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Pobal Ollscoile ina bhfuil Meas ar chách
Respectful NUI Galway
Our success depends on creating a shared environment where we respect and value each other. We believe that cultivating a culture where our work and interactions are rooted in trust and respect, and approached with positive intent, will have a profound impact on the success and sustainability of our people and communities. This ethos will underpin our engagement in our communities, city, region and the world.
We will proactively remove barriers to equality and diversity in our University, recognising the individuality of our people’s journeys (CR01). Our research will inform attitudes and policy about diversity, with an emphasis on improving understanding and awareness of disadvantage and discrimination where it occurs (CR02). By championing respect, we will have a transformational effect on our communities and set a positive example beyond our university (CR03).

Our actions will reflect our commitment to engaging respectfully with our diverse communities.
We will embed a culture of empathy and respect in our university, including within our student experience (CR04). Our focus will be on supporting students in their studies, progression and wellbeing as part of a community where they are encouraged to define success holistically and inspired to achieve it (CR05). Building on the success of pilot projects in our student support services, we will mainstream programmes for mental, physical and social health and wellbeing (CR06).
Our people are our greatest resource. Employment at NUI Galway will be fair, equitable and inclusive. The University is committed to the practice of maintaining and promoting decent, high standards of employment and fairness at work (CR07). The aim of this policy will be to optimise secure direct employment on high quality terms, consistent with public policy, allied to transparent and equitable access to career development, progression and promotion (CR08). The University further commits to family-friendly work practices in a manner that is mindful and accommodating in the interests of a healthy work/life balance (CR09). Everyone working on NUI Galway campuses can expect to be enabled to do their best work in a positive and safe work environment, which is mindful of employees’ physical, intellectual and wellbeing needs (CR10). Employees are valued and will be treated with the highest standards of dignity and respect (CR11).
By being a respectful university our contribution will be valued by our communities, as a good neighbour and a proactive partner for the benefit of society. Recognising the unique and influential role our university plays in our region’s society and economy, we will work with businesses, organisations and networks across the west of Ireland to ensure that our university is positively serving our region (CR12).
Flagship Goals for 2025
A culture of respect
- We will embed a culture of respect through the development and implementation of a Respect Charter, led at every level of the institution (AR01)
- We will design and implement a skills programme to help build empathy, compassion and understanding in our campus community (AR02)
- We will develop and implement a structured university-wide social responsibility programme to deliver measurable positive societal impact with our communities (AR03)
- We will advance ideas that underpin respect for the dignity of all people through our teaching and research activities (AR04)
Equality and Diversity
- We will fulfil our ‘Public Sector Equality and Human Rights Duty’ across all of the University’s functions and relationships (AR05)
- We will maintain our Athena SWAN Bronze Award and aim to achieve institutional Silver-level accreditation to further advance diversity and equality in the University (AR06)
- We will develop and implement a plan to significantly narrow the gender pay gap (AR07)
- We will increase the diversity of leadership and university structures to represent the increasingly diverse composition of the NUI Galway community (AR08)
Health and Wellbeing
- We will create a Universal Student Support Centre that will centralise student support services in one hub and facilitate our students’ journey in their learning and development (AR09)
- We will improve physical, social and mental wellbeing in our communities as a partner of Healthy Ireland and by implementing the Healthy Campus Framework (AR10)
- We will develop and implement a holistic strategy for staff health and wellbeing, building on the WorkPositive initiative, and achieve accreditation through the KeepWell Mark (AR11)
For an update on progress towards achieving these Flagship Actions, including staff perspectives on our greatest achievements, the changing context and the outstanding challenges, CLICK HERE (internal access only).
Pobal Ollscoile ina bhfuil Meas ar chách
Braitheann an rath a bheidh orainn ar thimpeallacht chomhroinnte a chruthú áit a bhfuil meas agus ómós againn dá chéile. Creidimid go mbeidh tionchar suntasach ag an gcultúr a chuirimid chun cinn inar féidir iontaoibh agus meas a bheith ar ár gcuid oibre agus idirghníomhaíochtaí ar rath agus inmharthanacht ár ndaoine agus ár bpobal. Beidh na caidrimh a bheidh againn inár bpobail, ár gcathair, ár réigiún agus an domhan faoi réir ag an éiteas seo.
Cuirfimid an comhionannas agus an éagsúlacht chun cinn san Ollscoil go réamhghníomhach, agus tabharfar aitheantas do thaithí aonair gach duine (CR01). Cuirfidh ár dtaighde bonn eolais faoi dhearcthaí agus faoi pholasaí maidir le héagsúlacht, le súil feabhas a chur ar an tuiscint agus an fheasacht atá againn maidir le míbhuntáiste agus idirdhealú nuair is ann dó (CR02). Beidh tionchar suntasach againn ar ár bpobail agus beimid inár n-eiseamláir lasmuigh den ollscoil trí thús áite a thabhairt don mheas (CR03).
Léireoidh ár ngníomhartha ár dtiomantas caitheamh lenár bpobail éagsúla le meas.
Déanfaimid cultúr tuisceana agus ómóis a leabú inár nOllscoil, lena n-áirítear sa taithí a fhaigheann mic léinn (CR04). Díreoimid ar thacaíocht a chur ar fáil do mhic léinn ina gcúrsaí léinn, ina ndul chun cinn agus ina bhfolláine mar chuid de phobal ina dtabharfar ugach dóibh barr a maitheasa a bhaint amach ar bhealach iomlánaíoch agus inspioráideach (CR05). Agus muid ag cur leis an rath a bhí ar thionscadail phíolótacha inár seirbhísí tacaíochta mac léinn, déanfaimid príomhshruthú ar chláir do shláinte agus folláine mheabhrach, fhisiciúil agus shóisialta (CR06).
