Course Overview

Watch course video presentation here.

The MA in Public Policy prepares its graduates to work in government, public bodies, civil society organisations, NGOs, international organisations, businesses and other fields and organisations that require an expert understanding of policymaking, administration and governance. In addition to core policy and research training modules, it offers a field trip to Brussels to examine EU policy- and decision-making and specialised modules in specific policy areas such as: Advocacy and Development; Gender; Peace, Conflict and Human Security; Ageing Child and Family; Ocean and Marine; Urban Policy; Social Welfare; and Negotiations. Students can also opt for a module in data analytics for public policy. At a time when policy design and implementation are increasingly subject to political scrutiny and negotiation, the course emphasises the political contexts in which policy is made and the new forms of public consultation and participation.

The programme will appeal to Arts and Social Science graduates seeking a qualification that will help them to secure policy-related employment; graduates from other cognate fields including Economics and Law seeking to improve their employment prospects; graduates interested in pursuing PhD research.

The objectives of the programme are to:

  • Equip students with theoretical knowledge of policy-making processes and key issues such as participation, implementation, and evaluation.
  • Enhance students' skills in communication, innovative thinking, negotiation, presentation, teamwork, and writing skills
  • Offer direct experience of contributing to policy-making processes, analysing current policies, and suggesting solutions to policy problems while working in teams and as individuals.
  • Introduce students to expert knowledge on a range of key national and international policy issues.
  • Introduce students to the concept of participation in policy-making, with particular emphasis on the use of public consultations.

As an international student you might be able to apply for a scholarship and here is a link to those available at University of Galway. NOTE: this MA is now eligible for the Irish-Palestine Fellowship Aid Scholarship, information on that scheme is here.

Applications and Selections

Applications are made online via the University of Galway Postgraduate Applications System.


Personal statement: all applicants must enclose a typed personal statement of approximately 600 words explaining why you wish to undertake the programme(s) of your choice, outlining how it fits into your career objectives, and discussing your research interests.

Referees: you are required to supply two references. One must be an academic reference (in the case of applicants currently undertaking studies) OR an employer (in the case of applicants currently in employment).

In addition, non-University of Galway students are required to provide the following:

Official qualifications and exam results (transcripts) to date: required for all non-University of Galway applicants and for University of Galway graduates who did not receive their undergraduate degrees from University of Galway. Copies of originals must be certified as true copies. Applicants who have still to graduate must send in these on receipt.

Passport or Birth certificate: non University of Galway-applicants only—a copy of your passport or birth certificate must also be submitted.

English language competency: if necessary, evidence of English language competency.

Further details can be found here.

If the selection committee deems it necessary, applicants can be called for an interview to better assess their application.

Who Teaches this Course

Jacqueline Murphy
304 Aras Moyola
School of Political Science & Sociology
Telephone: +353 (0)91 495787

Mr Niall Ó Brolcháin
Insight Centre for Data Analytics
Telephone: +353 (0)91 49 5113
Mobile: 087 9524776


Prof Niall Ó Dochartaigh
M.A., Ph.D.
Personal Professor
School of Soc. & Pol.
Room 333 Aras Moyola
University of Galway
University Rd
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Prof. Kevin Leyden
Joint Creative, Liveable and Sustainable Communities Reseach Cluster Leader
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Dr Hanna-Kaisa Hoppania
Lecturer - Contract Type B
School of Political Science and Sociology
University of Galway
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Prof Michelle Millar
Personal Professor
Room 1045
UNESCO Child & Family Research Centre
University of Galway
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Dr Evans Fanoulis
BA., MA., MA., PhD
Lecturer Above The Bar
School of Sociology & Politics
University of Galway
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What Our Graduates Say


Odhran Whelehan |   Graduate

I would absolutely recommend studying the MA in Public Policy at NUI Galway. The course prepares you to work in a variety of fields ranging from government to NGOs and civil society organisations. The core modules help to build your understanding of the policy-making process while also affording you the chance to make real-world proposals to both national and European bodies. The variety of modules available allows students to specialise in their own unique area of interest. I was able to build on my undergraduate studies relating to Irish domestic politics while also discovering a new-found interest in urban planning and city design. The networking trip to Brussels also grants students the opportunity to gain a first-hand insight into the vibrant political system that is the EU. The trip appeals to the group’s variety of interests by engaging with sitting MEPs, lobbying groups, NGO’s and unions. The range of meetings and engagements also allows you to expand your professional network, giving you a distinct advantage over many graduates. Finally, the overall learning experience of the course is greatly enhanced by the level of 1:1 support offered by the lecturers and coordinators.
in Connect with Odhran

Katie Harrington |   Graduate

The MA in Public Policy gives an excellent grounding in how policy is created and the challenges and opportunities that it brings. The lecturers are deeply experienced in their fields and offer practical and theoretical insights into policy formation. I particularly enjoyed the fieldwork modules I undertook, including a trip to the European Parliament in Brussels and a work placement in Leinster House. Both offered excellent opportunities to network and make links that may be useful for future career moves. As a mature student, I found the faculty incredibly supportive, responsive, and open to ideas.

Moses Mulindwa |   Recent Graduate from the MA in Public Policy

Pursuing the MA in Public Policy at the University of Galway was an incredibly enriching experience, culminating in a first-class honour. The programme equipped me with a wealth of knowledge and expertise through extensive reading, exposure to very experienced lecturers and experts, and collaboration with a diverse and multidisciplinary cohort, not only within the programme but also within the broader University of Galway community.  Since returning to Uganda, I have continued to advance my career. Shortly after my return, I received a promotion at the Uganda National NGO Forum (UNNGOF), where I now hold the title of Senior Programme Associate – Policy, Governance, and Civic Engagement. In this role, I focus on coordinating civil society efforts to engage in collective policy advocacy and key policy processes. My responsibilities include facilitating collaborative policy engagements among NGOs in Uganda on issues pertinent to their interests and relevant to the nation's development, as well as contributing to long-term planning