TreelinedThe School of Political Science and Sociology offers supervision in a wide range of research fields spanning the four research clusters.  There are three main routes for students undertaking post-graduate research:  Structured PhD, Traditional PhD, and MLitt.

A PhD is a piece of independent research undertaken by an advanced post-graduate student under the supervision of an academic supervisor and a Graduate Research Committee (GRC) over a period of 3-6 years. PhD research aims to develop significantly knowledge and understanding of the chosen topic and to add a new dimension to existing scholarship in the field. A PhD is a major undertaking; prospective students should demonstrate the interest, commitment and ability to advance knowledge in their chosen field.‌

The School of Political Science and Sociology offers two Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programmes:

Students considering doing a postgraduate course are strongly recommended to seek advice from the university's Careers Service.

An M.Litt is a route to a Master's qualification by dissertation only.  The thesis is shorter than a PhD, and is usually done over one or two years.  M.Litt research is meant to demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the area.  Admission to a research degree by M.Litt is at the discretion of the research committee of the School, and is based on a proposal from the applicant following discussion with the member of staff whose academic area of interest is most appropriate.