The Virtual Production Creative Residencies Scheme is an initiative of Galway, UNESCO City of Film and a collaboration between Ardán and Galway Culture Company with the aim of supporting practitioners in the emerging Virtual Production sector. The scheme will utilise the UNESCO Creative Cities Network to connect with Virtual Production practitioners from outside of Ireland and invite them to Galway to take up residency positions in each of Galway’s main universities. Each residency will be three to four weeks in duration, and hosted by one of our local universities.

The Centre for Creative Technologies at University of Galway will lead the initiative and the selected practitioner will have access to the facilities and expertise available at their host university along with a network of local Virtual Production practitioners facilitated by Ardán.

The goals of the scheme are to:

  • Facilitate the sharing of expertise between Virtual Production practitioners in Ireland and abroad
  • To encourage collaboration between those practitioners and facilitate networking
  • Facilitate creative and professional development for the practitioners
  • We would hope that each selected practitioner will bring their expertise to the residency with a vision to use the time to produce a creative work in Virtual Production that would assist in their career development.

For further details see

Please Note: Residencies took place during the summer of 2024.