Congratulations, you have been made an offer to a postgraduate programme at University of Galway, via the online application system. If you intend to accept this offer please read the information below. 

You can also visit the Postgraduate Offer Holders information website.
You can see the International Office’s Postgraduate Offer Holders information website.

Offer Types

A Conditional Offer means that you will be accepted if you meet certain additional requirements.
An Unconditional Offer (Firm Offer) means that you have met all the entry requirements for the course.

Replying to your Offer

Accepting an offer is a two step process.
    • Please confirm acceptance/non-acceptance of the offer (firm or conditional) via the online system by clicking ACCEPT or DECLINE in the relevant section.
    • Please note that in accepting your offer, you are accepting the Terms and Conditions associated with that offer.
  • At the same time you must also secure your (firm or conditional) programme place by paying online the deposit of €500 or €1,000* by the response deadline as specified in your online offer. (If you are funded by a grant authority or other funding body, you are still required to pay the deposit to accept and secure your place).

 *Noteonly the programmes listed below require a €1,000 deposit.  

Master of Science (Strategy, Innovation and People Management)   
Master of Science (Human Resource Management)  
Master of Science (International Management)
Master of Science in Computer Science (Data Analytics)

Acceptance Deposit
The €500 or €1,000 (as relevant) deposit will be credited to your fees on registering as a student. Under EU directive, applicants are entitled to a refund if requested within 14 days of payment. The deposit is non-refundable after the cooling off period of 14 days. It is however transferable should you be subsequently offered and accept a place on another postgraduate programme at University of Galway in the same Academic Session.

Conditional offers

In the event that you do not meet the specific conditions pertaining to your offer and the attempt to attain the required conditions is after the conditional offer was made, your deposit will be refunded to you in this instance, validating evidence must be provided however.


If you are funded by a grant authority or other funding body, you are still required to pay the deposit to accept and secure your place. Once the Fees Office at University of  Galway receive your funds from your funding authority, they will organise to reimburse you any overpayment in your student account.

Meeting the conditions

If you receive a conditional offer then you must upload evidence of satisfying the condition/s (via application portal) before your place is fully secured and you can start your course. This evidence must be submitted prior to course commencement and formal registration.

Once you have accepted your offer and if all the conditions of your offer have been met then you will be issued with an unconditional offer.

Programme Fee
Please click here for more information on programme fees. Any queries to the Fees Office