Our vision for 2030

Aerial photo of the University of Galway campus.
A new strategy for University of Galway

As we approach 2025, the University must look to the future and plan for our success in the coming years. 

With this in mind, the University President, Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, convened an internal Strategy Development Group to lead the development of our strategy beyond 2025.

Strategy Development Overview

Click on the headings below to learn more about the groups and stages involved in the development of our next strategic plan.

Strategy Development Group

The group is chaired by the President and comprises 22 staff and student representatives, each one nominated by a member of the University Management Team. The group is supported by John Caulfield (Director of Strategy Implementation), Claire O'Connor (Director of Planning and Institutional Research) and Aoife Flanagan (Institutional Reputation Project Lead).

Strategy Development Group - Terms of Reference & Membership


Standing & Strategic Planning Committee

The Standing & Strategic Planning Committee of Údarás na hOllscoile, the University's Governing Authority, provides oversight of the strategy development process. It is chaired by John Crumlish, CEO Galway International Arts Festival. As well as staff and student voices, the Committee members contribute an important external perspective on our strategic vision as it is developed. 


Standing & Strategic Planning Committee - Terms of Reference & Membership


Timeline for Strategy Development

The below timeline is subject to change as the year progresses.

Diagram of our strategy development programme timeline


University Values

In March 2024, we invited our university community and governors to help us define our University Values for the years ahead. Through an open and anonymous survey, we asked our community to give feedback on:

  • Their appetite to continue with a values-led approach to strategic planning
  • Their sense of how much progress we had made on our values in the past five year
  • Their appetite to continue with the current four values of Respect, Openness, Sustainability & Excellence
  • Their desire to add new values  

University Values Survey 2024 - results


The 2030 Think-in: Our strategy consultation programme

In May and June 2024, we undertook an open consultation process with our university community, involving hybrid (on campus - online) events and online surveys. The themes and methodology were determined by sub-groups of the Strategy Development Group.

Complete list of strategy consultation sessions


This programme of events has now concluded and over 1,500 people took part! Thank you for your ongoing engagement in our university's future.


What matters? Help inform the discussion on our online Padlet

What are the most important issues that you would like to be considered and discussed as part of our strategy consultation?

Add your comments to our online Padlet at: https://padlet.com/johncaulfield1/WhatMattersGalway

One-Page Briefs

The organisers of each of The 2030 Think-in sessions was asked to produce a one-page brief of strategic priorities in their areas, following their consultation. In addition, we held forums with staff, students, alumni and external stakeholders to hear their views. 

You can find the ‘One-Page Briefs’:

There you'll find 3-6 strategic priorities on each the following areas of impact, grouped by theme:

Putting our values into practice for our people

  • Equality, Diversity & Inclusion - strategic priorities
  • Student Success - strategic priorities
  • Employee Engagement - strategic priorities
  • Institutional Leadership & Culture - strategic priorities

Our University's place in the world

  • Internationalisation - strategic priorities
  • Engaging our Region - strategic priorities
  • An Ghaeilge - strategic priorities (English version)
  • Access & Participation - strategic priorities
  • Flexibility, Upskilling & Lifelong Learning - strategic priorities

Sustaining our Planet, People & Purpose

  • Sustainability - strategic priorities
  • Society & Global Citizenship - strategic priorities
  • Health & Wellbeing - strategic priorities
  • University Finances - strategic priorities
  • University Governance - strategic priorities

Enabling Excellence across our core activities

  • Teaching & Learning - strategic priorities
  • Research & Innovation - strategic priorities
  • Digital Transformation - strategic priorities

Other voices

  • Student Belonging Forum - key messages
  • Global Leaders' Forum - key messages
  • Reputation Audit - key messages
  • International Staff Network - key messages


Our strategy surveys are now closed. Thanks to all of you who participated in May, June and July 2024.

  • Survey 1 - Putting our values into practice for our people
  • Survey 2 - Our university's place in the world
  • Survey 3- Sustaining our Planet, People and Purpose
  • Survey 4- Enabling Excellence across our Core Activities

Unit Responses

In July and August 2024, Colleges, Schools, Research Institutes and Units were invited to respond to the strategic priorities and key messages that emerged from the 2030 Think-in. The submissions template asked them to:

  • rank the strategic priorities in order of priority
  • identify what was missing
  • suggest measures by which we might evidence progress in these areas
  • share examples of local initiatives that will deliver in these areas


Strategy Drafting and Editing

This process is yet to be determined.


Draft Strategic Plan

A full draft of the strategic plan will be available for feedback in Q4 2024



The final version of the Strategic Plan 2025-2030 will be launched in 2025.

In the meantime, you can find our Strategic Plan 2020-2025 here: