Course Overview

Click here for English version

Déanfar staidéar ar an dá chineál ateangaireachta: ateangaireacht leantach agus ateangaireacht chomhuaineach. Bainfear úsáid as cleachtaí éagsúla chun oiliúint sna scileanna seo a chur ar mhic léinn: cleachtaí cuimhne; ateangaireacht gan nótaí; ateangaireacht le hamharc; teicnící um breacadh nótaí agus ateangaireacht chomhuaineach le script. Bainfear úsáid as an taisclann institiúide agus scrúdófar na hardáin nua um chianateangaireacht atá ag teacht chun cinn. Is iad an Ghaeilge, an Béarla, an Fhraincis, an Spáinnis, an Iodáilis agus an Ghearmáinis atá á dtairiscint mar theangacha an chúrsa seo. Déanfar staidéar ar theoiric agus cleachtas na hateangaireachta, áit a ndíreofar ar scileanna cumarsáide, e.g., glóroiliúint. Scrúdófar an eitic phroifisiúnta a bhaineann leis an gceird seo freisin, mar aon le nósanna imeachta comhdhála, cleachtais oibre agus dálaí oibre. 

Applications and Selections

Cuirtear isteach ar an gclár seo ar líne

Who Teaches this Course

  • Susan Folan, MA, EMCI
  • Eoin Ó Droighneáin, MA
  • Cassie Ní Chathasaigh, MA

Requirements and Assessment

Key Facts

Entry Requirements

Beidh céim onóracha 2.2 chomh maith le:

  • sárchumas labhartha ina máthairtheanga ag iarrthóirí;
  • sárchumas tuisceana ina dteangacha oibre;
  • sárscileanna cumarsáide
  • spreagadh láidir.

Additional Requirements

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)


Dioplóma Iarchéime: bliain acadúil amháin | MA: bliain iomlán féilire (Meán Fómhair go Lúnasa)

Next start date

Meán Fómhair 2025

A Level Grades ()

Average intake


QQI/FET FETAC Entry Routes

Closing Date

Moltar iarratas a dhéanamh go luath ag súil le tairiscint luath. Tuillleadh eolais anseo.

NFQ level

Mode of study

ECTS weighting

90 (MA), 60 (Diop)



Course code

MEA–MEA-ATC; TIAR-ATC (Dioplóma Iarchéime)

Course Outline

Tá an clár seo bunaithe ar an gCéim Mháistreachta Eorpach in Ateangaireacht Chomhdhála, clár a forbraíodh i gcomhar le hinstitiúidí an Aontais Eorpaigh. Is gá go mbeadh iarchéim san ateangaireacht ag duine le tabhairt faoi na scrúduithe ateangaireachta idirnáisiúnta agus is é seo an t-aon chlár dá leithéid in Éirinn.

Curriculum Information

Curriculum information relates to the current academic year (in most cases).
Course and module offerings and details may be subject to change.

Glossary of Terms

You must earn a defined number of credits (aka ECTS) to complete each year of your course. You do this by taking all of its required modules as well as the correct number of optional modules to obtain that year's total number of credits.
An examinable portion of a subject or course, for which you attend lectures and/or tutorials and carry out assignments. E.g. Algebra and Calculus could be modules within the subject Mathematics. Each module has a unique module code eg. MA140.
A module you may choose to study.
A module that you must study if you choose this course (or subject).
Most courses have 2 semesters (aka terms) per year.

Year 1 (90 Credits)

RequiredAT126: Tráchtas / Thesis

15 months long | Credits: 30

  • Research (100%)
The above information outlines module AT126: "Tráchtas / Thesis" and is valid from 2018 onwards.
Note: Module offerings and details may be subject to change.

