforts that will ensure these objectives are met.  Also included is a Solution Architecture Design of the proposed solutions; and an Application Portfolio Assessment to evaluate the existing application portfolio and make decisions about existing and new technology requirements. 


Person Management 

Person and organisation records are one of the foundation modules of Banner.  This involves the conversion of person and organisation records, identity management and /or integration with the HR system 

Such work allows the SSO in Banner and related products for staff including faculty and eventually students.  With person records in place, the Banner Communication Management (BCM) module will follow to build communication plans as other capabilities are deployed. 


Academic Administration inc. Academic Year Scheduling and Timetabling Management 

Terms and part-of-terms (teaching periods), campuses, Colleges and Schools will be configured by Dec-21.  This lays the foundation for Curriculum Management which includes the Sections (module instances) that is required for integration with the timetabling system which will be ready for use in Jun-2023 


Curriculum Management 

NUI Galway will be able to create Programmes (Courses), Courses (modules) and Sections (module instances) in Banner.  Course and module data migration from Quercus will be completed as well as the integration between AKARI and Banner.  Integration with the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) will be ready for testing and reports needed to support curriculum management will be in place. 


Student Attraction & Recruitment 

NUI Galway are already using CRM Recruit.  By Sept-2022, additional functionality to support current processes will be available.  Agent management functionality will also be available which will permit creating and managing agents, allowing agents to submit applications on behalf of applicants.  The ability to identify scholarships and bursaries that a prospective student is eligible for will also be available. 


Student Admissions Management 

NUI Galway will be able to accept applications from various sources for entry in Sept-2023.  This includes CAO and other non-conventional routes.  Functionality to communicate with prospective students, manage interviews, accept offers and manage quotas will also be available. 


Data Migration 

Data migration will commence in Dec-2021 and the project will run right though to Aug-2023. 

Data migration is the process of moving data from Quercus and all affiliated student data sources to Banner. 


Student Financial Management 

Student financial management functionality will include creation and maintenance of fee rules and scholarship and bursary data for use with Admissions by Sept-2022 with remaining functionality delivered by Sept-2023.   


Student Career and Work Placement 

Incoming and outgoing Erasmus can be made available alongside Admissions Management in Sept-2022.  Career questionnaires, the HEA Outcome Survey and integration with any third-party career and work placement systems are targeted for go live by Q3 2023. 


Student Support and Wellbeing Management 

Student Support and Wellbeing starts with the capture of disability and other support requirements at admissions in Q3-2022.  Also in Q3-2022 is the implementation of CRM Advise to support scheduling and management of appointments, referral management, events management, case management.  The remaining functionality will be completed in Sept-2023.   


Student Enrolment / Registration 

Enrolment and Registration brings together the output of other capabilities and that includes student registration on modules associated with their course, fee assessment and payment, capturing / validation of HEA required data and updating student records. 


Student Assessment 

Assessment starts with the capturing of assessment requirements during Curriculum Management in 2022.  It includes integration with the VLE system to capture grades, where required, and integration with the exam management system for management of invigilators, exam venues, etc. 


Student Progression 

Student Progression takes up most of 2023 and will provide functionality for progressing students from one stage of their course to the next, calculating award classifications, capturing prizes, etc. and includes workflows to support exceptional circumstances, appeals management, etc. 


Student Completion and Graduation 

This capability will see the implementation of Graduation Management which provides functionality to identify potential graduates, create ceremonies, assign courses and students to ceremonies, capture rsvp, ticket purchase, certificate data, etc. 


Designing Futures / MicroCreds 

Designing Futures will ultimately empower every student to design their personalised skills development pathway, and to have their transversal skills achievements recognised on graduation alongside their degree.  

The MicroCreds project will develop and deliver up to 30 micro-credentials, online and on-campus, and address the systems and curriculum requirements across the student lifecycle, to provide a truly flexible and agile learning experience.  

SDP is responsible for understanding the requirements and developing an impact (Change) assessment against the scope, costs and schedule for SDP. 
