
Agresso - the financial accounting package used in NUI Galway.

Account Administrator - the Administrative member of staff in the school or research centre, nominated by the Budget Holder to assist with the management of the project.

Audit - A formal check by a funding agent or their proxy into the eligibility of expenditure incurred on a project.

Budget Holder - The NUI Galway permanent member of staff responsible for financial management of the project. The Research Account on Agresso is in their name.

Budget Reallocation Request - A request to the funder to allow the PI move budget from one category to another.

Bursar - The University's Financial Controller.

Cost centre - a Aggreso code for a particular project or budget.

Cost Statement - This is the periodic financial report submitted to the funder that details the expenditure incurred on the award.

Fellowship - a post doctoral research post.

General Ledger Account - The Agresso expense account for a particular type of expenditure e.g. travel expenses are coded to the general ledger account 3170.

General Research Account - A Research Cost centre where expenditure does not have to be reported to any funder and expenditure is at the discretion of the PI providing it complies with University policy. It usually is prefixed by the letters "RNR".

Labour Commitments File - an excel file that contains details of the future labour commitments against a Research Project.

No Cost extension - An extension of the end date of the project.

PI - The Principal Investigator is the lead researcher on a project. If tehy are not a permanent member of staff, they need to nominate someone else to be the Agresso Budget Holder.

Post Proposal Form - A form required by HR before they can issue a new contract or renew an existing contract.

RAO - The NUI Galway Research Accounting Office.

RAO Contact - The member of staff in the Research Accounting Office assigned to support a particular award.

RDM - Research Desk Manager: This person is responsible for setting new awards up on Agresso.

Research Account - A cost centre set up for a research project e.g. RE7025.

Research Overheads Levy - A levy taken on Research Income to support the cost of supporting research in the university. Awards should contribute a minimum of 10% before being considered.

Scholar - a full time student completing a post graduate course.

VPR - Vice President for Research - in the above document it is used to differentiate the Research Office from the Research Accounting Office