RequiredAT129: An tAontas Eorpach / The European Union

Semester 1 | Credits: 5

Examination of the institutions, procedures and functions of the European Union. Léargas ar ar institiúidí, nósanna imeachta agus feidhmeanna an Aontais Eorpaigh.
(Language of instruction: English)

Learning Outcomes
  1. An understanding of the role, structure and functionality of the E.U. / Tuiscint ar ról, struchtúr agus feidhmiúlacht an A.E.
  2. An analysis of the Union’s role and that of the National Governments to fully understand their policies and common activities. / Anailís ar ról an Aontais agus ról na Rialtas Náisiúnta chun tuiscint a fháil ar a gcuid beartas agus comhghníomhaíochtaí.
  3. An understanding of European current affairs. / Tuiscint ar chúrsaí reatha na hEorpa.
  4. A study visit in collaboration with the European Union ~Institutions where the interpretation skills and knowledge of institutions and organisations acquired are used. / Cuairt staidéir i gcomhar leis an Aontas Eorpach ~ Institiúidí ina n-úsáidtear eolas ar na hinstitiúidí agus na heagraíochtaí don scil praiticiúil.
  5. Application of EU knowledge in order to present and/or interpret speeches of a technical nature on EU policy and procedure. / Eolas ar an AE a chur i bhfeidhm d’fhonn ateangaireacht/cur i láthair a dheánamh ar ábhar teicniúil bunaithe ar bheartas agus nósanna imeachta an AE.
  • Oral, Audio Visual or Practical Assessment (25%)
  • Department-based Assessment (75%)
Reading List
  1. "How the European Union works : your guide to the EU institutions." by European Commission
    ISBN: 978-92-79-255.
    Publisher: Luxembourg : Publications Office
The above information outlines module AT129: "An tAontas Eorpach / The European Union" and is valid from 2020 onwards.
Note: Module offerings and details may be subject to change.

RequiredAT130: Modheolaíochtaí Taighde / Research Methodology

Semester 1 | Credits: 5

To provide a theoretical underpinning for the research process; to encourage a systematic approach to research; and to develop practical research skills. It aims to provide insight into the range of qualitative methodologies (ethnographical and case study research) available to the researcher and to develop participants’ practical research skills in the design, conduct and analysis of qualitative research. It also aims to provide an insight into quantitative methodologies, particularly in experimental and survey research. It explores the issues of research design, sampling, data collection and analysis involved in quantitative methodologies. It highlights important data validity and reliability issues, as well as several ethical issues that can arise. Buntaca teoiriciúil a sholáthar don phróiseas taighde; cur chuige córasach i leith taighde a spreagadh; agus scileanna taighde praiticiúla a fhorbairt. Tá sé mar aidhm aige léargas a thabhairt ar an raon modheolaíochtaí cáilíochtúla (taighde eitneagrafaíochta agus cás-staidéir) atá ar fáil don taighdeoir agus scileanna taighde praiticiúla na rannpháirtithe a fhorbairt maidir le taighde cáilíochtúil a dhearadh, a stiúradh agus a anailísiú. Tá sé mar aidhm aige freisin léargas a thabhairt ar mhodheolaíochtaí cainníochtúla, go háirithe i dtaighde turgnamhach agus suirbhé. Scrúdaíonn sé na saincheisteanna a bhaineann le dearadh taighde, sampláil, bailiú sonraí agus anailís a bhaineann le modheolaíochtaí cainníochtúla. Leagann sé béim ar shaincheisteanna bailíochta agus iontaofachta sonraí, chomh maith le roinnt saincheisteanna eiticiúla a d'fhéadfadh teacht chun cinn.
(Language of instruction: English)

Learning Outcomes
  1. Define their research question(s) / A gceist(eanna) taighde a shainiú.
  2. Select (and justify their choice of) an appropriate research methodology / Modheolaíocht taighde chuí a roghnú (agus a rogha a chosaint).
  3. Select (and justify their choice of) data collection methods / Modhanna bailithe sonraí a roghnú (agus a rogha a chosaint).
  4. Design qualitative and quantitative data collection instruments / Uirlisí bailithe sonraí cáilíochtúla agus cainníochtúla a dhearadh.
  5. Analyse qualitative and quantitative data using appropriate techniques / Anailís a dhéanamh ar shonraí cáilíochtúla agus cainníochtúla ag úsáid teicnící cuí.
  6. Identify and incorporate appropriate ethical procedures to the research process / Nósanna imeachta eiticiúla cuí a shainaithint agus a úsáid sa phróiseas taighde.
  • Continuous Assessment (100%)
Reading List
  1. "Doing your Research Project: a guide for first-time researchers in education, health and social science" by Bell, J
    Publisher: Open University Press
  2. "Social research methods" by Bryman, A.
    Publisher: Oxford University Press
  3. "Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches" by Creswell, J.
    Publisher: CA: Sage
The above information outlines module AT130: "Modheolaíochtaí Taighde / Research Methodology" and is valid from 2022 onwards.
Note: Module offerings and details may be subject to change.

