Internships / Traineeships at University of Galway

Unfortunately, University of Galway's International Office is unable to organise traineeships for international students. Students who wish to apply for an Erasmus traineeship at University of Galway should contact the relevant academic Discipline, School or Research Centre directly, attaching their CV and outlining their areas of particular interest and the proposed timeline.  

In order to identify a potential supervisor, you should take a look at the individual Schools and Disciplines, and/or our research centres/units.

If the academic staff member in question agrees to host you, then you will need to liaise with him or her in order to complete your learning agreement and he or she will be the "responsible person" who must sign it on behalf of University of Galway.   You and your home university supervisor will also have to sign.  On no account should you present a blank learning agreement to the University of Galway supervisor for signature: it's very important that all the details (dates, activities, etc) of the traineeship are filled in. 

If you are approved to carry out a traineeship at University of Galway, then you must have private insurance to cover you for medical treatment, accidents, personal liability and repatriation. Your home university's international office may be able to advise you on this. 


If you are an international medical student seeking a summer elective in University of Galway, please note that the University of Galway International Office has no involvement whatsoever with these.  Applications should be sent directly to our Medical School.  Summer electives are available only during June, July and August, and there is no guarantee that you will be selected.  Please read the information on application and eligibility criteria.

