Congratulation to recent BA Government graduates, Lisa Basquel and Laoise Byrne

Thursday, 25 April 2024

Congratulation to recent BA Government graduates, Lisa Basquel and Laoise Byrne

Congratulation to recent BA Government graduates, Lisa Basquel and Laoise Byrne who were accepted onto the Washing Ireland Program 2024.

The School of Political Science and Sociology is enormously proud of both Lisa and Laoise and wish them every success into the future.

"We are incredibly delighted to be representing the BA Government course on the Washington Ireland Program class of 2024. The support we received throughout our undergraduate degree was instrumental in navigating our studies and extra-curricular activities and our four years on the programme has opened up so many opportunities for us now as we navigate our postgraduate careers. We are very grateful to the School of Political Science and Sociology in the University of Galway and in particular our course director, Lisa Walshe, for all the help and encouragement over the years" Lisa and Laoise

Keywords: Political Science.

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