RequiredAT121: Ateangaireacht Leantach I / Consecutive Interpreting I

Semester 1 and Semester 2 | Credits: 10

Students will be introduced to consecutive interpreting through specific listening exercises and will proceed from short consecutive speeches with and without note taking to technical speeches (>5 minutes). / Díreoidh an modúl seo ar bhunscileanna na hateangaireachta leantaí a fhorbairt. Díreofar ar cheachtanna éisteachta sainiúla agus óráidí bunúsacha ar dtús, gan nótaí. Le cabhair ó scileanna breactha nótaí tabharfar faoi óráidí teicniúla (>5 nóiméad).

Learning Outcomes
  1. Examine and develop the interpreter’s basic memory and analysis skills. / Scrúdófar agus forbrófar córchuimhne bhunúsach agus scileanna anailíse na hateangaire.
  2. Gain oversight of note taking techniques prescribed for successful consecutive interpreting. / Tabharfar léargas ginearálta ar scileanna breactha nótaí d’ateangaireacht leantach rathúil.
  3. Develop a personalised and reliable note taking system. / Forbrófar córas iontaofa ar leith um bhreacadh nótaí.
  4. Use note taking skills to interpret fluently and accurately on both general and technical subjects, seen and unseen for an audience. / Bainfear leas as na scileanna breactha nótaí ar leith chun ateangaireacht líofa, iontaofa, a dhéanamh ar ábhair ghinearálta agus theicniúla: ábhair ainmnithe agus nach bhfacthas cheana.
  • Oral, Audio Visual or Practical Assessment (100%)
Reading List
  1. "Consecutive Interpreting" by Andrew Gillies
    ISBN: 9781138123236.
    Publisher: Translation Practices Explained
  2. "Conference interpreting explained" by Roderick Jones
    ISBN: 1900650576.
    Publisher: St Jerome Pub
  3. "Interpretation" by James Nolan
    ISBN: 1853597910.
    Publisher: Multilingual Matters Ltd
  4. "Técnicas de interpretación consecutiva : la toma de notas : manual para el estudiante" by Clara Bosch March
    ISBN: 9788490450055.
  5. "Conference interpreting : a student's practice book" by Andrew Gillies
    ISBN: 9780415532341.
    Publisher: Routledge
  6. "Conference interpreting : a complete course" by Robin Setton author. Andrew Dawrant author.
    ISBN: 9789027258618.
    Publisher: John Benjamins Publishing Company
The above information outlines module AT121: "Ateangaireacht Leantach I / Consecutive Interpreting I" and is valid from 2020 onwards.
Note: Module offerings and details may be subject to change.

RequiredAT122: Ateangaireacht Chomhuaineach I / Simultaneous Interpreting I

Semester 1 and Semester 2 | Credits: 15

This module aims to develop the skills that will enable students to listen to, understand, analyse a speech in a source language and simultaneously interpret this a speech fluently, conveying the speaker’s message in their target language. / Scileanna a fhorbairt chun éisteacht, tuiscint, anailís ar luas a dhéanamh ar óráid agus léiriú líofa iontaofa den bhrí a sholáthair sa sprioctheanga go comhuaineach.

