MA in Gender, Globalisation and Rights

A Unique Focus on Gender, Global Issues and Human Rights in Practice

Politics mosaicThe Masters in Gender, Globalisation and Rights is the flagship teaching programme of the Centre for Global Women’s Studies, NUI Galway. ​The programme offers opportunity for in-depth study of global issues through a gender lens. Students acquire the knowledge and tools necessary to conduct gender analysis and to apply a gender perspective in relevant fields of employment, locally and internationally, as well as for advanced research. The MA also offers the possibility of completing a professional placement with agencies and organisations where knowledge of gender and global issues is required. The course comprises core and optional modules (see course website for details) and a ​final research paper, which is completed over the summer months. Practical workshops throughout the year strengthen research and writing skills and professional development.

Video presentation on MA in Gender Globalisation and Rights

Video presentation on MA in Gender Globalisation and Rights by Molly Geoghegan, Current student MA Gnder Globalisation and Rights.

Further Information & Application

Course Director: 

Dr. Stacey Scriver

Tel: +353 (91) 49 4116

Apply Now