In the Energy domain, the main subjects of research are the synthesis of organometallic complexes, molecular catalysts for water oxidation, preparation and characterisation of organic and organometallic light-harvesting molecules, and the development of photoanodes for water splitting by combining nanoparticles and molecular systems. We collaborate with several groups around Europe for the design of full devices capable of generating gaseous and/or liquid fuels from water and carbon dioxide. Active projects in this area are:

Photoelectrochemical devices for water splitting: Design and construction of full devices capable of oxidation of substrates and generation of hydrogen.

Some examples can be found in Green Chem. 2016, 18, 255 and Coord. Chem. Rev. 2015, 304, 202-208.

Green Chem TOC

Molecular dyads for oxidation photocatalysis: It consists on the preparation of novel ruthenium complexes that are capable of absorbing visible light and oxidise organic substrates.

Previous research on the topic in Chem. Eur. J. 2013, 19, 7162-7172.

Chem Eur J TOC

Metallacarborane-based light-harvesters: Development of robust and novel sensitizers for photocatalytic reaction containing metal-carboranes.