National PPI Festival 2023: Where We All Matter

From the 1st - 31st of October, the PPI Ignite Network @ University of Galway took part in the National PPI Festival 2023: Where WE all matter. This festival saw the PPI Ignite Network, national and local partners, charity and community organisations, researchers, and PPI contributors come together to celebrate the growing influence and impact of patient voice in Irish research. The PPI Ignite Network @ University of Galway hosted a series of events which focused on exploring new ways of thinking about PPI, spreading the word of involvement to researchers old and new, while learning from their perspectives, and building connections within the university for future collaboration. Click here view the full snapshot of the National PPI Festival 2023

6th Oct: 'I feel like a better researcher when I'm carrying out good PPI' - Irish researchers' perspectives on PPI in health and social care research - During this seminar, University of Galway MSc Graduate in Ageing and Public Policy, Ann Roddy discussed the findings of her thesis, drawing on qualitative interviews she conducted with a mix of PhD Students, postdoctoral researchers and principal investigators, exploring their experience of embedding PPI in their research. Click here to watch the full recording.

Group Photo

9th Oct: PPI Facilitation Skills: Tips for Youth Facilitation - This very special shared learning group featured a guest speaker, Ella Anderson, Research Assistant at the UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre discuss her experiences of leading involved research with young people as a Youth Researcher and her top tips for facilitating young people. 

17th Oct: An Introduction to PPI in Collaborating with the Research Development Centre - This workshop hosted by the RDC in University of Galway introduced researchers to PPI, and helped them to considered patient voice in research. Attendees learnt the importance of embedding PPI in their project, and were introducted to the relevant resources and supports they can access at the University of Galway. 

19th Oct: Using Forum Theatre for Public and Patient Involvement in Health Research - This very practical workshop was facilitated by Derek Stewart OBE, long time PPI contributor, exploring PPI through the dramatic. Using theatre to explore what research really means to people, this was an interactive, fun, safe and informative session that tought attendies how drama can be a learning medium for public engagement and active involvement with health research.

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(event postponed): Lived Experience Influencing Women's Healthcare - Research and Innovation - This collabotation with Bioinnovate and the Health Innovation Club Ireland (HIHI) will showcase patient informed research, focusing particularly on innovation in women's health. Regrettebly, this event was postponed during the festival month, but rescheduling details will be coming shortly so watch this space! 

27th Oct: Ignite Insight: A Knowledge Café for PhDs, by PhDs - As part of the Ignite Insight seminar series this workshop was designed by PhD students for PhD student as an open space to talk about their thoughts about PPI in PhD research; what makes it interesting, what makes it difficult, and what supportings are helpful. Click here to watch the full Ignite Insight Seminar Series.Group Photo