How to Submit Supporting Documents


  • Log onto your account and under "My Applications” click on "View".
  • On the top of the page, click “Upload Suppporting Documentation” and follow the steps for adding documents.

NOTE: You cannot add documents to your application until the application fee is paid.


College of Arts, Social Sciences, and Celtic studies

All relevant supporting documentation should be uploaded directly to your online application via the 'My Applications' section, after you log into your account.

For all Arts Research Programmes the following supporting documentation must be submitted:

  • Qualifications and exam results (transcripts) to date: required for all non-University of Galway applicants and for University of Galway graduates who did not receive their undergraduate degrees from University of Galway. Applicants who have still to graduate must upload these on receipt
  • English language competency: if necessary, evidence of  English language competency
  • Passport or birth certificate: non University of Galway-applicants only—a copy of your passport or birth certificate must also be uploaded
  • IMPORTANT: Some of the Arts Research Programmes require extra specific supporting documentation which are listed here. Please check to see if the programme/s you are applying for are listed. 

 Pprogramme code

Additional supporting documentation required

DY - Doctor of Psychological Science (Clinical Psychology)
D.Psych.Sc (Clinical Psychology for Qualified Clinicians ("Top-Up" Doctorate)--part-time
  • Applicants must demonstrate that they are eligible for full membership of the PSI Clinical Division
  • Applicants other than those who are self-employed must provide written evidence of approval from their employer to undertake the course
  • Applicants must submit a personal statement outlining why they wish to undertake the course and identifying potential areas of research for the thesis. 
  • Summary CV (5 pages max)

PhD (Education) full-time

PhD (Education) part-time

Structured PhD (Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences)(Education) full-time

Structured PhD (Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences)(Education) part-time

MLitt (Education) full-time

MLitt (Education) part-time

  1. A Research Proposal
  2. A sample of Writing (e.g. a thesis chapter, an assignment)
  3. Two references, at least one of which must be academic

Completed applications are reviewed by the School of Education Research Committee

We welcome applications from individuals whose proposals are directly aligned with our research priorities.  The School of Education's two core Research Clusters are: 1) Diversity and Inclusion in Education and 2) Technology-Enhanced Learning.  Further information on the clusters in available at http://www.University of  Please consult these pages, and individual academic staff research profiles, in preparation for making an application to ascertain if your research topic is aligned with research expertise and priorities in the School.  A suggested structure for the Research Proposal is below:

Research Proposal (2-3,000 words)
  1. Proposal title, Research Area and Question(s): What research question (or questions) does the proposed research aim to address?
  2. Background, Context and Rationale:What is the context of the proposed research?  Why is the proposed research important?
  3. Literature Review: Identify and summarise key scholarship, theory and previous research germane to the proposed research topic.
  4. Methodology: What is the proposed methodological approach?  What data collection and analysis methods are envisaged?
  5. Outline Research Plan and Timetable: Summary of the key deliverables of the research (including a timeframe for completion, for example, over four years for a full-time PhD).
PhD (Child and Youth Research) full-time  and Structured 
PhD (Child and Youth Research) part-time

1.  A personal statement (300 words) 

2.  A curriculum vitae. 

3.  Two letters of reference from academic referees. 

4.  A research proposal (1000 words).  Please click here to see the current list of supervisors and research areas. 

5.  All candidates must identify what staff member(s) they have consulted (if any) during the development of their proposal. Candidates are encouraged to consult with a potential supervisor before applying. 


College of Business, Public Policy and Law 

 School of Business & Public Policy 

All relevant supporting documentation should be uploaded directly to your online application via the 'My Applications' section, after you log into your account.

For all Business & Public Policy Research Programmes the following supporting documentation must be submitted:

  • Qualifications and exam results (transcripts) to date: required for all non-University of Galway applicants and for University of Galway graduates who did not receive their undergraduate degrees from University of Galway. Applicants who have still to graduate must upload these on receipt
  • English language competency: if necessary, evidence of  English language competency
  • Passport or birth certificate: non University of Galway-applicants only—a copy of your passport or birth certificate must also be uploaded
  • IMPORTANT: Some of the Business & Public Policy Research Programmes require extra specific supporting documentation which are listed here. Please check to see if the programme/s you are applying for are listed.

 Programme code

Additional Supporting documentation required Business & Public Policy Research Programmes

 MSc (Business Information Systems)

Please download the Guidelines for MScBIS Applicants to fully acquaint yourself with the application procedure.

School of Law

All relevant supporting documentation should be uploaded directly to your online application via the 'My Applications' section, after you log into your account.

 For all Law Research Programmes the following supporting documentation must be submitted:

  • Qualifications and exam results (transcripts) to date: required for all non-University of Galway applicants and for University of Galway graduates who did not receive their undergraduate degrees from University of Galway.  Applicants who have still to graduate must upload these on receipt
  • English language competency: if necessary, evidence of  English language competency
  • Passport or birth certificate: non University of Galway-applicants only—a copy of your passport or birth certificate must also be uploaded.
  • 2 Academic letters of reference

College of Science and Engineering

All relevant supporting documentation should be uploaded directly to your online application via the 'My Applications' section, after you log into your account.

 For all Science and Engineering Research Programmes the following supporting documentation must be submitted:

  • Qualifications and exam results (transcripts) to date: required for all non-University of Galway applicants and for University of Galway graduates who did not receive their undergraduate degrees from University of Galway. Applicants who have still to graduate must upload these on receipt
  • English language competency: if necessary, evidence of English language competency
  • Passport or birth certificate: non University of Galway-applicants only—a copy of your passport or birth certificate must also be uploaded.
  • IMPORTANT: Some of the Science Research Programmes require extra specific supporting documentation which are listed here. Please check to see if the programme/s you are applying for are listed. 
Programme Code Additional Supporting documents required
MCN - Structured Masters (Cancer Research)
  • C.V. (maximum three pages)
  • Personal Statement (maximum one page) describing career plans and reasons for applying for this programme.

AIT - Structured MSc Astronomical Instrumentation and Technology

• Personal statement all applicants must enclose a typed personal statement of approximately 600 words explaining why you wish to undertake the programme(s) of your choice, outlining how it fits into your career objectives

• Curriculum vitea (maximum 3 A4 pages, written in size 12, Times New Rom


College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences

All relevant supporting documentation should be uploaded directly to your online application via the 'My Applications' section, after you log into your account.

For all Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Research Programmes the following supporting documentation must be submitted:

  • Qualifications and exam results (transcripts) to date: required for all non-University of Galway applicants and for University of Galway graduates who did not receive their undergraduate degrees from University of Galway. Applicants who have still to graduate must upload these on receipt
  • English language competency: if necessary, evidence of  English language competency
  • Passport or birth certificate: non University of Galway-applicants only—a copy of your passport or birth certificate must also be uploaded
  • IMPORTANT: Some of the Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Research Programmes require extra specific supporting documentation which are listed here. Please check to see if the programme/s you are applying for are listed. 

Programme code

Additional supporting documentation required Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Research Programmes

DY - Doctor of Psychological Science (Clinical Psychology)

Master of Health Sciences (Specialist Nursing)
  • Please submit a copy of current registration with An Bord Altranais agus Cnáimhseachais na hÉireann
  • Applicants must submit a research proposal outlining their planned study. Click here for Research Proposal Submission Guidelines
  • Nursing & Midwifery applicants are reminded that they must also submit details of previous work experience as stated on the application form.