Learning Outcomes
  1. Self-assess the strengths and weaknesses of an interpreting performance. / Féinmheasúnú a dhéanamh ar fheidhmiú na hateangaireachta. Láidreachtaí agus laigí san iarracht a aithint.
  2. Display an understanding of simultaneous interpreting techniques as well as professional etiquette, ethics, booth behaviour and team interaction. / Tuiscint ar theicnící na hateangaireachta comhuainigh a léiriú, chomh maith le béasaí oibre, nósanna na gairme, cúrsaí eitice agus comhar foirne.
  3. Actively listen to, understand, analyse a non technical speech in a source language and simultaneously interpret this speech fluently, conveying the speaker’s message in a target language. / Scileanna a fhorbairt chun éisteacht, tuiscint, anailís ar luas a dhéanamh ar ghnáth óráid agus ateangaireacht chomhuaineach, líofa, iontaofa a sholáthair ar bhrí an chainteora sa sprioctheanga.
  4. Actively listen to, understand, analyse a technical speech in a source language and simultaneously interpret this speech fluently, conveying the speaker’s message in a target language. Perform a fluent and accurate simultaneous interpretation of this technical speech. / Scileanna a fhorbairt chun éisteacht, tuiscint, anailís ar luas a dhéanamh ar óráid theicniúil agus sainiúil chun ateangaireacht chomhuaineach, líofa, iontaofa a sholáthair ar bhrí an chainteora sa sprioctheanga.
  • Oral, Audio Visual or Practical Assessment (100%)
Reading List
  1. "Interpreting for International Conferences" by Danica Seleskovitch
    ISBN: 0960568638.
    Publisher: Pen & Booth
  2. "The Origins of Simultaneous Interpretation" by Francesca Gaiba
    ISBN: 0776604570.
    Publisher: University of Ottawa Press
  3. "Inference and Anticipation in Simultaneous Interpreting" by G. V. Chernov
    ISBN: 9027216630.
    Publisher: John Benjamins Publishing
  4. "Interpreters at the United Nations. A history" by Jesús Baigorri Jalón
    ISBN: 8478006435.
    Publisher: Universidad de Salamanca
  5. "The Routledge Handbook of Interpreting" by Holly Mikkelson,Renee Jourdenais
    ISBN: 9780415811668.
    Publisher: Routledge
  6. "Self-preservation in Simultaneous Interpreting" by Claudia Monacelli
    ISBN: 9027224285.
    Publisher: John Benjamins Publishing
  7. "Interpreters Vs Machines" by Jonathan Downie
    ISBN: 9781138586437.
    Publisher: Routledge
The above information outlines module AT122: "Ateangaireacht Chomhuaineach I / Simultaneous Interpreting I" and is valid from 2020 onwards.
Note: Module offerings and details may be subject to change.

OptionalAT123: Ateangaireacht Leantach II / Consecutive Interpreting II

Semester 1 and Semester 2 | Credits: 10

Students will be introduced to consecutive interpreting through specific listening exercises and will proceed from short consecutive speeches with and without note taking to technical speeches (>5 minutes). / Díreoidh an modúl seo ar bhunscileanna na hateangaireachta leantaí a fhorbairt. Díreofar ar cheachtanna éisteachta sainiúla agus óráidí bunúsacha ar dtús, gan nótaí. Le cabhair ó scileanna breactha nótaí tabharfar faoi óráidí teicniúla (>5 nóiméad).

