Outgoing students


Erasmus+ is the European Union's programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport. The 2021-2027 Erasmus+ is more inclusive, more digital, and more green. It has opportunities for all ages, and more choice for organisations. https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/

Under it, students and staff at the University of Galway will continue to have a range of opportunities to study, train or teach abroad. https://www.universityofgalway.ie/erasmus-programme/outgoingstudents/

Between second and final year, almost all students avail of the opportunity to spend an additional year (B.A. International) studying both their subjects at a German university. German at University of Galway currently has exchange agreements with Augsburg, Bamberg, Berlin, Bochum, Dresden, Frankfurt, Freiburg, Karlsruhe, Kassel, Leipzig, Mainz and Würzburg.      

Here is more information on the requirement for a period abroad when studying a language before entering Final Year.

Period Abroad Requirement to enter Final Year


DAAD Funding for Study and Research in Germany

The DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) promotes international academic relations and cooperation, particularly through exchange programmes for students and academic staff. DAAD grants are not only available for students and staff of German, but for a wide variety of academic programmes at German universities, Fachhochschulen and colleges of art and music. For information about research and scholarship opportunities, applications and language certificates please contact Antonia Musolff, the German Department’s DAAD-Lektorin.

Find out more about DAAD and also about grant information sessions

Among the most popular DAAD scholarships for Irish students, there are:

University summer course grants for advanced students (open to undergraduate students of all disciplines)

Every year German universities offer a broad range of three- to four-week summer language courses which, in addition to extensive language teaching, focus on literary, cultural, political and economic aspects of modern and contemporary Germany. Undergraduate students of all disciplines are eligible to apply.

Value: financial contribution towards course fees and accommodation.

Contact:  antonia.musolff@universityofgalway.ie

One-year grants for undergraduate degree-course students of German at Irish universities

The scheme is intended for second-year Irish students of German or European Studies who wish to spend their third year in Germany and who can submit a well-defined project for the year abroad.

Value: monthly payment and lump sum towards travel.

Contact: antonia.musolff@universityofgalway.ie

One-year grants for graduate students  (open for students of all disciplines)

This scholarship provides funds for graduating or graduate students for postgraduate studies and/or research at any German university, Fachhochschule, research institute, music academy or art college for one academic year.

Value: monthly payment and lump sum towards travel.

Contact: antonia.musolff@universityofgalway.ie

One to six month research grants for PhD students and junior scholars (open to all disciplines)

The grants are offered to enable well-advanced PhD students and recent PhDs to carry out dissertation or post-doctoral research at libraries, archives, institutes or laboratories in Germany for a period of one to six months.

Value:  monthly payment plus an initial extra payment towards travel.

Seven to ten month grants for PhD students and junior scholars (open to all disciplines)

This scholarship provides funds for doctoral or post-doctoral students to do research at any German university, Fachhochschule, research institute, music academy or art college for between seven months and one academic year. The stay at a German institution of higher education should be for the undertaking of PhD or post-doctoral work in Germany.

Value:  monthly payment plus an initial extra payment and lump sum towards travel.
