Summer Internships 2023

Applications are invited to apply for a research bursary intended for 8 undergraduate students wishing to purse a 4-6 week summer research project in the School of Biological & Chemical Sciences. The project should start on June 19th 2023, though the 4-6 week research period need not be continuous. Each bursary has a value of €500.

Candidates should make contact directly with a prospective supervisor to discuss a project and to arrange for the submission of the required recommendation by the prospective supervisor.

Application Deadline  5pm Friday 28th April 2023

Application Procedure To apply for a bursary, students should first find a supervisor within the school who is willing to supervise them for a 4-6 week summer project. The project should start on June 20th 2022, though the 4-6 week research period need not be continuous.

Application Procedure

To apply for a bursary, students should first find a supervisor within the school who is willing to supervise them for a 4-6 week summer project.

Students should email the completed Summer Internships 2023 Application Form   to the School Manager: Padraig Hynes containing:

  1. The name of the proposed project supervisor.
  2. A short description of the research project (200 words maximum).
  3. Recommendation from the proposed supervisor (200 words maximum)‌
  4. A table containing percentage grades for all university modules completed to date. Provisional results for Semester I of the current academic year should be included.


Applications will be evaluated by members of the School's Education and Students committee. Students will be ranked based on their academic grades, the proposed research project and the supervisor's recommendation.