Learning Outcomes
  1. Examine and develop the interpreter’s basic memory and analysis skills. / Scrúdófar agus forbrófar córchuimhne bhunúsach agus scileanna anailíse na hateangaire.
  2. Gain oversight of note taking techniques prescribed for successful consecutive interpreting. / Tabharfar léargas ginearálta ar scileanna breactha nótaí d’ateangaireacht leantach rathúil.
  3. Develop a personalised and reliable note taking system. / Forbrófar córas iontaofa ar leith um bhreacadh nótaí.
  4. Use note taking skills to interpret fluently and accurately on both general and technical subjects, seen and unseen for an audience. / Bainfear leas as na scileanna breactha nótaí ar leith chun ateangaireacht líofa, iontaofa, a dhéanamh ar ábhair ghinearálta agus theicniúla: ábhair ainmnithe agus nach bhfacthas cheana.
  • Oral, Audio Visual or Practical Assessment (100%)
Reading List
  1. "Conference Interpreting" by Andrew Gillies
    ISBN: 9780415532341.
  2. "Consecutive Interpreting" by Andrew Gillies
    ISBN: 9781138123236.
    Publisher: Translation Practices Explained
  3. "Interpretation" by James Nolan
    ISBN: 1853597910.
    Publisher: Multilingual Matters Ltd
  4. "Conference interpreting explained" by Roderick Jones
    ISBN: 1900650576.
    Publisher: St Jerome Pub
  5. "Técnicas de interpretación consecutiva : la toma de notas : manual para el estudiante" by Clara Bosch March
    ISBN: 9788490450055.
  6. "Abairt ar abairt : advanced irish vocabulary" by n/a
    ISBN: 0992646006.
    Publisher: Cló an Leasa
  7. "Interpreting for International Conferences" by Danica Seleskovitch
    ISBN: 0960568638.
    Publisher: Pen & Booth
  8. "Interpréter pour traduire" by Danica Seleskovitch
    ISBN: 2864600528.
    Publisher: Didier-Erudition
  9. "Introducing Interpreting Studies" by Franz Pöchhacker
    ISBN: 9780203504802.
    Publisher: Routledge
The above information outlines module AT123: "Ateangaireacht Leantach II / Consecutive Interpreting II" and is valid from 2020 onwards.
Note: Module offerings and details may be subject to change.

OptionalAT124: Ateangaireacht Chomhuaineach II / Simultaneous Interpreting II

Semester 1 and Semester 2 | Credits: 15

This module aims to develop the skills that will enable students to listen to, understand, analyse a speech in a source language and simultaneously interpret this a speech fluently, conveying the speaker’s message in their target language. / Scileanna a fhorbairt chun éisteacht, tuiscint, anailís ar luas a dhéanamh ar óráid agus léiriú líofa iontaofa den bhrí a sholáthair sa sprioctheanga go comhuaineach.

Learning Outcomes
  1. Self-assess the strengths and weaknesses of an interpreting performance. / Féin mheasúnú a dhéanamh ar fheidhmiú na hateangaireachta. Láidreachtaí agus laigí san iarracht a aithint.
  2. Display an understanding of simultaneous interpreting techniques as well as professional etiquette, ethics, booth behaviour and team interaction. / Tuiscint ar theicnící na hateangaireachta comhuainigh a léiriú, chomh maith le béasaí oibre, nósanna na gairme, cúrsaí eitice agus comhar foirne.
  3. Actively listen to, understand, analyse a non technical speech in a source language and simultaneously interpret this speech fluently, conveying the speaker’s message in a target language. / Scileanna a fhorbairt chun éisteacht, tuiscint, anailís ar luas a dhéanamh ar ghnáth óráid agus ateangaireacht chomhuaineach, líofa, iontaofa a sholáthair ar bhrí an chainteora sa sprioctheanga.
  4. Actively listen to, understand, analyse a technical speech in a source language and simultaneously interpret this speech fluently, conveying the speaker’s message in a target language. Perform a fluent and accurate simultaneous interpretation of this technical speech. / Scileanna a fhorbairt chun éisteacht, tuiscint, anailís ar luas a dhéanamh ar óráid theicniúil agus sainiúil chun ateangaireacht chomhuaineach, líofa, iontaofa a sholáthair ar bhrí an chainteora sa sprioctheanga.
  • Oral, Audio Visual or Practical Assessment (100%)
Reading List
  1. "Interpreters at the United Nations. A history" by Jesús Baigorri Jalón
    ISBN: 8478006435.
    Publisher: Universidad de Salamanca
  2. "The Origins of Simultaneous Interpretation" by Francesca Gaiba
    ISBN: 0776604570.
    Publisher: University of Ottawa Press
  3. "Self-preservation in Simultaneous Interpreting" by Claudia Monacelli
    ISBN: 9027224285.
    Publisher: John Benjamins Publishing
  4. "Inference and Anticipation in Simultaneous Interpreting" by G. V. Chernov
    ISBN: 9027216630.
    Publisher: John Benjamins Publishing
The above information outlines module AT124: "Ateangaireacht Chomhuaineach II / Simultaneous Interpreting II" and is valid from 2020 onwards.
Note: Module offerings and details may be subject to change.

