Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

University of Galway recognises that knowledge and skills can be acquired from a range of learning experiences. This is in line with the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) goals which aim to recognise all learning achievements by supporting the development of alternative pathways to qualifications (or awards) and by facilitating the recognition of prior learning (RPL).

Professor Peter

Professor Peter McHugh |   Deputy President and Registrar

University of Galway views Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) as a vital component of its lifelong learning strategy. We acknowledge that knowledge and skills can be gained through diverse learning experiences. Our goal is to offer accessible and flexible learning pathways that allow learners to build upon their previous accomplishments. RPL is a key mechanism in achieving this objective. Our dedication to RPL highlights our ongoing commitment to providing all learners with access to an inclusive and equitable education system.

Nuala McGuinn |   Director of Adult Learning and Professional Development

RPL is a key component of Lifelong Learning. It offers solutions for upskilling, reskilling, organisational development and talent retention in the enterprise sector. We work with a range of stakeholders to develop agile and dynamic solutions for workforce learning needs to ensure Ireland’s competitiveness in a larger world economy. RPL is one of the mechanisms that we can draw on when we are developing flexible and progressive learning pathways. There are so many entry and exit routes to choose from to enable learners reskill and upskill at each and every stage of their personal and professional lives. What a wonderful time to be an adult learner!

Suzanne Golden |   RPL Project Lead

Working collaboratively with employers we can use RPL to identify opportunities that enable workers to ensure that their knowledge, skills and competences remain relevant and fit for purpose. RPL also creates agility in our system, helping us to value the learning achieved outside formal education and develop courses sensitive to employee’s existing skillsets.