
Committee Outline

Committee Chair: Dr David Cheung

Committee Co-Chair: Dr Sara Farrona

The Education and Students Committee will have strategic and an operational role on matters related to academic programmes (UG), opportunities for innovation in teaching and learning and for improving the student experience, as it relates to mobility and education. The committee will include Programme Directors, including representative(s) from the Science Programme Board, and Pathway Coordinators. The Education and Students Committee plays an important role in facilitating communication between Programme Directors/Programme Boards. The Committee should have defined representation at both the College Education and Students Committee and the Graduate Studies Committee.

Committee Terms of Reference

  • Develop, implement and monitor the School’s Strategy as it relates to academic programmes.
  • Identify and implement opportunities for innovation and excellence in teaching and learning.
  • Identify and implement new opportunities for UG programme provision enabled by the Merger.
  • Identify opportunities and implement initiatives for enhancing student experience in the College.
  • Coordinate School responses to consultations in teaching, learning and the student experience.
  • Review and refine structures/mode of delivery of UG programmes, as appropriate.
  • Identify training needs of staff related to learning, teaching and assessment initiatives and liaise with CELT accordingly.
  • Review and oversee proposals for all new UG programmes in the school.
  • Review and oversee proposals for all new modules in UG programmes in the school.
  • Review and oversee proposals for changes in regulations for UG programmes in the school.
  • Work closely with the Graduate Studies Committee in the review and oversight of Integrated Masters Programme(s).
  • Support the implementation of School Athena Swan Action plans

education&students updates