
Committee Outline

Committee Chair: Dr Kate Reddington

The Research and Innovation Committee will be responsible for school-specific initiatives and collaborations. It will develop research and innovation-related targets and initiatives in the school’s operational plan and develop and support the career development and applications from early career researchers. Committee structure facilitates an integrated school-wide approach to education and research, strategic planning, and operational planning and delivery.

Committee Terms of Reference

  • Review and oversee research and innovation-related targets and initiatives in School and Research Institute Operational Plans.
  • Develop, implement and monitor the school’s strategy as it relates to Research and Innovation
  • Support the development of increased strategic alliances linked to the College’s Research and Innovation Strategy.
  • Support the development Post-Graduate Research
  • Review and oversee the operation of GRCs and yearly progress reports for all research students in the school.
  • Manage the promotion of science research and innovation achievements.
  • Identify and target opportunities for leveraging external recruitment mechanisms aligned to the College’s Research and Innovation Strategy.
  • Contribute to the development of the Institutional Research Strategy and priority research areas.
  • Develop innovation-focused partnerships with key stakeholders from industry and other sectors to maximise the involvement of staff in activities that generate new ideas and inventions and develop strategies and structures that accelerate knowledge transfer.
  • Consider and make recommendations on university research-related policies and initiatives.
  • Consider and make recommendations related to School/Research Institute relationships.
  • Support the implementation of School Athena Swan Action plans.

Research & Innovation Updates