Contact Us

Note: It would be appreciated if you could contact the appropriate person for an immediate response.


Apoorva Bamal (For international collaboration)

Ph.D. Candidate (Hardiman Scholar) of Civil Engineering [on-going] &
Research & Communications Associate, Eco-HydroInformatics Research Group (EHIRG)
College of Science and Engineering,
ENG3053, Alice Perry Engineering Building,
University of Galway, Ireland.
M: +353-899747055


Mir Talas Mahammad Diganta (For internship, MS and PhD opportunity)

Ph.D. Candidate (Hardiman Scholar) of Civil (Marine, Coastal and Environmental Science) Engineering [on-going]&
Research & Communications Associate, Eco-HydroInformatics Research Group (EHIRG)
College of Science and Engineering,
ENG3053, Alice Perry Engineering Building,
University of Galway, Ireland.
M: +353-899875763


Abdul Majed Sajib (For IEWQI implementation and training)

Ph.D. Candidate (Hardiman Scholar) of Civil Engineering [on-going] &
Research & Communications Associate, Eco-HydroInformatics Research Group (EHIRG)
College of Science and Engineering,
ENG3053, Alice Perry Engineering Building,
University of Galway, Ireland.
M: +353-899486181