Course Overview

The aims of the Master of Science in Midwifery (Advanced Practice Midwifery) programme are to enable experienced registered midwives to develop an expert knowledge base, complex decision-making skills, and clinical competencies for an expanded autonomous scope of practice. The finite characteristics are shaped by the: context in which the individual practices; the needs of women and people; and the challenges and developments within the health services. 

The programme is designed to prepare the students as advanced autonomous practitioners, who are clinically competent and skilled in the delivery of high quality direct care to specific women/client group. In particular, the Advanced Midwife Practitioner will promote wellness, offer healthcare interventions and advocate healthy lifestyle choices for women/people, their families and carers in a wide variety of settings in collaboration with other healthcare professionals, according to agreed scope of practice guidelines.   

The programme further aims to support the students to expand their role as autonomous members of the multidisciplinary healthcare team within the healthcare organisation and professional leaders in their field of specialist practice. The graduates, equipped with such knowledge and advanced skills will be eligible to apply to the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI) for registration as a Registered Advanced Midwife Practitioner (RAMP).  

This broad based 2 year MSc includes modules pertaining to nurse and midwife prescribing, research, advanced practice and management. In addition, there are 2 clinical competency assessment modules – 96 hours pertaining to prescribing and 500 hours to advanced practice clinical mentorship. 

Scholarships available 
Find out about our Postgraduate Scholarships here. 

Applications and Selections

Please note the application portal for this particular course is currently closed. 
The portal will re-open to accept applications for the above programme on the 1st April 2025, and will remain open until 30th June 2025. Applications for September 2023 intake will be accepted during these dates. Please note no applications will be accepted after this date. 
Applicants will be reviewed in tranches and you will be communicated with in due course on receipt of your completed application. Earlier and fully completed applications will be prioritised. Please ensure you have all requirements for your application as incomplete applications will not be considered. For reconsideration, applicants will have to reapply incurring reapplication costs. 

Applications are made online via the University of Galway Postgraduate Applications System. 

Who Teaches this Course

See the full staff list here. 

Dr Linda Biesty
M.Sc. B.Sc. PgDip
Senior Lecturer
School of Nursing and Midwifery
University of Galway
View Profile
Ms Lisa Glynn
B.Sc., M.Sc
Lecturer Above The Bar
View Profile
Dr Maura Dowling
MSc,BNs,RNT,RGN,RM Cert Oncology,PhD
View Profile
Dr Catherine Houghton
View Profile
Ms Collette Kirwan
BNS. H.Dip., MS, SRN
Lecturer Above The Bar
General Practice
University of Galway
View Profile
Miss Heather Helen
BSc, MSc
Lecturer - Contract Type A
School of Nursing & Midwifery
University of Galway
View Profile
Mr Bernard McCarthy
RGN, R.N.M.H, Bsc, Msc
View Profile
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Dr Duygu Sezgin
B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD
Lecturer above the bar
School of Nursing and Midwifery
Aras Moyola
University of Galway
View Profile

Requirements and Assessment

Students are assessed using a variety of methodologies including MCQ, OSCE, Assignment, Portfolio, Case Study.

Key Facts

Entry Requirements

Please note to be eligible to apply you need to: 

  1. Be registered as a midwife on the register of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI)
  2. Have a minimum of an honours primary degree in Midwifery or equivalent 
  3. Be currently employed as a nurse or midwife and in the areas of practice that you plan to undertake your Advance Practice Programme 
  4. Have support of both a Professional (DOM/N, ADOM/N/Practice Manager) and Clinical (medical consultant or general practitioner) Mentor for 500 hours of clinical mentorship, evidenced by a completed Site Declaration Form 
  5. Written commitment/memo of understanding or equivalent from the Director of Midwifery to support the student during the clinical practicum and to nominate a suitably qualified practitioner to act as a clinical supervisor during the student's clinical learning experience 
  6. Comply with current minimum entry requirements for admission to the programme of education for midwife prescribing. This includes:  
  • Have a minimum of three years’ recent post-registration clinical experience in nursing or midwifery (within the last five years)  
  • Have equivalent of ‘one year’ full time experience in the specific area of clinical practice that you will beprescribing and practicing in 
  • Possess the competencies recognised at Level 8 of the National Framework of Qualifications; 
  • Provide evidence of having undertaken continuing professional education
  • Have support of both a Professional (DOM/N, ADOM/N/Practice Manager) and Clinical (medical consultant or general practitioner) Mentor for 96 hours of clinical mentorship, evidenced by a completed Site Declaration Form. 

Additional Requirements

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)


2 years, part-time

Next start date

September 2025

A Level Grades ()

Average intake


QQI/FET FETAC Entry Routes

Closing Date

No set closing date. Offers are made on a continuous basis.

NFQ level

Mode of study

ECTS weighting




Course code


Course Outline

Curriculum information is below.  

Curriculum Information

Curriculum information relates to the current academic year (in most cases).
Course and module offerings and details may be subject to change.

Glossary of Terms

You must earn a defined number of credits (aka ECTS) to complete each year of your course. You do this by taking all of its required modules as well as the correct number of optional modules to obtain that year's total number of credits.
An examinable portion of a subject or course, for which you attend lectures and/or tutorials and carry out assignments. E.g. Algebra and Calculus could be modules within the subject Mathematics. Each module has a unique module code eg. MA140.
Some courses allow you to choose subjects, where related modules are grouped together. Subjects have their own required number of credits, so you must take all that subject's required modules and may also need to obtain the remainder of the subject's total credits by choosing from its available optional modules.
A module you may choose to study.
A module that you must study if you choose this course (or subject).
Required Core Subject
A subject you must study because it's integral to that course.
Most courses have 2 semesters (aka terms) per year, so a three-year course will have six semesters in total. For clarity, this page will refer to the first semester of year 2 as 'Semester 3'.

Why Choose This Course?

Career Opportunities

Students who successfully complete this programme are eligible to apply to the Nursing & Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI) for register as an Advanced Midwife Practitioner (RAMP). 

Who’s Suited to This Course

Learning Outcomes

Transferable Skills Employers Value

Work Placement

Study Abroad

Related Student Organisations

Course Fees

Fees: EU

€6,000 p.a. (including levy) 2025/26

Fees: Tuition

€6,000 p.a. 2025/26

Fees: Student levy

Fees: Non EU

Find out More

Ms Heather Helen 

Programme Director 

T: +353 91 495601 




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