Is iad ár bpobal an acmhainn is treise dá bhfuil againn. Beidh cúrsaí fostaíochta in OÉ Gaillimh cóir, cothrom agus cuimsitheach. Tá an Ollscoil tiomanta ina sprioc caighdeáin arda fostaíochta agus cothroime ag an obair a choinneáil agus a chur chun cinn (CR07). Is é aidhm an pholasaí seo barr feabhais a chur ar fhostaíocht dhíreach shlán ar théarmaí ardchaighdeáin, i gcomhréir le polasaí poiblí, i dteannta le rochtain thrédhearcach agus chothromasach i leith forbairt gairme, dul chun cinn agus ardú céime (CR08). Tá an Ollscoil tiomanta chomh maith do chleachtais oibre a thacaíonn le teaghlaigh ar bhealach atá tuisceanach agus a dhéanann freastal ar chothromaíocht shláintiúil oibre is saoil (CR09). Is féidir le gach duine a oibríonn ar champais OÉ Gaillimh a bheith ag súil go gcuirfí ar a gcumas oibriú i dtimpeallacht dhearfach agus shábháilte, ina bhfuil tuiscint ar riachtanais fhisiciúla, intleachtúla agus folláine na bhfostaithe (CR10). Caitear le fostaithe leis na caighdeáin is airde dínite agus measa (CR11).
Beidh meas ag ár bpobail orainn mar chomharsa mhaith agus mar chomhpháirtí réamhghníomhach ag obair ar leas na sochaí mar thoradh ar an meas a léiríonn an Ollscoil orthu. Agus tuiscint againn ar an ról uathúil agus údarásach atá ag an Ollscoil seo i sochaí agus i ngeilleagar ár réigiúin, oibreoimid le gnólachtaí, le heagraíochtaí agus le líonraí fud fad iarthar na hÉireann chun a chinntiú go bhfuil an ollscoil ag déanamh freastal cuí ar an réigiún (CR12).
Príomhghníomhartha do 2025
Cultúr ómóis
- Cuirfimid romhainn cultúr ómóis a chur chun cinn go láidir trí Chairt Ómóis a fhorbairt agus a chur chun feidhme. Glacfar ceannasaíocht ar an gCairt sin ag gach leibhéal den institiúid (AR01)
- Déanfaimid clár scileanna a dhearadh agus a fhorfheidhmiú a chabhróidh le comhbhá agus tuiscint a chothú inár bpobal campais (AR02)
- I gcomhar lenár bpobail, forbróimid agus cuirfimid i bhfeidhm clár freagrachta sóisialta struchtúrtha don ollscoil trí chéile féachaint le tionchar dearfach agus iontomhaiste a imirt ar an tsochaí (AR03)
- Cuirfimid smaointe chun cinn trínár ngníomhaíochtaí teagaisc agus taighde a léiríonn meas ar dhínit gach duine (AR04)
Comhionannas agus Éagsúlacht
- Comhlíonfaimid an ‘Dualgas Earnála Poiblí um Chomhionannas agus Cearta an Duine’ i ngach ceann d’fheidhmeanna agus caidrimh na hOllscoile (AR05)
- Féachfaimid lenár nGradam Cré-Umha Athena SWAN a choinneáil agus cuirfimid romhainn creidiúnú ag leibhéal an Airgid a bhaint amach don institiúid chun an éagsúlacht agus an comhionannas a chur chun cinn tuilleadh san Ollscoil (AR06)
- Cuirfimid plean i dtoll a chéile chun an bhearna phá idir na hinscní a laghdú go mór, agus cuirfimid an plean sin i bhfeidhm (AR07)
- Cuirfimid le héagsúlacht na struchtúr ceannaireachta agus ollscoile chun ionadaíocht a dhéanamh ar phobal OÉ Gaillimh atá ag éirí níos éagsúla (AR08)
Sláinte & Folláine
- Cruthóimid Ionad Tacaíochta na Mac Léinn Uile ina mbaileofar seirbhísí tacaíochta do mhic léinn in aon mhol amháin agus ina ndéanfar éascaíocht do thuras ár mac léinn agus iad i mbun foghlama agus forbartha (AR09)
- Déanfaimid sláinte fhisiciúil, shóisialta agus mheabhrach a fheabhsú inár bpobail mar chomhpháirtí leis an togra Éire Shláintiúil agus tríd an gCreat um Champas Sláintiúil a chur i bhfeidhm (AR10)
- Forbróimid agus cuirfimid straitéis iomlánaíoch i bhfeidhm do shláinte agus leas na foirne, ag tógáil ar a bhfuil bainte amach sa tionscnamh maidir le Timpeallacht Dhearfach Oibre, agus bainfimid creidiúnú amach tríd an Marc KeepWell (AR11)
Chun teacht ar eolas faoi chur i bhfeidhm na bpríomhghníomhartha seo, chomh maith le tuairimí na foirne maidir leis na beartais is suntasaí, an bealach ina bhfuil an comhthéacs ag athrú agus na dúshláin atá fós le sárú, CLICEÁIL ANSEO (rochtain inmheánach amháin).