OptionalAT127: Ateangaireacht Leantach III / Consecutive Interpreting III

Semester 1 and Semester 2 | Credits: 10

Students will be introduced to consecutive interpreting through specific listening exercises and will proceed from short consecutive speeches with and without note taking to technical speeches (>5 minutes). / Díreoidh an modúl seo ar bhunscileanna na hateangaireachta leantaí a fhorbairt. Díreofar ar cheachtanna éisteachta sainiúla agus óráidí bunúsacha ar dtús, gan nótaí. Le cabhair ó scileanna breactha nótaí tabharfar faoi óráidí teicniúla (>5 nóiméad).

Learning Outcomes
  1. Examine and develop the interpreter’s basic memory and analysis skills. / Scrúdófar agus forbrófar córchuimhne bhunúsach agus scileanna anailíse na hateangaire.
  2. Gain oversight of note taking techniques prescribed for successful consecutive interpreting. / Tabharfar léargas ginearálta ar scileanna breactha nótaí d’ateangaireacht leantach rathúil.
  3. Develop a personalised and reliable note taking system. / Forbrófar córas iontaofa ar leith um bhreacadh nótaí.
  4. Use note taking skills to interpret fluently and accurately on both general and technical subjects, seen and unseen for an audience. / Bainfear leas as na scileanna breactha nótaí ar leith chun ateangaireacht líofa, iontaofa, a dhéanamh ar ábhair ghinearálta agus theicniúla: ábhair ainmnithe agus nach bhfacthas cheana.
  • Oral, Audio Visual or Practical Assessment (100%)
Reading List
  1. "Conference Interpreting" by Andrew Gillies
    ISBN: 9780415532341.
  2. "Consecutive Interpreting" by Andrew Gillies
    ISBN: 9781138123236.
    Publisher: Translation Practices Explained
  3. "Interpretation" by James Nolan
    ISBN: 1853597910.
    Publisher: Multilingual Matters Ltd
  4. "Conference interpreting explained" by Roderick Jones
    ISBN: 1900650576.
    Publisher: St Jerome Pub
  5. "Conference Interpreting" by Valerie Taylor-Bouladon,David H. Barrett,Pieter Bruegel
    ISBN: 1419660691.
    Publisher: Booksurge Llc
  6. "Conference Interpreting" by Yves Gambier,Daniel Gile,Christopher Taylor
    ISBN: 9789027216267.
    Publisher: John Benjamins Publishing
The above information outlines module AT127: "Ateangaireacht Leantach III / Consecutive Interpreting III" and is valid from 2020 onwards.
Note: Module offerings and details may be subject to change.

OptionalAT128: Ateangaireacht Chomhuaineach III / Simultaneous Interpreting III

Semester 1 and Semester 2 | Credits: 15

This module aims to develop the skills that will enable students to listen to, understand, analyse a speech in a source language and simultaneously interpret this a speech fluently, conveying the speaker’s message in their target language. / Scileanna a fhorbairt chun éisteacht, tuiscint, anailís ar luas a dhéanamh ar óráid agus léiriú líofa iontaofa den bhrí a sholáthair sa sprioctheanga go comhuaineach.

