The National Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) in Higher Education Project is a five-year project, funded by the Human Capital Initiative Pillar 3 (Innovation and Agility) and co-sponsored by the Irish Universities Association and the Technological Higher Education Association (THEA). The goals of the project are:

  1. to continue to embed and streamline RPL (particularly the recognition of informal and nonformal learning) in the sector, and
  2. to work with employers to increase access and progression opportunities in areas of skills needs.

The project is co-ordinated by a Project Management Team based in THEA, with 18 Project Leads managing the roll out of the project across 14 universities, technological universities, and institutes of technology. Strategic guidance is provided by a Steering Group which draws its membership from senior sectoral leaders, enterprise and learner representatives, and national and international RPL experts.

The national website for the RPL in Higher Education project is available here

RPL in Higher Education

Grace Edge, the national project manager, talks about the potential of RPL.