Enlight Summer School 2024

Tuesday, 18 June 2024

Summer School Trip to Inis Oírr 2024

‘Sustainable and Equitable Transitions’ Summer School was hosted in Galway last month where we welcomed 20 students from 6 ENLIGHT partner universities in addition to having 10 University of Galway postgraduate students participating. This module is a partnership between the School of Sociology and Political Science and the School of Geography, Archaeology, and Irish Studies.

 Given the need to implement ambitious environmental and climate objectives and move towards carbon neutrality, a circular economy, cleaner air, cleaner transport and sustainable consumption, this postgraduate, interdisciplinary summer school explored how sustainable transitions can be advanced with equitable distribution of benefits and burdens.  Students took part in lectures, workshop sessions and a one-day field trip to Inis Oírr. Feedback from students was extremely positive particularly from our own University of Galway international students who welcomed the opportunity to discuss these important issues with their ENLIGHT peers from across Europe (some pictures attached).

A particular thank you to Hanna-Kaisa Hoppania and Una Murray for their leadership on this module, in creating an impressive interdisciplinary programme for a second successive year combining a team of local contributors with academic inputs from University of Bordeaux and Ghent University.

Keywords: Undegraduate.

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