Learning Outcomes
  1. Self-assess the strengths and weaknesses of an interpreting performance. / Féinmheasúnú a dhéanamh ar fheidhmiú na hateangaireachta. Láidreachtaí agus laigí san iarracht a aithint.
  2. Display an understanding of simultaneous interpreting techniques as well as professional etiquette, ethics, booth behaviour and team interaction. / Tuiscint ar theicnící na hateangaireachta comhuainigh a léiriú, chomh maith le béasaí oibre, nósanna na gairme, cúrsaí eitice agus comhar foirne.
  3. Actively listen to, understand, analyse a non technical speech in a source language and simultaneously interpret this speech fluently, conveying the speaker’s message in a target language. / Scileanna a fhorbairt chun éisteacht, tuiscint, anailís ar luas a dhéanamh ar ghnáth óráid agus ateangaireacht chomhuaineach, líofa, iontaofa a sholáthair ar bhrí an chainteora sa sprioctheanga.
  4. Actively listen to, understand, analyse a technical speech in a source language and simultaneously interpret this speech fluently, conveying the speaker’s message in a target language. Perform a fluent and accurate simultaneous interpretation of this technical speech. / Scileanna a fhorbairt chun éisteacht, tuiscint, anailís ar luas a dhéanamh ar óráid theicniúil agus sainiúil chun ateangaireacht chomhuaineach, líofa, iontaofa a sholáthair ar bhrí an chainteora sa sprioctheanga.
  • Oral, Audio Visual or Practical Assessment (100%)
Reading List
  1. "Interpreters at the United Nations. A history" by Jesús Baigorri Jalón
    ISBN: 8478006435.
    Publisher: Universidad de Salamanca
  2. "The Origins of Simultaneous Interpretation" by Francesca Gaiba
    ISBN: 0776604570.
    Publisher: University of Ottawa Press
  3. "Self-preservation in Simultaneous Interpreting" by Claudia Monacelli
    ISBN: 9027224285.
    Publisher: John Benjamins Publishing
The above information outlines module AT128: "Ateangaireacht Chomhuaineach III / Simultaneous Interpreting III" and is valid from 2020 onwards.
Note: Module offerings and details may be subject to change.

Why Choose This Course?

Career Opportunities

Is gá cáilíocht iarchéime ateangaireachta a bheith bainte amach agat chun na scrúduithe idir-institiúideacha AE a dhéanamh. Tá poist mhaithe ateangaireachta le fáil ar fud an domhain go háirithe in institiúidí an AE. Tá obair le fáil d’ateangairí ní hamháin sna hinstitiúidí móra go hidirnáisiúnta ach anseo in Éirinn freisin; éilítear seirbhísí ateangaireachta ag comhdhálacha, tionóil agus féilte. Tá céimithe an chúrsa ag obair in institiúid an AE agus na NA chomh maith le hinstitiúidí móra eile go hidirnáisiúnta chomh maith le tithe an Oireachtais anseo in Éirinn. 

Who’s Suited to This Course

Learning Outcomes

Transferable Skills Employers Value

Work Placement

Study Abroad

Related Student Organisations

Course Fees

Fees: EU

€7,640 p.a. (including levy) 2024/25

Fees: Tuition

€7,500 p.a. 2024/25

Fees: Student levy

€140 p.a. 2024/25

Fees: Non EU

€18,500 p.a. (18,640 including levy) 2024/25

Tá mic léinn i dteideal cur isteach ar dheontas ó DG Interpretation ag

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Breda Ní Mhaoláin |   Dioplóma Iarchéime Ateangaireacht Chomhdhála

Is gairm bheatha uathúil í an Ateangaireacht Chomhdhála mar tá an deis agamsa anois a bheith ag plé leis an dá rud is mó a thaitníonn liom: teangacha agus cumarsáid! Bhain mé an-taitneamh as an Dioplóma Iarchéime san Ateangaireacht Chomhdhála mar go raibh sé praiticiúil agus gur fhoghlaim mé na scileanna cuí atá ábhartha d’obair an ateangaire comhdhála. Anuas ar an oiliúint ateangaireachta, dhírigh muid ar chúrsaí reatha agus nithe eile is gá a thuiscint más rud é gur mian leat bheith i d’ateangaire rathúil, ag an leibhéal is airde, sna hinstitiúidí idirnáisiúnta. Ar chríochnú an chúrsa dom, ní hé an saol céanna atá agam ar chor ar bith! Ní hamháin gur Ateangaire Comhdhála creidiúnaithe mé ag ateangaireacht ag an leibhéal is airde, in institiúidí an A.E., ach anois is Aistritheoir/Ateangaire Comhdhála mé ag obair san institiúid is tábhachtaí in Éirinn, an pharlaimint náisiúnta, ag ateangaireacht gach lá i nDáil Éireann agus Seanad Éireann.