Concept Null Art & Technology Meet-up at the Centre

Aug 30 2024 Posted: 13:54 IST

Concept Null Meetup

Concept Null’s mission is to establish new media art as a recognised artform in Ireland and help grow and nurture a community of artists, technicians, enthusiasts and facilitators that embody a voice of Irish new media art. We organise and host meetups that offer a space for artists to share their work and process with others in the community.

On September 6th we are very pleased to be bringing our art and technology meetup to the Centre for Creative Technology along with Culture Works, who both are making this possible for all of us.

For this one we want to uncover some of the works that are being made by digital / new-media artists in and around Galway, so we are looking for artists that would like to share their work with others in their community. As always, this event is free to attend.

This event is open to everyone but space is limited so make sure to RSVP. Further details and registration are available at:
