Adriano Amaral

Adriano Amaral has been passionate about Open Data since 2010, when he started to design and prototype data products. With a MSc and Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering, he founded uGov (OpenGov initiative) and (Opendata for SME). Adriano joined Derilinx in 2020 to support the Open Data Programme and the roadmap for DatAdore, Derilinx Open Data Platform. Previously he worked as Open Data Lead Manager for Public Sector in Oracle Technologies, building the Open Data and Big Data business team from scratch. He led more than 47x Data Prototypes, designed the Open Data Lab and a massive Data Lake (750TB) for Data Sharing and Open Data purpose. Adriano is an active community member of Opendata and Open Government Partnership in Brazil and collaborates with other organisations around the world such as Open Data Smart Cities. He participated actively in the Opendata Conferences in Madrid 2016, Buenos Aires 2018 and OGP Summit Georgia 2018.